Backstage Pass

Page 35

Brian grabbed his boots, socks and shirt and headed for the door, keeping his eyes off Trey’s defilement of Mark. And then he remembered his lucky hat.

“Shit,” Brian muttered under his breath. He’d put it in the dresser. In the drawer right in front of where Trey was stroking that guy’s cock. And rubbing. And stroking. Slightly twisting his wrist at the tip. And…

Why was watching Trey give a hand job turning Brian on? He seriously needed to get laid. It had been almost a month since he’d seen Myrna and he wasn’t used to this length of abstinence. He hoped she was as sexual y uninhibited as he remembered. Trey glanced at Brian, grinning wickedly. The green eye not obscured by his overlong black bangs twinkled with more mischief than usual. “Need something, bro?”

“I need to get in that drawer.” He pointed at it, his nose wrinkled.

“What’s wrong? Afraid Mark’s going to come on you?”

Actual y, yes. The guy looked about ready to blow his load as Trey worked him over with practiced ease. Mark glanced down at Trey’s hand, gasped brokenly, and then dropped his head back on Trey’s shoulder, his eyes squeezed shut. “Ah, God. I am gonna come. I am.”

Trey chuckled and released Mark’s cock. He then shifted his lover back against his body so Brian could get into the drawer.

“Feel how hard I am for you?” Trey said in Mark’s ear. “That’s going in your ass as soon as Brian clears out of here.”

Mark gasped and tried to pul away. “No, I don’t want… It wil hurt. Won’t it hurt?” He glanced over his shoulder at Trey uncertainly. Brian noticed he wasn’t protesting very hard.

“Not the way I do it.”

“Change the sheets when you’re done.” Brian retrieved his hat from the dresser and hurried out of the room. He finished dressing in the hal , pretending he couldn’t hear Trey’s newest lover crying out in ecstasy on the other side of the thin door. Brian tipped his lucky hat—a floppy, leather fedora—on his head. He didn’t want to waste time fixing his shoulder-length hair in its usual messy, spiked style. What he wanted to do was make Myrna’s flight arrive sooner.

“So is she on her way?” Eric asked.

Brian checked his watch. “She should be here in a couple of hours. Wil you do me a huge favor?”

“Depends on what it is.”

“Clean this place up. It’s a f**king embarrassment.”

Eric glanced around as if seeing their living conditions for the first time. “You’re right. God, how do we live like this?”

“We’re slobs, but I doubt Myrna wil appreciate having to stay here in our filth. Do you know where Jace is? I want to borrow his bike.”

“No idea.”

Brian went in search of Jace, checking his watch excessively. He didn’t want to be late picking her up. If necessary, he’d drive the f**king bus to the airport.

Chapter 14

The first hour of her plane ride, Myrna could think of nothing but Brian and al the things she wanted to do to him when she saw him. The plane could not get to Portland fast enough. Eventual y, she grew tired of checking her wristwatch every thirty seconds and sorted through her mail. Among the textbook advertisements and interdepartmental memos, she found a letter from a funding agency. Her last ditch grant! She’d almost missed the submission deadline and knew it wasn’t her best work, but without research funding, the university wouldn’t let her keep her job for long. She didn’t have tenure yet.

Myrna hesitated, afraid to open the letter. She’d applied on a whim the day after she’d left Brian in Des Moines. She had the groupies to thank for the inspiration. And now that she knew for sure her government-sponsored grant would not be renewed for the fol owing year, she didn’t just want to work on this project as a fun summer side project. She needed this project to keep a roof over her head. But would it make good research? Did anyone care why women became promiscuous in the company of rock stars?

Heart hammering, she tore open the letter and scanned its contents. Score! Ful funding. Enough to get her through the summer, in any case, and hopeful y secure her faculty position for one more year.

“Yes!” she said, startling the man in the seat next to her. He snorted and fel back to sleep. She could use the summer months to do her field work. That would give her the time she needed to col ect data without her added teaching responsibilities. She just needed a famous rock band to fol ow around for three months. Would Sinners be wil ing to let her tour with them? It wouldn’t hurt to ask. It probably would hurt if the band refused her request. She cared about them. As friends. But if she spent every moment of the next three months with Brian, how would she keep him at arm’s length? Did she even want to? The joy his cal had incited indicated she was more attached to the man than she’d like to think. Here she was on an airplane to Oregon to visit him, after al .

She took a deep breath. The only reason she wanted to see Brian so badly was because he was so good in bed. So open to suggestion. So accommodating. He never tried to make her feel like a whore. She could be herself with him. Yeah, that was the reason her heart rate hadn’t returned to normal since he’d cal ed. Holding him at arm’s length would be no problem. No problem at al . But what if he didn’t want her to tour with his band? How would she feel if he said no?

Maybe she should ask another band. She couldn’t put her heart on the line again. She’d barely survived her marriage and divorce. Emotional y. Mental y. Physical y. It had literal y almost kil ed her. She slid her hand under her hair and absently fingered the thick scar on the back of her head. No, she never wanted to open herself to that kind of devastation again. Not even with a great guy like Brian. Jeremy had been great in the beginning. She couldn’t let herself forget that. Myrna tucked the grant letter into her purse. This news was too good to dwel on negative possibilities. She would decide if she wanted to ask Sinners to participate in her study at the end of the weekend. For now, she’d just enjoy her moments with Brian and not think about real life. Or her ex-husband.

Near the end of the plane ride, she went to the bathroom and removed her panties. She tucked them into her suit jacket pocket. A little present to get Brian in the mood and set this rendezvous on the right track from the start. Not that Brian ever needed help to get in the mood, but she was competing with young girls begging him to autograph their perky tits. If she wanted to keep him interested in her body, she’d have to surprise him occasional y. With al that young, available pu**y around him, he was sure to get bored with her in no time.

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