American Queen

Page 109

Embry moans into the kisses, clutching his fingers into Ash’s shirt, and it’s such a moment of extreme vulnerability, these men with their sticky, softening flesh and open, history-laden eyes, that I almost feel guilty watching this moment, more so than any other moment that led up to it.

I don’t stop watching, though.

When they pull apart they both look at me, pupils wide and lips parted. I crawl up to the edge of the bed, and Ash says in a voice so even and calm you’d think nothing had even happened, “It’s up to you, little princess. What happens next?”

I run my tongue along my teeth as I think. “Can you take off your clothes and then come back to bed?”

Embry nods dazedly while Ash smiles. “Your wish is our command, angel.”

They both head into the bathroom, and I hear the sound of clothes hitting the floor and the sink running, and then they both come back out, cleaned off and completely naked. Even with their recently-sated cocks swinging heavily between their legs, they’re still deliciously hard and male otherwise. Wide shoulders and tapered waists, notched lines of muscle along their stomachs. Both men have that perfect trail of hair leading from their flat navels to their dicks, Embry’s a dark brown and Ash’s a jet black, and they both have long legs that look carved from stone.

I watch happily as they stalk toward the bed, their eyes on me, and when they reach me, I press a hand to each of their chests, feeling powerful and powerless all at once.

“I should tell you that I’ve never done this before,” I joke.

“Neither have I,” Ash says, and though he’s smiling back at me, his voice is serious.

I look between the two of them. “You two never…shared a woman before?”

“We’ve never shared a woman, and I’ve never been in bed with more than one person,” Ash says. He glances over at Embry, who still seems slightly come-drunk from his release at Ash’s hand.

“I have, um, been in bed with more than one person,” Embry admits, a little sheepishly.

But I’m not jealous—at least for now. I’m curious. I let my hand drift down from his chest to circle his navel. “And was it ever like this? Two men and one woman?”

Embry’s beginning to breathe faster, his blue eyes cloudy. “Yes.”

“Hmm.” My hand drifts lower, following that trail of hair all the way down to the thick root of his penis. He shudders as my playful fingers walk their way around him, stroke along his testicles and probe the sensitive skin of his perineum. “Did you like it?”

His breath catches as I press a gentle knuckle into the soft patch of skin below his scrotum. “Yes.”

“Did you make her come?”

My hand moves back to his shaft, which is thickening and growing once again. Embry’s head drops back. “Fuck. Yes, I made her come.”

“You made it feel good?”

“So good,” he chokes out. I’m squeezing his crown now, feeling him stiffen and fatten in my hand. “So fucking good.”

“Are you going to make me feel good?”

“Shit yes, I am,” he growls.

Ash’s hand circles behind me, sliding down my back and rucking up my skirt to grab my ass. “What do you want, Greer?” he asks gruffly. “What do you want us to do?”

I look up at him, at the tension lining his shoulders and neck, at the semi-hard cock slowly growing between his legs, and I know that it’s taking everything he has not to take charge. Not to simply throw his little princess and his little prince down and do whatever he likes with them.

As if he knows what I’m thinking, he pulls me closer, pressing me into his chest. “This is a big step,” he murmurs. “I’m asking a lot of you tonight, and I want you to feel safe, if not comfortable.”

Just like our first time.

But unlike our first time, I realize there are a couple things that I genuinely wouldn’t be ready for if they happened, along with a couple things I really need.

“I want you to take charge,” I tell him. I’m still stroking Embry’s cock as Ash and I talk, and I can tell Embry’s struggling to focus on the conversation happening in front of him instead of on the small hand fisting his length. “But I want…”

I bite my lip. I’ve never had to set boundaries with Ash before, I’ve always been able to fling myself right into his depraved claws and know that my safe word was enough, and I find that it’s hard to actually say the words out loud.

“You have limits,” he finishes for me softly. “Of course, angel. What do you need?”

I feel shy as I say this, although that’s fucking ridiculous given the circumstances—these men have seen every part of me there is to see. What can I possibly have to feel shy about? “We haven’t done anal yet. And I don’t know if I can do my first time with two men…” I blush “…you know. Inside.”

“That’s a good idea,” Embry agrees hazily. He raises his arm to slide around my back, and then he’s grabbing my ass along with Ash. I feel his fingertip graze the small rosette between my cheeks and I shiver. “No one’s been inside here?”

I shiver again as he presses against it. “Ash…Ash licked me there. And his finger…oh—” Embry’s finger breaches me as I talk. “But he hasn’t fucked it.”

“Yet,” Ash adds in a voice full of dark desire.

“Fuck,” Embry says, pushing his finger in to the knuckle. I arch in pleasure-pain. “I can’t fucking wait. But if we’re going to make it feel good for your first time, we’ll have to do it right. Just one inside at a time. And then—” the finger goes deeper, and I have to let go of his cock and put a hand on his chest so I don’t fall over “—we can work you up to taking us both at once. Would you like that?”

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