About a Dragon

Page 49

She stared at him and he snapped, “What?”

“Well, the way you were acting about saying that word, I thought you might burst into flame.”


“Calm down, O’ Scaly One.” She leaned over, her hands resting on his shoulders.

“Tell me if this feels good.” Her husky whisper had him arching into her before she even started the first stroke.

Her hips rose and fell, the walls of her pu**y clenching tight on each upstroke. She was milking him, pushing him to come.

She leaned down and kissed him, her tongue sliding inside his mouth.

Gods, she did feel good. All of her. Briec was relieved she did like his cave, because she wasn’t going anywhere. She wasn’t leaving. Not now.

She dragged her mouth away from his and gasped, “Come for me, Lord Arrogance. I want to feel you come inside me.”

Briec grabbed Talaith’s hips and drove himself up into her, holding her steady for his pounding thrusts.

She panted and writhed on top of him, saying his name over and over. When he felt the walls of her pu**y spasm around his cock, he let go and his whole body arched up as he came.

Finally, Talaith collapsed on top of him. Her entire body limp, her pu**y still throbbing in time to her heartbeats.

He pulled her wet hair off her face. “You all right?”

She patted his forehead, which he found annoying. “Don’t ask me stupid questions, Briec.”

“As you wish, little witch.” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him.

They stayed like that, in comfortable silence, until she said, “Why haven’t you gone down yet?”

“I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him yourself.”

She sat up enough to look him in the eye. “I am not talking to your…your…”

“Mighty throbbing manhood?”


“That which brings you much delirious pleasure?”


“That which makes you whole?”

“Stop it, dragon. You’re making me physically ill.”

He cupped her face between his hands. “You like it here enough to stay? Yes?”

She stared at him with wide eyes.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Usually you’d say something like that as a statement. But that sounded suspiciously like a question. Are you asking me something?”

He reached down and swatted her bare ass with the palm of his hand.


“Be nice, woman. I’m not used to this.”

She rubbed her ass and glared at him. “Do that again and you’ll lose that which you believe makes me whole.”

Briec grinned. “Should I kiss it and make it feel better?”

“No. Just keep that face of yours where I can see it. Cheeky bastard.”

“Such a way with words, little witch. I can’t believe the men haven’t flocked to you.”

Her eyes narrowed, but she couldn’t hide her grin. “And you with your humble, caring nature. A line of females should be forming outside your cave door as we speak.”

“Is this your way of saying no one will put up with us?”

“My husband tried to have me burned at the stake and you brutalize your brothers on an hourly basis, which makes them not want to be too close to you for very long. What does that tell you, Briec the Arrogant?”

“That they’re jealous of our greatness.”

Talaith laughed hard, her face buried against his neck and her entire body shaking.

“What?” Briec asked in all sincerity. “What’s so funny?”

Chapter Twelve

The storms continued relentlessly. Although there would be moments of sunshine, moments of frightening calm, a few hours or sometimes even minutes later, it would all start over again.

Talaith barely even noticed or cared. For weeks now, there had been no sign of Arzhela. And after so many years of living in fear, she felt peaceful. She knew it wouldn’t last. She knew Arzhela would call her to perform her task, and she would go. Until then, Talaith spent her time enjoying Briec and not having that evil heifer in her mind for even a little while.

Briec seemed to enjoy their time together as well. If he wasn’t reading or sneaking out to find a cow or lamb, he was with Talaith. True, there were a few times he’d ask her, “Please by the love of all that is holy…stop talking!” Which, of course, she completely ignored. Leading them into one of their many arguments. They didn’t argue because they were angry, they argued because it drove them both wild.

It had become quite the joke. They’d find the most ridiculous things to argue over. One day, she yelled at him because the butter for her toast had gone bad. Another time he growled at her because she left a wet cloth on his cave floor. But no matter what they argued about, they always ended up the same way—fucking. Like two wild beasts in heat.

Talaith felt as if she were making up for the last sixteen years of her life where her husband would lay on top of her, bounce around a bit, roll off and go to sleep. True, it didn’t start out that way, but within the year that was the best she could hope for. Shutting off his desire for her with a spell turned out to be absolutely no loss.

Ah, but Briec. For a being not human, he truly understood a woman’s body. And he worked hers in a way even thinking about it in passing made her knees weak. Some days, after a particularly hearty argument, they’d couple fast and furiously. Each taking what they wanted and giving back only what was necessary. It was selfish and deliriously fun.

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