About a Dragon

Page 86

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Talaith made it as far as the bottom step, before she stopped. As soon as she’d seen that strange light coming from the moon, she knew something was very wrong. Not deadly, but not right either. She sensed it had taken over the entire castle. Then when Fearghus dragged a struggling Annwyl from the room, she knew she’d been right.

Now she glanced back at Briec. But she realized that had been a mistake. Because he growled and she squealed and took off. Up the stairs and toward her room, but he was right behind her. She could feel him closing the distance between them, reveling in the chase. The bloodlust pounding through his ears and his system.

She made it back to her room and had barely enough time to slam the door shut, but his hand was there, shoving it open. She stumbled back, watching Briec move into the room. His eyes locked on her like a lion’s locked on a deer.

He kicked the door closed with his foot and turned the key, trapping her. “Come to me, Talaith.”

“Oh, you must be joking.” She moved around the bed, although she knew it wouldn’t really keep him from her.

“Talaith. I need you.” Nice words, except he was already pulling off his surcoat and chainmail shirt. “Don’t deny me. Not tonight.”

“You’re not yourself, Briec.”

“Sorry, love. That’s not quite true.” He walked toward her, while yanking off his boots at the same time. “My body’s human, but at the moment you’re dealing with pure dragon.”

“I find that a little scary.”

“I need you, Talaith,” he said again. “Tonight I Claim you. Tonight I make you mine.”

Her mind screamed at her to run away, to take the blade she had hidden under her dress and cut his soft human throat. But her body…her body wanted to lay on the bed and open up to him like a sacrificial offering.

“Briec, it’s just—”

“No, Talaith. No words tonight. Just say ‘yes’ and leave the rest to me.” He stood before her naked now. Eeeck! True, it was all her imagination but his shaft looked ten times bigger. He held his hand out to her. “Please, Talaith. Please.”

She knew he fought his own body’s urges. She knew he was desperately fighting whatever had control of him so he didn’t terrify her. She wasn’t terrified, though. Not of Briec. Not even when he was like this.

Knowing that, she walked up to him and placed her hand inside his much bigger one. He let out a sigh, taking firm hold of it and tugging her closer. It looked like he was about to kiss her, but he suddenly stopped. His eyes closed and he once again fought for control.

“You know I love you, don’t you, Talaith?”


“As you love me?”

Now or never, Talaith. “Aye.”

His eyes opened. “So please, when this night’s over…please remember that.”

Then he ripped the dress from her body.

* * *

Suddenly feeling exhausted, Morfyd sat against a large tree, overlooking one of the biggest lakes on Garbhán Isle. It was getting late. She had important protection spells and rituals to perform. The powerful Black Moon of the Fire Dragon would only be full for a little while longer. But she was so tired.

She didn’t understand it. She hadn’t walked that far from the castle.

“Mind some company?”

She looked up to see Brastias standing over her. Anyone else she’d tell them to leave her be, but this was Brastias. She never seemed to get any time alone with him. She moved over a bit and patted the ground near her.


He sat beside her, his chainmail shirt brushing against her arm. She caught his scent and closed her eyes to enjoy it fully. He smelled wonderful.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“No. I was going to do a few things, but I’m suddenly so tired.”

“Are you all right?”

She nodded. “Aye. It’s been an extremely tense few months. I’m sure my body is simply exhausted from it all. I think I need to sleep a few days to make up for it.”

Brastias smiled, his arms resting on his raised knees. “More like a few weeks.”

“You’re probably right.” She looked at his face. “You look tired, too.”

He leaned his body back against the tree. “All of a sudden, I am.” He shrugged. “And I came all the way out here just to get a chance to talk to you alone.”

Morfyd barely stifled a yawn. “About what?”

Closing his eyes and resting his back against the tree, he muttered, “It can wait.”

“Good.” Morfyd relaxed against him and rested her head on his shoulder. “You don’t mind do you?”

But he was already snoring and she soon followed him to sleep.

* * *

Éibhear silently watched Talaith’s daughter almost slice her face open with the sword she’d been playing with for the last half hour. He’d been flying when he caught her scent far from the castle. Worried someone had taken her, he tracked her to this rather open glen where the light from the full moon gave her enough illumination to play warrior.

His only plan had been to sit back and watch her, then make sure she got back to the castle safely. But at this rate, she’d cut her own throat. Who gave her that thing anyway? Then it suddenly occurred to him it was the sword he’d been looking for. “Dirty, thieving, little cow,” he snarled.

When she got the blade stuck in a tree trunk, he moved forward silently. He waited until his snout was barely inches from her neck, before he shouted, “And what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

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