Backstage Pass

Page 24


“No, actual y, I’m f**king him.”

“Heh, I thought so.” The girl grinned. “How’d he hook up with a stuffy chick like you?”

Myrna shrugged. “Who are you here with?”

“Sed or Trey. I was hoping Brian, since Angie split, but he’s a one chick kind of guy.”

“Sed or Trey?”

“Maybe both. Depends on their mood and how tired they are after the show.”

“Not Eric or Jace?”

“Eric wil probably watch. He can bang me when Sed’s done if he feels like it. And Jace… He’s way too extreme for me.”

“Jace is?” Cute and quiet little Jace?

Another girl nodded, joining their conversation. “Jace is a lunatic. First, he asked me to hit him with this whip thing to get him al in the mood, and then when we were doing it, I thought he was going to kil me. I mean literal y. I almost suffocated.”

“Huh.” Myrna never expected that kind of thing from Jace. “And what are your names?”

“I’m Darlene,” the girl in heavy eye makeup said.

“Joyce,” said the near fatality.

“I’m Myrna. Myrna Suxsed.”

The girls laughed. “We’re related. Sisters, I guess.”

“So you sucked Sed off before you hooked up with Brian?” Joyce asked. “I’m surprised Brian tolerated that.”

“Uh, no.”

“Then how’d you get a backstage pass from Sed?”

Myrna flushed. She supposed since Sed’s fake last name branded her pass, everyone thought she’d sucked his c**k to get backstage. “Let me get this straight. Sed makes young ladies suck him to get backstage?”

“Minimum,” Darlene said.

“That ass!” Myrna sputtered.

“Yes, it’s a very nice ass,” Joyce said. The two girls giggled and hugged each other.

“So you’re okay with being treated like that?” Myrna asked. “Do you let al men treat you that way?”

“Of course not. But this is Sed Lionheart we’re talking about here. The Sed Lionheart. You know? If he stepped in dog shit, I’d lick it off his boot if he asked me to,” Darlene said.

“Not if I did it first,” Joyce said.

“Un-fucking-believable,” Myrna murmured under her breath.

The stadium lights went off and a blue light il uminated just the floor of the stage. Four sets of feet moved through the blue glow. The roar of the crowd was deafening. Myrna’s heart thundered. One of those sets of feet belonged to Brian. The thud of a bass drum vibrated through her body. Jace’s bass groove joined Eric’s beat, throbbing deep in Myrna’s chest. Trey’s rhythm guitar was added, and then Brian’s unmistakable solo intro. The crowd roared. A bright light flashed and the lights came up. Center stage, Sed entered the song with a low growl into the microphone. The girls beside her screamed and thrust their fists in the air.

Myrna couldn’t take her eyes off Brian, not even to blink. She watched him stalk the stage, playing his guitar as if it were an extension of his fingers. It was almost as if he were making love to it. And she wasn’t jealous of the attention he paid to the strings. It excited her in a primitive way she couldn’t describe. Perhaps it was the ten thousand other people he engaged with his wickedly seductive fingers. When they reached the guitar solo in the middle of the song, Brian took center stage and Sed moved to the back next to Jace. The crowd roared, bodies undulating against each other in a sea of flesh and sweat before the stage.

“You’re a f**king genius, Master Sinclair,” one of the roadies hol ered. The dude must see this show almost every night and he was stil caught up in it. Myrna just watched, every nerve in her body responsive. She felt… alive.

“Fuck yeah! Play it, baby!” Myrna yel ed.

Darlene laughed and patted her on the back enthusiastical y. “Excel ent score, Myrna. Master Sinclair is smoking hot.”

Trey’s dueling solo entered into harmony with Brian’s and he stepped beside him center stage. They strummed each other’s guitars while fingering their own fret boards in synchrony. There was something highly erotic about watching them play together. An unexpected intimacy flowed between the two men. An intimacy she’d like to share. Simultaneously. Heat flooded her face and the swel ing folds between her thighs. Oh my. What was she thinking? Brian and Trey. Together. With her? Just the thought sent her into sensory overload. She fanned her face with one hand.

Another roar from the crowd erupted as the guitarists finished and spun away from each other. Trey did this heel stomping thing that was entirely adorable. It was as if his body couldn’t help but respond to the music. He rocked forward on his toes in rhythm with each chord he strummed. Myrna hadn’t realized how irresistibly sexy Trey was until that moment. Hel , Jace and even Eric excited her, and she couldn’t see anything of Eric but his flailing drumsticks behind the drum kit. Sed entered the song again, singing his heart out at the far end of the stage. Fans surfed the crowd, eventual y landing in the space between the low barrier fence and the stage. Security guards pul ed them to safety and the fans rushed past where Myrna was standing, screaming excitedly as they raced to rejoin the crowd from the back. Myrna scarcely noticed anything but the five men on stage and one in particular. Brian had moved into the background again. He faced Eric’s drum kit and bobbed his head to the beat as he played. When the song ended, the stage went dark and the crowd roared their approval. Myrna was no exception. These musicians were beyond awesome. And she knew them. This was al so un-fucking-believable. She cheered with the rest of their fans, hungry for more.

A spotlight lit the stage front and center, showing Sed standing on a platform at its front. “How are you tonight, Chicago?” he yel ed and pointed his microphone at the audience.

The crowd roared. He put a hand to his ear and they screamed louder.

Sed spoke into the mic again. “We started working on our new album today. What do you think about that?”

More excited screams. Myrna’s entire body grew hot. She had a little something to do with that. Not much, but she’d been there.

“Master Sinclair wil be treating you to a new solo in a little while, but right now we’re going to climb… the gates… of hel .”

The crowd roared when Brian’s intro to “Gates of Hel ” poured from the speakers. The rest of the band joined him on the fifth measure. The crowd went insane. Electrified by the energy of ten thousand young adults, Myrna eagerly joined the insanity. Brian crossed the stage in her direction. She doubted he could see her standing in the dark on the floor beside the stage, but he looked right at her and winked. Myrna’s breath caught. He headed across the stage in the other direction, stil playing. Sed dropped his mic during the long musical outro and jumped into the crowd. Myrna’s heart thudded with apprehension, hoping he wasn’t hurt. Not a chance. The crowd tossed him back toward the stage until the security guards rescued him from their eager clutches and set him to his feet on the floor. The entire barrier fence buckled as the crowd surged forward in his wake. A roadie darted across the stage, picked up Sed’s mic and tossed it down to him. Brian, Trey, and Jace were having a guitar-playing orgy center stage. Sed sang the rest of the song on the floor before the barrier fence. He al owed the crowd to touch his shoulder, arm, and free hand as he paced back and forth. When the song ended, he ran toward the side of the stage where Myrna was standing.

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