
Page 16

“This was your idea, remember?” She looks over at me. There might be some fear in her eyes but she is mostly curious about just how far I plan on taking this.

“I know, don’t worry I’m not backing out, just promise me we can talk about this soon?” God, I love her.

“Sure, Dee. Sometime.” I reach over and pluck one of the books off the table, opening the cover and taking in a very up close and personal dick with a medal barbell attached to the head. Okay, clearly they don’t just tattoo here. I turn a few more pages and come to some female piercings, now those don’t look quiet as traumatizing as the decorated dicks. They almost make this chick’s tits look…beautiful.

I must have been looking at them for a while, can’t imagine how weird that looked, me zoning on someone else’s tits. Dee looks over and gives a soft snort. “Seriously, Iz? Nip rings?”

“Maybe,” I mumble, going over in my head the pros of a piercing over a tattoo. I’ll admit, when I had my fit over Greg’s words I didn’t completely think this through. Sure, I have wanted a tattoo for a while, but it should be something I think and plan, not something I decide in anger. A piercing though, well…I can take that out whenever I get sick of them. Permanence isn’t even an issue there, just something pretty to look at for a while.

Dee is flicking through one of the tattoo books. She is not really looking at anything, just flipping and stealing looks over at Beck. Greg is rod straight and clearly very pissed, his eyes burning holes right into me. I stand and walk back over to Trix, leaning over the display case to whisper my request in her ear. When I stand back, she has a huge grin on her face. She gives me a small nod and walks back to one of the black window rooms.

“Izzy,” Greg starts, “what the fuck are you doing?”

I turn and give him a smart smile, not even bothering to hide my simmering pissed vibes, “Why, nothing Gregory. I’m just enjoying my head being all fucked up.”

I walk back over to Dee, who is looking at me, and even with her worried eyes, is trying hard not to laugh. We are clearly a dysfunctional family.

“You pick anything yet?” I ask her.

“Yeah, nothing big, but I got it.”

“Perfect, but if this isn’t something you want, don’t feel like you have to do this just because I’m set on proving a point to the big idiot.” She has her happy smile back on her face, she might not have meant to actually show up here, but I can tell she doesn’t mind now.

“It’s all good, Iz, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be. You seriously going to get some rings hanging off your tits?” She snickers.

“I might be pissed, but I’m not stupid, I need time to figure out the perfect tat and some stupid fight with Greg isn’t going to make me jump the gun. Plus, I think my tits will look fucking hot with some bling.” We are both laughing hard when a good looking guy walks up and asks which one of us is Izzy. For some reason, I expected the person doing my piercings to be a female. Didn’t I specifically drive a town over because I didn’t want to see a male gynecologist? Now, the person who will be shoving a needle through my fun bags is going to be this hunk? Shit, didn’t see that coming.

“Izzy would be me,” I say, standing up and holding out my hand. I can see Greg out of the corner of my eye, if anything, he looks like he is going to explode soon. He looks carved from stone and I know he is just gearing up to shut this down. I bring my focus back to the man in front of me.

“Tyler, nice to meet you. Ready?”

“Sure thing, Tyler.”

We set off for the black window rooms; I can hear Greg speaking harshly behind me. I don’t turn around to see who he is talking to, he isn’t stopping this.

We walk into the room and I’m shocked to see how bright it is in here. Something about the windows had me expecting some gloom and doom back here. The walls, ceiling and floor match the décor outside the door. There is a single dentist looking chair in the middle of the room and a long table against the back wall. He’s already set up the things he will need on the little tray next to the chair.

“First piercings?” Tyler asks while motioning me to jump up on the chair.

“Yup, other than my ears.”

“Ah, perfect. I love poppin’ cherries.” He smiles over at me. He really is very nice to look at. This might be more fun than I thought it would be. He has light brown hair, a little on the long side, curling under his ears and behind the back of the cap he is wearing. His eyes are light blue and bright with mischief, he must be assuming this is some kind of kink I have. His face is model perfect. If it weren’t for the huge gages through his ears, a lip ring, two eyebrow rings, and the colorful art running up both arms, I might think he was in the wrong place.

“Ha, I’m sure you do. So, what do you need me to do?”

“Strip down, sweetheart. Shirt, bra, and you can take the pants off too if that’s what works for you. Get comfortable and recline on back. I need to mark you first to make sure I get these bars in perfect. I wouldn’t want to mess up those perfect tits.”

Choosing to ignore his blatant flirting, I reach down for the hem of my tee and pull it over my head. I reach back and flick my bra off, throwing them both on the chair in the corner. Putting my back flat on the chair, I reach up and pull my thick hair into a messy knot on the top of my head; all the while, watching the lustful look take over his face.

Tyler reaches over and helps me to lean forward so he can mark my nipples. His gloved hands are cold at first, but he makes quick work with the marker. He gives me a quick squeeze before releasing the swells of my breast, I’m sure that was more for his benefit than the alignment of my holes. At this point I don’t even care, it’s been a long time since anyone other than myself has touched my tits, so even though it’s awkward, his touch isn’t exactly a turn off.

“You ready?” He asks. I can feel the soft bite of the needle against my left nipple. It isn’t an unpleasant pain, bordering the line between pain and pleasure for sure. Surely, it isn’t natural to be this turned on right now.

“Yup, do your thing.” I close my eyes tight, and wait for it. He gives me a sharp pinch before I feel him push the needle through. I let out the breath I was holding...not bad. The pain is already receding and a weird burning numbness is taking over. If this is what every body-piercing feels like, I can understand why Tyler here has so many now.

“Not bad, huh?” He asks while walking around the chair to the other side. He seems to have lost his playful flirting and turned into the perfect professional. He looks up and gives me a small wink. Okay, so maybe not all the flirting has left his system.

“No,” I laugh, “definitely not bad.”

“Alright, ready for the next?”

“Go for it.” I close my eyes tight again, and the process is repeated, but right when I feel him finishing up with the tightening of the ball at the end of my new piercing, there is a loud thump at the door and suddenly it’s jerked wide open. He jumps to stand in front of me, trying to protect my modesty. From my spot hidden behind Tyler the piercer, I can see one very long jean covered leg and a big booted foot. I don’t know those boots. The only other thing I can see past Tyler, is one giant fist flexing and pulsing by the legs side.

Then I hear the softly spoken command, the command laced with so much fury only a fool would ignore it. I squeeze my eyes shut again, praying I’m wrong about who is standing in front of Tyler.

“Move. Move the fuck out of my way. Right fucking now.”

Shit, shit shit shit!

Tyler looks over his shoulder at me, trying to figure out if I know who this is or if he needs to have him removed. Laughable really, there is no way he would be able to move this man. It might take every person in this whole building to remove this pissed off brute. He reaches off behind his back and pulls out a towel he had hanging off the back of his belt. Might not be the cleanest thing in the world right now, but at least it would hide my body. Or some of my body.

“Thanks,” I softly say to Tyler. “It’s okay; I’ll be right out to pay.”

“Okay, you sure?” He asks and at my nod, he quickly gives me a run down on after care and tells me he will leave a sheet with the instructions with Trix up front.

I look down and make sure the towel is covering me enough, then look up and meet the blazing green, very pissed depths of Axel’s eyes. This isn’t going to be fun. Not only am I sitting in front of him naked from the waist up, but seeing his face again is still a punch straight to the gut. It physically hurts to breathe. He looks so different than the boyish face I remember in my dreams, he is still Axel, but he looks harder. Age has done wonderful things to this man. He was always tall, but never this tall. When he left at eighteen he had a boy’s body, but there was nothing boy about him now. He looked to have doubled in size, his muscles were pulsing on his arms, flexing with pent up energy. Angry energy. His black tee is stretched tight, not only hugging his heavily tattooed arms but his flat stomach as well. You can even see the rippling of his abs through the material. His legs are long and thick, covered in denim. I can feel the vibes coming from him and they aren’t happy ones. I have a feeling he isn’t just unhappy about me blowing him off today. He did say every door when he threatened to track me down. How the hell did he know where to find me?

He takes a menacing step forward and closes the door behind him, shutting us in the room and standing between my clothes and me.

“What did I fucking say, Izzy? I would find you, you aren’t fucking hiding from this talk, you hear me? Now, want to fucking tell me what the hell you’re doing with your fucking shirt off back here?” No need to look at his face to judge his mood, he’s well passed pissed.

“Can you please pass me my clothes?” That’s what I go with, seems like the safest bet at this point. Maybe I can avoid him long enough to escape. “Please, Axel.”

He bends, snatching my bra and tee off the chair behind him, not even bothering to look away. Fine, it isn’t like he hasn’t seen them before; he just hasn’t ever seen them like this. Suddenly my act of rebellion isn’t looking so hot. I pick up my bra and let the towel drop, his sharp intake has me snapping my eyes up to meet his. His eyes are focused directly on my chest, and their new jewelry. I can see his chest moving rapidly, his nose is flaring, and his hands are back to flexing in and out of a tight fists.

“What the fuck? You let some stranger put his hands on your fucking tits?” He doesn’t even mention the barbells, how can he miss them; they are standing out in all their silver glory against my pink nipples.

“Not your business, Axel. It hasn’t been your business in a long damn time.” My voice sounds funny. My earlier confidence is gone and I sound almost dead. The fight has left me and I know it’s futile to even try to run from him. Like it or not, this talk is about to happen, I just have to figure out what and how much to tell him. And just how I will get through it?

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