About a Dragon

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Chapter One

“Come with me,” he ordered.

Big brown eyes slowly looked up at him in surprise. Then she muttered, almost to herself, “Good gods, the trees have started moving on their own.”


“Nothing. Just referring to your rather…unholy size.”

He glanced down at his human body. He actually found it small, almost puny…like most humans. And he found her downright tiny.

Shaking his head, he decided to figure all that out later.

“Come with me.” He smiled. “I desire to have you.”

How could he not? She was beautiful. Clearly from Alsandair, her soft brown skin told him of many ancestors living under the hot desert suns. Her hair, though, was darker than the few desert people he’d seen over his long lifetime. Almost black and a riot of soft, silky curls, reaching down her back and swaying against what he considered an amazing ass.

“That’s…uh…charming. But I’m almost positive my husband would have a problem with that.” She tried to walk around him, but he stepped in front of her.


“Aye. Husband.”

“The slow-witted one that’s been following you? I thought he was your servant.”

She snorted, then quickly looked down at the ground. Covering her mouth with one small hand, she remained silent for several seconds. Finally, she focused on him again, but he could see the laughter in her eyes. “Yes. That’s the one. But he is my husband. Not my servant. Although some days…” He expected her to be insulted for her mate. She wasn’t. Good. It gave him hope.

“Well, you deserve better than that. You deserve me. So come with me.”

Her smile was slow in coming, but once it turned into a full grin, he thought his weak human knees would give out. He’d never seen anything so beautiful before.

“My, my. That’s a lot of arrogance you have in that very large body. How do you fit your head through doors?”

“I’m arrogant because I know I can offer you more than that rodent? Is that arrogance or honesty?”

She shook her head. “Who are you?”

“Come with me and find out.”

“No. No. I’ll not be traipsing off with any strange knights this day. Although I appreciate the offer.”

She walked around him, muttering to herself, “I’ll have to write this day down in my diary.”

He could let her go. Any other human female he would have. But he found her absolutely fascinating. Maybe it was the way she snarled at the baker who initially refused to serve her. She’d been getting similar treatment all over the market. They all seemed to fear her, but he wasn’t sure why. Magick surrounded her, but it was untapped—almost stagnant. Something a typical human peasant would never know or see. Nor was she marked as a witch like his sister and so many other females with power. Nothing marred that beautiful face. So why they all seemed to hate her, he had no idea.


She stopped and turned to face him. “Yes?”

“You’re not safe here.”

“Well that’s a new approach.”

“I’m not joking. Do you not see it?” He glanced around at the vendors watching them. “They despise you. They fear you.”

He knew fear like that. He saw it every time he flew over a town or spotted a battalion too close to his territory. To be quite honest…he loved that fear.

Her smile faded and she pulled the worn cloak she’d recently put on tighter around her. She deserved better than those ugly clothes. She deserved the finest silks and wool to drape that body.

“You think I don’t already know that? You think you’re telling me something new and shocking?”

“Then why do you stay?”

He saw it. In her eyes. A deep weariness, coupled with fear. “Because I have no choice.”

“You always have a choice.”

“Perhaps knights such as yourself do. But I am not that lucky.”

The one she called husband walked out of the local tavern and glared at the pair of them. “Come on,” he barked at her.

“Aye,” she called back. She looked at Briec and smiled. “I’ve enjoyed our conversation, knight. It’s been nice talking to someone who can—”

“Create full and complete sentences?”

That grin returned and, for a moment, his heart actually stopped beating. “No, it was nice to finally meet someone whose arrogance is only rivaled by the arrogance of the gods. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” she leaned in and whispered good-naturedly, “…my servant awaits.”

She winked at him and walked away. And he knew right then it didn’t matter who she bound herself to, he’d have her…at least until he was done with her.

* * *

She placed the food in front of her husband, and turned to walk away. But he grabbed hold of her wrist and dragged her to his lap. She didn’t fight him. She knew she didn’t have to.

His lips touched her neck and she forced the repulsion back. She decided to think about other things to distract her and immediately, strange violet eyes came to mind. She didn’t know they’d built men that size in these insignificant little Northern towns. For sixteen years she’d lived here and it seemed like any man taller than her left the village to become a soldier or a castle guard. The remainder were not very tall nor very handsome.

Ah, but that knight…by the gods, he was absolutely magnificent. Covered from head to toe in that expensive black cape, all she could see were those beautiful violet eyes and that face. Gods, that face!

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