A Whisper of Eternity

Chapter 25

Bryansat on the bench of Tower Ten, his gaze sweeping the ocean, the beach. The water, a deep blue-green, was calm, so calm even the diehard surfers had abandoned their boards in favor of a rousing game of volleyball. The rest of the beach was nearly deserted since most of the summer people had closed up their houses and gone back to the city. Only a dozen or so people lived here year-round.

Soon this job would be over until next summer and he'd be back at the Y, teaching kids how to swim in the big indoor pool on weekends and giving classes in self-defense to rich young women during the week. He hoped there would be some interest in his tai chi class.

Turning his head, he glanced up at the bluff, his thoughts naturally turning towardTracy . He wondered what she was doing and what the devil she saw in that vampire creep. Sure, the guy was good-looking and he drove a great car and seemed to have a lot of money, but he was dead, for crying out loud!

Frowning,Bryan recalled that Petrina had put some sort of spell on him there in the vampire bar. Had Dominic put some sort of hex onTracy ? Was that why she was so crazy about the guy, because he'd hypnotized her or something like that? The more he thought about it, the more sense it made. No woman in her right mind would be so enamored of a ghoul if he hadn't worked some kind of witchcraft on her.

How to break the devil'senchantment, that was the question. And he was afraid the only answer was to destroy the vampire. He grunted softly. How best to accomplish the deed? A wooden stake through the heart seemed to be the method preferred byHollywood . He grunted softly. Well, he had a stake. All he needed now was a good, strong hammer. And, just to be on the safe side, maybe he'd better take along an axe to cut off the head.

But first, he had to find out where the bloodsucker slept during the day.
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