
Page 22


Maddox and Zeke, or ‘Locke and Coop’ if you ask the men, went back to visit Brandon Monday. They came back and said they had no issues and Brandon seemed nice enough, agreeing he needed to sign the papers. Agreeing? What a joke. I don’t know what they did to push this along but I am thrilled it is over.

Maddox and Beck have become pretty permanent fixtures at Dee and my house. Beck is there for obvious reasons, and they all start and end with Dee. Little hussy. Maddox and I have struck up an odd friendship. I can tell he doesn’t let people in often but for some reason he chose to let me past his stoic exterior, for whatever reason he seems to need the friendship as much as I do. I am starting to learn all his moods and he can tell right when I need a good calm down. Bottom line, he is a good friend and a wonderful distraction. Plus, having him around as the ‘protector’ is the perfect excuse for why I don’t need Axel around.

Greg and I haven’t spoken much since his role in the ‘Axel abduction’; I miss him but I can’t seem to be in the same room without flipping my shit all over him. He, out of everyone, knew why I was avoiding Axel, but decided to take matters into his own hands. Deep down I know he meant well, but I’m not ready to forget how easy he turned on me. Having Maddox around has another plus when it comes to Greg; Maddox doesn’t play well with others, even his ‘brothers’. If I get upset, Maddox turns into a grizzly. I have been so used to only having Dee and Greg that it is almost refreshing to have another person I can trust in my life.

It is Saturday morning and November is in full Georgia force and we have a nice cold, rainy day on our hands. I call Maddox to see if he wants to come over and watch some football, drink some beer, and celebrate my newfound singlehood. Dee has already been to the store and bought a cake, streamers, and freaking balloons. I think she might be more excited than I am. I haven’t heard from Axel since earlier in the week when he called to let me know he was going to be out of town and to let him know if anything happened. No chance in that.

Maddox shows up early in the afternoon with one of his rare smiles in place. Dee lets him in and he wastes no time coming to congratulate me.

“Hey girl, happy?” Leave it to him; all it takes is those three words for me to let the water works flow.

“Oh. My. God.” I get out between broken sobs. “It’s over, Mad. Can you believe it? The last eight years of my life are done, with just one signature. Freedom, do you know how long I prayed to be free from Brandon?”

“Yeah, I get you girl. No more worries.” He wraps his strong arms around me and just lets me let it out. Tears of relief, joy, and maybe a whole lot of shock.

I don’t know how long we just sit there, words aren’t necessary because he just gets it, he knows I need to let this out in order to move on and completely let the pain of my marriage die. After I am done using his shoulder as a tissue, I look up and meet his normal blank face, expecting to find annoyance but instead, get a smirk before he throws his head back and laughs. That is another Maddox moment that doesn’t happen often.

“Girl, you look like a drowned raccoon. All that black shit you chicks use, is all over your face. Go clean up before I’m forced to call animal control to come take your ass.”

I throw a pillow off the couch in his face before leaving the living room and going to clean myself up. I hear him click the TV on and the game day broadcast taking over the silence. Walking into the hallway I almost jump out of my skin when I nearly collide with a damp faced Dee.

“He really is a big softy under that don’t touch me vibe, isn’t he?” She asks.

“Don’t let him hear you say that, but yeah, he’s been great these last few weeks.”

“I’m so happy this is over, I know I haven’t been around much but you know I’m here if you need me.” She looks so guilty and even thought I know she means well, it breaks my heart.

“Dee, don’t you dare feel bad about having a life. I’m good, really, I feel good and I haven’t been alone. Mad’s been around and Coop comes sometimes, plus you’re here…even if it’s holed up in your room shaking the walls with Beck.” I walk away leaving her red faced but laughing.

“Love you, you stupid bitch.” She yells after me.

The alarm has beeped a few times while I was in the bathroom getting cleaned up, signaling someone has opened and shut the front door a few times. Assuming that it is either Beck or Coop, I just brush it off and continue to get ready. I throw off my yoga pants and tank, switching them out for some worn jeans and my favorite University of Georgia tee; game day gear, a must for any Georgia fan. My face is clear of all black tracks under my eyes and down my cheeks from my crying fit earlier. I am just pulling up my long hair in a ponytail when a deep voice clears their throat behind me, causing me to jump about a mile out of my body.

“Baby girl, can we please talk?”

“Not if you plan on dragging me down, Greg. Today is not the day to do this, we’re celebrating.”

“Izzy, you know how much it hurt to hear the asshole finally signed from Locke? He’s known you a few months and you tell him first? Every step of the way, Izzy, I’ve been here for everything and you didn’t even call me.”

“Okay, you want to do this, fine. I am pissed, Greg. You went behind my back and called him, you not only called him but you might as well have thrown a fucking bat signal into the air and beamed his ass right into the shop. How could you? How fucking could you?”

He bows his head and lets out a long sigh, “Do you know what it’s like to sit back and watch someone you love turn into themself? You were headed back to that fucked up hole you always push yourself in. Don’t think I did that lightly, Izzy. Not for one second. You avoiding talking about shit to me and Dee, and ran around God’s green earth to stay busy enough so you didn’t have to deal with the shit in your life. We were worried; worried about that shit Brandon was pulling but mostly worried about how you were handling Axel showing back up. Don’t think I didn’t know the real reason you ran. And you know as well as I do, if I hadn’t forced your hand you would still be running today.”

“It wasn’t your decision to make, G. It was mine and by forcing my hand you took my control, the one thing I have fought to regain in my life. If that wasn’t enough, you forced him on me. I just don’t know if I can forget that so easily. I can forgive you because even pissed as hell, I know you wouldn’t hurt me, but you knew, you fucking knew how hard that was going to be on me. I wanted that meeting on my terms when I was ready.” It’s hard to keep eye contact with him because he has started pacing around my room. Sure fire sign that Greg is frustrated and worried.

“I’m sorry, I am fucking sorry, I don’t know what to say other than that. You’re my family and given the chance, I would do it all over again if it were the best move to help you. Axel aside, that shit with Brandon was fucked up and you needed all the power behind you that you could get if he tried something else. The only thing I regret was upsetting you.”

I hate fighting with Greg. This is by far the worst, and to be honest, not having him around is hard. He is my rock. Maddox is becoming just as important but no one can replace what Greg meant to me.

“I get it, I do. It hurts but I can see where you were coming from.” I get up and walk into his open arms. “No more fighting, okay? But, don’t pull that shit again.”

“Alright, baby girl. No more fighting.”

“Come on, kickoff should be soon and if you make me miss that you’re watching the game somewhere else.”

Laughing, he follows me out of the room, almost knocking me to the ground when I reach the living room and stop dead in my tracks.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask the man relaxing on my couch, feet propped up on the coffee table with a beer in hand.

“Well, hello to you too, Princess. Coop called, said he would be over here watching the game with Locke, joined along. Didn’t think you would mind.” Cocky, arrogant, asshole. He is just daring me to throw a fit and kick him out.

“You’re a dick, you know that Axel Reid? Shut up and get your feet off my table.” I kick his feet off the table when I walk past, only earning me a deep laugh before he props them right back up. “Get them down asshole,” I grumble under my breath as I continue my way into the kitchen to grab the food and a beer.

Coop and Maddox are standing around the island when I walk in. I get a small smirk from Maddox before walking over to Coop and smacking him on the side of the head. “Ass, you do not invite him here.”

Maddox gives a boom of laughter, before grabbing the tray of taco dip and walking back into the living room, “Girl, he probably didn’t even feel that with his hard head.”

“Shut up, Mad.” I smile at his retreating back before throwing another scowl at Coop. “Jerk.”

I grab the chips and a few beers before walking back in, just in time for kick off. Dee and Beck are cozied up on the loveseat against the far wall; Greg and Coop have taken the recliners, leaving Maddox and Axel sitting on the couch, with one empty spot between the two of them. “You have got to be kidding me, sit on the floor asshat.” I try to give Axel the mean, hard look Maddox is always sporting but apparently I lack the conviction.

“You look like you need to take a shit, Princess. I won’t bite, unless you want me to.” His evil arrogant smirk and that cocky twinkle lighting his emerald eyes up.

I can play this game; I can act like being in the same room with his handsome self isn’t ripping me apart. Easy, right?

“Don’t you know, I prefer it hard and rough now, Axel. But, you keep your teeth and everything else to yourself.”

That wipes his face clear, no more look of male giant ego and arrogant pride. Nope, he wasn’t going to get the upper hand on me. Dee and Beck are too into each other to notice the tension in the room. Greg looks concerned, Coop looks like he might laugh at any moment and Maddox is just looking at the TV, but I can tell he wants to speak up. I just plop down as close as I can to Maddox without sitting in his lap and ignore Axel as long as I can.

The third quarter is just wrapping up when the doorbell rings. I wave off Dee and head off to the door, noticing a little too late how lightheaded I am. I have been throwing back beer after beer for the last hour, not eating much because I am still holding on to my snit about Axel being in the house. Walking around the corner of the living room and down the short entryway, I can hear the loud cheers and male grunting signaling another touchdown as I reach the door. This better be good.

Swinging open the door, it takes my beer filled mind a second to register who is standing on my porch. When I do, my first reaction is to shut the door, serves me right not checking the peephole, but when I go to shut it, I’m met with the resistance of his foot.

Before I can even get a shout or scream past my terrified lips, he reaches in and pulls me outside, closes the door and pushes me back. My back meets the frame of the door, hard, causing me to let out a small grunt of pain. He closes his hand around my neck and squeezes, cutting off my air supply and keeping my cries for help from escaping.

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