Backstage Pass

Page 13

“Oh, come on, Trey. How many pairs of tits do you see in an average week?” Brian asked.

“Doesn’t matter. I’ve never seen hers.” Trey nodded toward Myrna.

Myrna’s face flamed as she closed the robe over her exposed chest.

“Hey, I didn’t get to see them yet,” Eric complained.

“Go bang on a drum in the other room.” Brian pul ed the robe sash free from its loops and handed it to her. “Here. Hold this over your tits so Trey doesn’t knock his guitar out of tune with his hard on.”

She laughed and glanced sidelong at Trey, her face burning even hotter.

Trey nodded, pul ing his sucker out of his mouth with a slurp. “Seriously.”

“Al right,” she said.

Brian pul ed her robe off her shoulders and she held the sash across her br**sts. It covered her ni**les but little else.

“That’s almost worse,” Trey murmured. “Uhn. She’s so goddamned sexy. I just want to lick her al over.” He drew his tongue over his bottom lip, his gaze drifting over her skin.

Myrna’s eyes widened.

“Get your game face on, Trey.” Brian thumped him on the head.

Trey stuck his sucker back in his mouth and nodded. He struck the first chord and Brian joined him. The riff got better as their eyes moved over her chest, under her br**sts, along her bel y. A few times through the sequence and they could play it without reading the notes. Myrna was so drawn up in the music, she didn’t notice Sed until he sat on the edge of the dining table beside her.

“Are you responsible for that?” he said into her ear.

She gasped and closed her robe. “I don’t know.”

“Wel , I thank you for getting Sinclair out of his funk, whatever it was you did.”

The two of them watched Brian and Trey play the riff repeatedly until they’d perfected it. Trey started altering parts slightly to fit his rapidly strumming, shredding style. Brian added more triplets, his fingers flying over the strings. It sounded… perfect and, as always, sensual. The two guitarists, Brian right-handed and Trey left-handed, leaned back-to-back and closed their eyes, letting the music carry them away.

She’d never seen anything sexier in her life. Wel , maybe Brian’s face when he made love to her, but he almost had the same expression as he leaned against Trey’s back and fingered his guitar.

Jace entered the room rubbing his face sleepily. “What’s al this racket? It’s ten o’clock in the f**king morning.”

With a start of surprise, Jace noticed Myrna and his gaze drifted down his naked body. His eyes darted back to her. “Aw, shit. Excuse me.” He left the room. When he returned a few minutes later in a pair of shorts, he took his bass out of its case and plugged it in to a third amp.

Jace stood in the corner with his eyes closed and soon found a bass groove to compliment the new guitar riff.

“You guys are awesome,” Myrna murmured under her breath.

Brian watched her as he played. He smiled. “It’s al because of you, baby.”

She grinned, her heart fluttering stupidly.

Brian stil ed his guitar strings with his hand and reached for Myrna, turning her to face the opposite direction. He tugged her robe down to her waist and brushed her long, auburn hair aside. Myrna glanced over her shoulder at him, clutching the robe to her br**sts.

“My solo.”

Trey leaned closer, his brow furrowed. Not even a line for direction here. Just notes and a few letters scrawled here and there.

“Wel , let’s hear it.”

When Brian began to play, excitement raced down Myrna’s spine.

“Wow,” Sed murmured.

Brian’s fingers flew over the fret board, drawing sounds from his instrument that few guitarists could emulate. He finished the solo with one final, long screech on the whammy bar. The entire band whistled in appreciation. He flipped his guitar over his shoulder so it hung upside down over his back. He spooned up against Myrna and drew her against him.

“Now I’m al horny again,” he murmured into her ear, his hands splayed over her bel y. “I’l never be able to play that solo without getting hard for the feel of you around me.”

“It sounded awesome.”

“Let Trey copy that down before you go bone her again,” Sed said. “We don’t want to lose it.”

Brian dropped a kiss behind her ear and backed away reluctantly.

“Or I could take a picture of it.” Eric fished his camera phone out of his pocket.

“If you do, I’l break your fingers,” Brian said.

“You’re no fun, Be-rye.”

“You just want jerk-off material.”

Trey located some music score paper and a pencil in a guitar case. He started copying Brian’s guitar solo off Myrna’s back, asking Brian for clarification now and again. Very ticklish, Myrna giggled and squirmed as their fingers trailed over her bare skin.

“What’s this note?” Trey asked.

“I think that’s a mole.” Brian leaned forward and licked a spot in the center of Myrna’s lower back. She shuddered. Brian rubbed the spot with his thumb. “Yeah, it’s a mole. It doesn’t come off.”

“I’m adding it in for the hel of it.” Trey chuckled.

“Myr, your mole is interrupting my solo.”

She snorted. “You guys are too funny.”

“I think it’s a great addition,” Trey said. “You can never have too many high C’s in a solo.”

“I like Hi-C,” Eric quipped. When no one laughed, he murmured, “The orange kind.”

“Turn around so we can get the riff,” Brian said.

Myrna turned. Holding the robe’s sash over her br**sts, she watched them transfer the dots scattered across her body to paper.

“Sixteenth notes there,” Brian said, watching over Trey’s shoulder. He pointed to the page.

“Sixteenth? You’re giving me arthritis, man.”

“Don’t be a douche.”

Trey took the sucker out of his mouth and tapped it on Brian’s nose. Myrna stole it from him and stuck it in her mouth. Trey glanced up at her, pinning her with his sexy, green eyes. “That’s my sucker.” That was the look that turned female legs to rubber. Myrna was no exception. She leaned against the table for support.

She pul ed his sucker out of her mouth and offered it back to him. “My apologies.”

Trey took it from her and returned it to his mouth, turning his attention to the score sheets. Brian wiped at the sticky spot on his nose with his knuckles. Myrna’s gaze moved to Brian’s soft brown eyes. He was watching her, his lips slightly parted. She wondered what he was thinking.

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