A Howl for a Highlander

Page 26

“Ice cubes?”

“Aye. I cannot fathom why Americans drink tea with ice cubes in it, but…” He shrugged.

She smiled. “That’s because it’s hot in places like Texas in the summer and hot drinks aren’t as appealing.”

“I could show you our gardens.”

“I’d love to see them, but what about the cost of lodging at Argent Castle? I couldn’t afford it.”

“I’m sure we could come up with some mutually agreeable arrangement.”

She wondered just what that would entail. Her grandmother had always warned her about Highland wolves.

But she’d never said anything about a wolf like Duncan.

Chapter 11

After Duncan and Shelley returned to the villa to shower and get ready to go back to the reserve, she went off to the guest bedroom, and he planned to call Ian. She still didn’t want to leave the island until she’d finished her work there, but she said she’d be thrilled to accompany him to Scotland to see his gardens. He was glad about that and wished they hadn’t had the misunderstanding at the restaurant over where he’d intended for her to go.

At this point, he wanted her to meet his family and to see if she could tolerate his mother, who would not allow anyone to speak unkindly of the clan. Most likely Shelley would tell just how she and her family felt about the nobility and the resettling of the crofters. His mother would not be pleased, and she would let Shelley know it.

For now, though, he just wanted Shelley safe.

“Ian,” he said, as soon as his brother answered the phone.

Ian sounded worried. “What’s wrong, Duncan?”

“Silverman wants her, damn it.”

“Send Shelley here.”

“She wants to accompany me home, but only after she’s finished with her work here.” Duncan knew Ian would find her work ethic as admirable as he did, while also realizing she was a stubborn lass.

“I’ll send Cearnach.”

“Aye.” Duncan knew his older brother and he could ensure that Shelley stayed out of harm’s way. But the nagging problem with Shelley’s family needed to be discussed. He hated to bring it up, not sure how his brother would view the news. He cleared the sudden frog in his throat. “Ian, she comes from a family of crofters who were ousted during the Highland Clearances.”

Ian didn’t say anything at first, then finally asked, “She holds this against our family?”

“We did the same to crofters on our land.”

Ian grunted. Then as if he finally realized what Duncan had said earlier, he asked, “Has she agreed to come home with you for good?”

“We… haven’t really discussed that yet.”

“You’re mated?”

“Nay, Ian,” Duncan said, irritated. Why did his brother continue to assume that? “I told you I would tell you if the relationship was headed that way. I don’t even know about her family, her wolf pack. Or whether she’d want to move to Scotland.”

A heavy silence ensued, then Ian said, “All right. I’ll call you later when we know what time Cearnach will be arriving at the airport, and you can pick him up.”


“And, Duncan?” The warning tone was back in Ian’s voice.


“Do not take unnecessary risks. Wait until Cearnach arrives to do anything further where Silverman is concerned.”

“I’ll wait,” Duncan said, but only because he was concerned about Shelley’s safety. Otherwise he was ready to take whatever Silverman might throw at him.

“I’ll call you later,” Ian said.

“Thanks, Ian.” Duncan disconnected and headed for the bathroom to shower, hoping they wouldn’t have any trouble in the forest while Shelley catalogued more of her plants. He also hoped Cearnach wouldn’t make a play for her. His brother had a way with the lasses with his sunny disposition and his air of never being concerned about anything.

Maybe Duncan should tell Ian to send Guthrie instead.


Shelley finished making the reservations for the snorkeling trip to swim with the rays the next day and found Duncan staring out the window at the ocean. He turned when he heard her approach and gave her an anxious look. “Ian’s sending our next eldest brother, Cearnach, to stay with us until you’re finished with your work here and we can leave for Scotland.”

She was so surprised that she stared at him for longer than necessary. Finally she found her tongue and asked, “When?”

“He’s making flight reservations now.”


“It’ll be safer that way.”

Which meant that Duncan was more worried about things getting out of hand with Silverman than he’d let on.

She nodded, but then she smiled. “He can pay half of your half of the cost of the villa.”

He laughed. “All our money goes into one account.”

“Oh. Sure. Wendy, that’s my girlfriend, says most wolf packs do that.”

“You don’t have a wolf pack?” Duncan sounded surprised but at the same time hopeful. If she didn’t have a wolf pack, she might like becoming part of his. On the other hand, she might not be used to being with a pack and have a hard time adjusting. His brothers could be big teases. Especially Cearnach.

“I have a mother and three uncles. It’s sort of an autonomous wolf pack. My uncles never mated, and we lost my father many years ago, so whatever we earn is ours to keep.”

If her pack was loosely tied together, he assumed they wouldn’t mind if she joined his in Scotland.

Then he considered the logistics of their sleeping arrangements here at the villa. That was a more immediate concern and could be a problem when Cearnach arrived. “We’ll have to swap bedrooms. My brother and I will share the twin beds, and you can have the master bedroom again.”

“Tonight we can stay together so I don’t have to hear your footfalls on the stairs all night while you check on me to see if I’m okay.”

He gave her a small smile. It would be his pleasure. But if he stayed with her one night, he was certain he wouldn’t want to give her up for the next… or any other.

“Did Silverman call to arrange a meeting with you while I was in the shower?” she asked.

“No. He’s trying to determine how willing I am to fight him where you are concerned. Ready to go to the reserve before it gets any later?”

“Yes.” She grabbed her backpack and headed for the front door. “I made the reservations for snorkeling with the stingrays for tomorrow afternoon. We can swim in the ocean later in the evening, depending on when your brother gets here.”

“We’ll swim well before he arrives so I can have you to myself. It wouldn’t do for him to see you in that string bikini of yours. I’ve never swum so much in so few days.”

“You have to wear the bathing suit I bought you. I want to see how far it stretches.” She raised a brow and gave him a sinfully wicked smile.

He laughed, and from the way he did, she thought she might have pushed their relationship into something she might not be ready for… yet.

Duncan pulled the door open for her. She stopped dead in the entryway, her heart skipping a beat. The two burly men who had met them in the parking lot after they had disembarked from the pirate ship—and that damned Kenneth—stood in front of them, blocking their exit. All somber faced.

“Our boss insists on seeing you. Alone,” the spokesman of the group said to Duncan. “The little lady can stay here. Kenneth will see to it.” The big man turned to look at her. “Sal only wants to talk privately with him. That’s all. Don’t worry about a thing.”

“I’ll be fine,” Duncan assured her, knowing Sal wouldn’t try to make him disappear. Not if this was all about Sal’s desire to pursue Shelley, and Duncan suspected it was.

“An hour at the most,” the man said.

“I have work to do at the reserve,” Shelley said hotly, as if she didn’t care what any of them did as long as she got her work done.

Duncan wasn’t sure what she had in mind, but he didn’t want her coming to harm at the hands of this Kenneth hothead. Although considering what she could do to Kenneth as a wolf set his mind somewhat at ease.

The spokesman nodded. “Kenneth can go with you.”

Shelley looked to see if Duncan was agreeable. He lowered his head, telling her that he thought it would be safe, and then he left with the other two men.

With her stomach tied in knots, Shelley was so close to stripping out of her clothes, shifting, and then tearing into Kenneth that she had to fight the urge to the marrow of her bones. She thought she could reduce the anger and anxiety flooding her system if she went to the reserve and worked. She wanted to call Duncan’s brother, Ian, to let his clan know that Silverman’s men had forced Duncan to go with them. She was certain Ian would send half the pack to protect his youngest brother. Probably even come himself.

But if she made the call and nothing untoward happened, Duncan would be sorely irritated with her. Especially since the men didn’t sound as if they planned to kill Duncan. They must not realize that Duncan knew about Silverman and the stolen funds.

She cradled her bag in her arms, intending to drive the rental car to the reserve and hoping she wouldn’t get stopped because she didn’t have a special license or insurance to drive on the island. But Kenneth shook his head and made her ride as a passenger.

That made her a little more nervous. She suspected he didn’t want her in control of the car or where they were going.

“What’s this all about?” she demanded as he drove her to the reserve.

“Sal wants to talk to the Scot. That’s all.”

“What about?” she asked again, her tongue sharpening.

He shrugged. “None of my business. Are you going to continue to chase after Sal?” A hint of warning was in his voice, which she thought odd, considering who was chasing after whom in this scenario.

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