Backstage Pass

Page 42

If she wanted to keep this thing between them solely about sex, she knew she shouldn’t indulge him, but she relented and moved into his arms. He arranged the covers around them. Her legs were definitely warm now, but cuddling up against him warmed more than her body. She sighed and relaxed against his side, her head resting on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and hummed a guitar riff under his breath just as he drifted off to sleep. She supposed she could tolerate being around this guy and his band mates for three months. Assuming they wanted her along for the ride.

Chapter 15

Brian watched Myrna button her shirt, hiding her sexy, lace bra from his appreciative gaze. The woman should be required to stay naked and in his bed at al times. Covering that body was an abomination. His sleep-muddled thoughts began to clear. Had she real y just asked him to cal a band meeting?

“Band meeting?” Brian asked.

“Yeah. I have something important to discuss with al of you,” she said. “Do you think we can get everyone together for a few minutes? It won’t take long. I promise.”

He sat up and dangled his legs over the edge of the bed. He rubbed his face vigorously. “What time is it?”

“Seven-ish, I think.”

“Seven-ish? As in seven a.m.?” He lay back down and covered himself with the comforter. “Come back to bed, Myrna. I haven’t seen seven a.m. in over three years.”

“Is it too early?”

“Uh, yeah. It’s waaaay too early.”

“Go back to sleep then. What time do you al usual y wake up?”

“Ten-ish. Or in Jace’s case, noon-ish.”

“Most of the day wil be gone by then.” She fastened her skirt and crossed the room to sit on the bed beside him. “I thought we were going to spend today together.”

He grinned at her sleepily. “So why are you out of bed and dressed?”

“I was planning on taking you to breakfast, since I’m starving. I was also hoping to pick up a toothbrush and maybe a change of clothes. I’m feeling kind of helpless, trapped here with no provisions.”

“Ah, I’m being an insensitive prick. Gotcha.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“I’m up!” He tossed his covers aside and climbed out of bed. He hunted the floor for clothing. He found his boxers under the edge of the bed. He slid into them and stood at the foot of the bed, slapping his face with both palms to wake himself up. Myrna’s arms circled his waist from behind. She pressed her cheek against his back and then sucked a gentle trail of kisses over his skin from one shoulder blade to the other. He paused. Affectionate in the morning? Good to know. When her hands flattened over his bel y, he stiffened, instantly alert. Her kisses trailed down his spine and back up. She then rested her cheek against his back and sighed.

“If you’re trying to get me in the mood,” he said, “it’s working.”

“No, I’m not trying to seduce you. Are you awake now?”

“So that was your intention?”

“I’m sorry to have ulterior motives, Brian, but I’m starving.” Her stomach rumbled loudly. “Al I had for dinner yesterday was a mint on the airplane.”

“I invite you here and don’t even feed you dinner. I wonder if the roadies stocked the refrigerator with anything but beer.”

He tugged her toward the door and out into the corridor. Quiet snores came from the curtained bunks on the left side of the bus. Brian punched Trey in the arm on his way past his bunk. Trey slapped at Brian’s head, but missed, and immediately fel into snores again.

“I’ve known Trey since fifth grade. It’s required that I f**k with him on a regular basis.”

She rol ed her eyes at him, shaking her head slightly.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She had a wel -fucked look about her. He wondered how she’d talked him into leaving bed. Shouldn’t he get the chance to bask in the accomplishment of putting that look on her face?

He forced his attention from her face and opened the smal refrigerator. Some leftover take-out containers from God-only-knew when. Cans of beer. Bottles of beer. A half-gal on of no-longer-liquid milk. He closed the refrigerator. “This isn’t looking good.” He opened a cabinet. An empty box of cereal to go with the solid milk. Cherry suckers. A sock. He closed the cabinet and glanced at her over his shoulder. “Wanna go out to eat?”

“If I want to survive the experience, I think that’s probably the best idea.”

He hugged her and kissed her temple. “We’l borrow Jace’s bike again.”

She grinned. “I wonder if Eric is stil wearing your lucky hat.”

“He probably slept in it. Assuming Jace didn’t tel him what was in it. Let’s find you some warm clothes. As much as I enjoyed warming you up last night, I’d feel guilty if I made you ride on the back of a bike in a skirt again.”

She fol owed him back to the bedroom and he offered her a pair of Jace’s jeans and one of his own band-logo T-shirts. The jeans were loose around her waist but snug on her hips and clung to her ass in a most beguiling fashion. She slipped into her high-heeled shoes. “I look ridiculous.”

“You look gorgeous, as always.” He drew her against him and kissed her passionately. She went limp in his arms, total y submissive to his eager mouth and seeking tongue. He eyed the bed, but decided feeding her breakfast was for the best and drew away. “Let’s go before I toss you back into bed.”

“I wouldn’t protest much,” she murmured huskily.

Her stomach rumbled. Her eyes widened and she covered her bel y with one hand.

“But your stomach would.”

He took her hand and they made their way to the front of the bus. He handed her Jace’s leather jacket and put on his own before retrieving the spare set of keys from the glove compartment.

He considered a disguise. “Do you think anyone wil recognize me?”

Myrna ran her fingers through his hair, looking him over careful y. “You’re a mess, Brian. I don’t even recognize you.”

He glanced into the rearview mirror, stretching the skin on his cheek with his fingers. “Seriously? Did I sleep on my face again?”

She chuckled. “I’m kidding. You are instantly identifiable. Let’s just go through the first fast food drive-thru we encounter. We can come back here to eat and avoid your rabid fans altogether.”

“Only if I can use your naked bel y as my plate and drip my ketchup into your bel y button.”

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