Backstage Pass

Page 46

“Myrna!” Eric said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. He was stil wearing Brian’s hat. She bit her lip so she didn’t laugh. Her eyes moved to Sed’s face. He sat in a captain’s chair watching her. He was undeniably the leader of this band. His presence radiated from his body like a monarch’s. If he said no, she was certain the rest of the band would take his side. Sed was the one she’d have to convince.

“You smel like Brian,” Eric said in her ear.

Her face hot, she pushed him away. Eric squeezed around her and sat beside Jace on the beige leather sofa.

“So what’s this about?” Trey asked, setting his guitar on the floor at his feet. He sat next to Jace on the sofa across from Sed. Al the roadies watched her curiously. Brian wrapped an arm around her waist and she leaned against him for support. She grasped the letter tighter. Why was she so nervous? She didn’t want Sed to tel her no, that’s why. She wanted a reason to…

She glanced at Brian. He smiled gently, offering encouragement. Maybe it was better if they told her to get lost. She’d have a much easier time not fal ing for their lead guitarist.

She focused on Sed. “I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Anything, Myrna.” He seemed sincere.

“I need a mil ion dol ars to pay the ransom on my kidnapped poodle,” she said.

Sed’s jaw dropped.

She laughed. “Kidding.”

Brian burst out laughing. “Oh my God, did you see the look on his face?”

“Fuck you, Sinclair,” Sed said.

“Sorry, Sed, I couldn’t resist,” Myrna said. “You looked so serious sitting there.”

“I respect you, Myrna,” he said, “or I did.”

Every male occupant on the bus stared at Sed with his mouth hanging open. Myrna wasn’t sure why his statement shocked them so much, but she pressed on. “In truth, it’s for work. My research.”

“Which part of me would you like to study?” Sed asked, grinning.

She flushed once again, flustered. The man was al alpha male. She didn’t think a woman existed who wouldn’t react to him.

“Your groupies.”

“I didn’t know you swung that way, Myr,” Eric said. “Can I watch?”

“You want to study my groupies?” Sed asked.

“Wel , not just yours.” She glanced at each member of the band in turn. “Trey’s, Jace’s, Eric’s.” She looked up at Brian. “Brian’s.”

“I don’t get it,” Jace said.

“That’s because you don’t have any groupies,” Eric said, punching him hard in the arm. Jace shoved him. Eric climbed to his feet, his hands bal ed into fists. Myrna flinched.

“Knock it off, Eric,” Sed demanded.

Eric hesitated, glanced at Sed, and then plopped down on the sofa, his jaw flexing as he clenched his teeth together.

“Myr, what are you asking for?” Brian asked. “Specifical y. I mean why do you need our permission to study our groupies? It’s not like they’re our property.”

They were, in a way, but that’s one of the things she planned to study. “Wel … I was hoping I could go on tour with you for the summer.” She forced her eyes from Brian to Sed. “I know I’l be a burden, but I’l try to stay out of your way. The grant includes a stipend for the band for al owing me to travel with you and to cover my expenses—ten thousand dol ars. You can have the entire sum.”

Sed laughed, his head thrown back, the deep sound rumbling through his broad chest. “You’ve got to be f**king kidding me.”

Her hopes plummeted. She bit her lip and lowered her gaze. Why did her heart feel like a big lump of ice in her chest? It wasn’t that big of a deal. She could find another band. A less famous one that could use the money. She turned to leave and ran into Brian’s chest.

He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. “I say she comes with us.”

Sed’s laughter trailed off. “Wel , of course she’s coming with us. She’s your f**king muse, Brian. I just can’t believe this amazing stroke of luck. She’s offering to pay us to help you write songs.”

She turned her head to look at Sed. “No, you’ve got it al wrong. I’m not doing this to stay with Brian. This is for work.”

Sed grinned. “Like the reason matters. Yeah, I say you’re welcome to tour with us. What do the rest of you say?”

Trey blew a huff of air through his lips. “Have you seen these licks Brian’s been writing?” He swept a hand toward the stack of music on the table. “I was prepared to kidnap her and her little dog. Yeah, she stays. Of course she stays.”

“No objection,” Jace said.

“I have one condition,” Eric said. He lifted a finger into the air.

“Whatever you’re going to ask, the answer is no,” Brian said.

“Damn.” He scowled. “But—”


“Fine, since you insist, she’l sleep in my bunk with me. The sacrifices I make for this band.”

Myrna shook her head at Eric in disbelief.

Brian took her chin between his finger and thumb and lifted her face to look at him. He searched her eyes and then lowered his head to kiss her. The grant letter tumbled from her fingers as she clung to the skin of his bare chest. Three months with Brian? Yeah, she might be able to handle that.

Chapter 17

“It’s just a few more days, Brian,” she said into her cel phone as she walked to her car after work. “I have a bunch of things to take care of here first. I do have a life, you know.”

“It’s just… I’m going crazy with missing you.”

She smiled. “I miss you, too. Thanks for the flowers, by the way.”


“Don’t play coy. They were signed, See You Soon, so it had to be you. And how did you know gladiolas were my favorite flower?”

“I should have sent you flowers, but I can’t take credit. Who would send you flowers?”

“They weren’t from you?” She bit her lip. Who would send her flowers? Her parents maybe? Or one of her sisters?

“No, they weren’t from me. Is some bozo hitting on you?” He sounded more upset than he should be.

“Nah. Probably from my parents. So, where wil you be on Saturday? I should be able to get out of town by then.” She unlocked her car and slid her laptop case across the front seat.

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