Backstage Pass

Page 4

Brian scowled. Why had he said that? Being drunk was no excuse. “Sorry, man. I didn’t mean…” He rubbed his face vigorously with both hands. “Fuck.”

“If we don’t hurry back, Sed wil be al over that sweet piece of ass.”

Brian splashed some cool water on his face. “Yeah, so what’s new?” Sed was al over every sweet piece of ass.

“It’s total y unfair. Sed gets al the pu**y.”

Al of them did fine with that. Couldn’t complain. Actual y, it would do Brian good to lay off the pu**y for a while. “We al get plenty.”

“But Sed gets al the good pu**y. This is Certified Grade A pu**y we’re talking about, Be-Rye. He’s probably already got her on her back with her ankles around his neck.” He tilted his head back and did his best chick-getting-laid-by-Sed impression. “Oh Sed. Yes. Yes. Sed. Ohhhh!”

Brian rol ed his eyes and shook his head. “You’re an ass, Eric. You know that?”

“I’d like a piece of ass. I do know that. Hurry the f**k up or I’m going back without you.”

Brian dried his face on a paper towel and headed for the bathroom exit. “Al right then, let’s go get you some Certified Grade A pu**y.” He clapped Eric on the back, walking without any assistance now. Eric had no chance with Myrna if Sed had his sights on her. But hey, a guy could dream.

When they reached the table, Brian found Myrna sitting demurely next to Sed. Al her clothes were stil in place. Sed’s hand wasn’t up her skirt. They weren’t even making out. In fact, they were talking and laughing. Even Jace, who said fewer than five words in the average day, chatted quietly with the Certified Grade A Sex Professor. When Brian’s shadow crossed her face, Myrna glanced up at him and smiled brightly. She had a great smile, flashing perfect, white teeth between soft, kissable lips.

“Are you feeling better?” She looked him over with genuine concern.

Don’t do that, he thought. I’m still trying to get over what’s-her-face. Angie. Yeah. I’m trying to get over Angie. Brian glanced at Sed, who avoided his accusatory glare by finding Jace uncommonly interesting. Angie… Brian’s heart panged unpleasantly and he clenched his fist.

That f**king slut.

“Yeah, I feel a little better,” he said to Myrna.

“He blew chunks,” Eric found necessary to inform everyone.

Myrna patted the seat next to her, which apparently signaled Eric to shove Brian out of the way so he could sit next to her. She laughed and hugged Eric’s arm. “Thanks for taking care of Brian.”

Eric beamed. “Hey, no problem. That’s what friends are for.”


Brian took a seat next to Trey, who lounged on the bench across from Myrna with a lol ipop stick protruding from his mouth. Trey had to be the only guy on earth who could make sucking on a lol ipop look cool. He’d given up smoking a few months ago, but stil needed something in his mouth at al times. His dentist made a kil ing.

“So are you real y a fan of ours?” Eric asked Myrna.

“Yeah, for years. Even before you made it real y big. I use snippets of your guitar music in my classes to discuss male sensu…”

She glanced at Brian, her eyes widening as if she’d been caught doing something wrong. She never finished the thought, because Jace decided now was a good time to break his regular silence. “She even knows al of our names.”

Looking relieved about the subject change, she pointed to each of them in turn. “Eric Sticks−drums. Three bass drums, fourteen cymbals. He does it with perfect rhythm.”

“Every time,” he said, tapping the table with his palms.

“Sedric Lionheart. Lead vocals. The sound of his voice makes the ladies cream their panties.”

Sed leaned closer to her and said in his signature, baritone growl, “Yours included? I could sing a few bars, if you like.”

“That’s entirely unnecessary.”

“Ah, you’re kil ing me, Myr.”

She grinned deviously. Brian wondered what he’d missed while he’d been worshiping the porcelain god. Just like Sed to move in for the kil immediately.

She continued, “Jace Seymour. Bassist.” She paused, contemplating the newest member of their band.

“Hey, don’t I get a byline?” Jace complained.

Myrna leaned across Sed and beckoned Jace closer. She whispered something in his ear and he flushed to the roots of his bleached hair. “Seriously?” he sputtered.

She stared into his eyes and nodded. “Seriously.”

Now that was just wrong. What had she told him?

“Trey Mil s. Rhythm guitarist. Dreamy green eyes to melt hearts. Nimble fingers to, wel , get a lady’s thoughts going in al sorts of inappropriate directions.”

Trey winked and wriggled his fingers at her.

Her eyes moved to Brian. “Brian Sinclair.” She paused. Brian’s gaze focused on her pouty, pink lips. He wondered how many of her male students sat through her class with wood in their pants. Captivated, he waited for her words. A slow smile spread across her lovely face. “A musical genius.”

No way! He didn’t get something sexy said about him? He might melt under the heat of her gaze, however. She wanted him. He’d been around enough women to know that look. Why had he drunk so much? He was in no condition to pul off any level of seduction.

“I guess she does know who we are,” Eric said.

“Did you think I was lying?” Myrna’s gaze moved to Eric.

“You just don’t look like a rocker. Like, at al .”

“What does a rocker look like?”

“More makeup. Fewer clothes. Piercings. Tattoos.”

“Who says I don’t have any piercings?”

Sed traced the edge of her ear with his fingertip, drawing attention to a pair of smal diamond studs in her earlobe. “Ear piercings don’t count.”

“I wasn’t talking about my ears.”

Sed’s eyes searched her face. “Then where? I don’t see any oth-Oh…”

Brian shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

“So where is it?” Eric asked excitedly. “Navel? Nipple?”

“Clit?” Jace asked, his eyes downcast as he grinned crookedly.

That’s what Brian expected, too. Her clit. Fuck me. He found it chal enging enough to stay upright with his head swimming from the booze. He sure didn’t need blood vacating his brain to engorge more attentive pieces of his anatomy. He clutched the table as the room tilted.

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