Backstage Pass

Page 58

“That’s what he plays now, but he can play guitar, too. Bass. Piano. Sax. Violin. Ukulele. Fuckin’ kazoo. You name it, Eric wails on it.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“And he has a fantastic voice. He sang and played bass for Crysys until Sed found us, and then he switched to drums permanently.”

Myrna’s brow furrowed. “Why did he switch to drums?”

“He’s the best drummer in the business. And… Sed gives him an inferiority complex.”

“Sed gives everyone an inferiority complex. The man has more self-esteem than fifteen supermodels combined. I think he was a monarch in his past life or something.”

“Henry the Eighth, probably.” He made a cutting motion across his throat complete with sound effects. Myrna laughed.

“Sed’s always been confident like that,” Brian said. “He came up to us after a Crysys gig and insisted he was our new singer. Sixteen years old and he knew his place on the planet. He said he’d been looking for a band to front. Told Eric point blank that he didn’t have the star quality or looks to front a band and he should go hide behind the drum kit.”

Myrna flinched. “That was harsh.”

“He was right. We were going nowhere. If it weren’t for Sed, we’d stil be playing birthday parties for spoiled rich girls. He had a plan, knew where he wanted to go, how to get there, and he made it work. For al of us. Sed changed the band’s name to Sinners and we searched for a bassist to replace Eric.”


“Nope, we had a different bassist before Jace. Jace has only been with us for two years. Our first bassist was Jon Mal ory—Eric’s best friend in high school. Unfortunately, Jon was usual y too high to find the stage. If you could swal ow it, snort it, smoke it or shoot it, he’d do it. We tried to help him get through it. He was in rehab half a dozen times, but he almost brought us al down with him, so we had to let him go. It was hard to kick him out of the band. Just making the decision was hard, but watching Sed tel him… Fuck. That was brutal. He was like family, you know, especial y to Eric. I feel sorry for Jace at times. He has big shoes to fil and Eric sure doesn’t make it easy for him.”

“Drugs and alcohol mess up so many lives.” She’d probably stil be married to Jeremy if it weren’t for his drinking problem. “So how’d you find Jace?”

Brian smiled at her. “He came highly recommended by Trey’s older brother.” He winked. “Okay, your turn.”

“My turn?”

“This isn’t a one way conversation.”

“Wait. What do you mean he came highly recommended by Trey’s older brother? Wink. Wink. Were they lovers or something?”

Brian’s shocked expression was quickly replaced by raucous laughter. He stopped walking and wrapped his arms around his bel y as he continued to laugh. She thought he’d fal into the sand and start rol ing back and forth at any moment.

“What is so funny?”

Brian wiped tears of mirth from his eyes. “Oh God. I needed that laugh.”

He hugged her to his side, stil chuckling sporadical y.

“I stil don’t understand what’s so funny. Trey is g*y, isn’t he? I mean he doesn’t real y look or act the part, but…”

Brian tugged her by the shoulders to face him and looked down at her. “Gay? No, not real y. Trey is more of an equal opportunity lover. His brother is straighter than an arrow, however. And I think Jace would rather die than be with a man. Just picturing Jace Seymour and Darren Mil s together struck me as hilarious.”

Darren Mills? Why did that name sound familiar to her?

Brian continued, “What I meant was Jace tried out for Dare’s band and they were going to hire him, but their original bassist decided to stay after al . So when Dare found out that we needed a bassist to replace Jon, he sent Jace our way. We were lucky to get him. I mean, he’s good enough to get an audition with Exodus End at the tender age of twenty-one. That’s pretty f**king amazing.”

Myrna’s eyes widened. “Exodus End?” That’s where she knew the name Darren Mil s. Or rather, Dare Mil s. Her lead-guitaristsenses tingled at ful throb.

“Please don’t tel me you’ve never heard of Exodus End.”

She grabbed him by both arms and gave him a vigorous shake. “Of course I’ve heard of Exodus End. What planet do you think I’m from? Do you know them? Personal y?”

“Uh, yeah. Trey’s brother is their lead guitarist.”

“No shit? You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” She didn’t know why she’d never connected Trey and Dare Mil s. “Holy Toledo!”

“Holy Toledo?” He laughed at her sudden bout of fan-girlness. “Nope. Not teasing. You know, we’re opening for Exodus End at the end of June in Las Vegas. Maybe you’d like to meet him.”

Her heart rate accelerated. “Oh my God. I’ve died and gone to heaven. He’s the absolute best guitarist on the planet.”


Brian was pouting again. Myrna patted his cheek affectionately. “I’m sorry, Brian, but he is.”

Brian chuckled. “You could at least pretend I’m the best while in my presence. Especial y since I have your car keys.”

“You know I think you’re awesome.”

“On second thought, I won’t introduce you to him. Not only is he a better guitarist, he’s better looking, tal er, more famous, richer. He’l steal you away from me.”

“Not a chance.” She stood on tiptoe to kiss him, a contemplative look sliding into place. “Richer, you say?”

“Al right, that does it.”

She squeaked in surprise when he lifted her off the ground and tossed her over his shoulder. He gave her ass a playful swat.

“You, Miss Evans, are being very naughty today.”

“I’m always naughty.”

“True. But today’s naughtiness is poking holes in my fragile ego.”

Myrna laughed and slid her hand down the back of his pants to toy with the smooth skin on his butt.

“None of that.” He pul ed her hand out of his pants.

“Since when is your ego fragile?”

“Since I met you.”

“So is that the attraction?”


“Wel , I can’t help but wonder why you’re so interested in me when you can get much better looking and younger women who jump at your every command.”

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