Backstage Pass

Page 60

“No,” he said.

He gazed up at her, water dripping from his nose and chin.


“That’s what I said.”

He sucked her beaded nipple into his mouth. His hot tongue rubbed against her sensitive flesh, drawing moans of pleasure from her. She struggled to release her wrists from his grip, wanting to bury her fingers in his hair, but he refused to set her free. She jerked her body away from his devilish tongue, changed her mind, and twisted to offer him her other breast. When he didn’t immediately draw it into his mouth, she looked down at him. His devilish grin made her heart throb.

“Do you want me to suck this one, too?” He stroked her neglected nipple with the tip of his nose.



“Yes, please.”

He drew the flat of his tongue over her offered nipple and she shuddered.

“I think my work here is done.” He stood straight and released her wrists.

“Oh no it’s not.” She threw her body against his, her fingers tangling in the wet strands of his hair, her mouth seeking his in a desperate kiss. He kissed her in return, while drawing the bodice of her dress to cover her br**sts and zipping the garment at her back.

He pul ed away al too soon. He looked up at the sky, blinking rain from his eyes. “I don’t think this rain is going to let up any time soon.” He retrieved the keys from his pocket and unlocked the car door. Before she could climb into the warm, dry interior of the car, he asked, “Have you changed your mind about going to L.A. with me yet?”

“Is that what this is about?”

“Nope. I just want you to want me real y, real y bad.”

“Mission accomplished.”

Chapter 22

“We’re lost,” Myrna said. “Pul over and I’l get directions.”

“We are not lost,” Brian said. “We’re in Tampa. That does not equal lost.”

“But we’re not at the stadium and your show starts in an hour.”

“I am aware of that.”

“Then stop being so stubborn and pul into that gas station. I won’t tel them you’re lost. I’l nonchalantly ask them how to get to the stadium.”

“I’m not lost.” He released an exasperated breath and pul ed into the gas station. “Just buy a map.” He handed her his wal et. She sighed. She guessed rock stars were stil men. Was there a man in existence who would admit he was lost? She hurried into the store, not caring that her hair looked like she’d stuck her tongue in an electrical outlet. While she purchased the map, she asked the clerk for directions.

Within minutes, she was back in the car with Brian. She handed him the map.

He started to unfold it. “What street are we on?” He glanced around as if expecting to find an arrow labeled “you are here” nearby.

“No idea. But the clerk said you should go about eight blocks that way.” She pointed down the street. Brian grinned at her. “See. We weren’t too far off.”

“Then get on the interstate heading south. Take the third exit.”


“Turn left and fol ow the signs. It’s about twenty minutes from here. Assuming we don’t get lost again.”


He backed the car and headed in the direction Myrna had indicated. By the time they found the tour buses behind the stadium, it was nine-thirty.

They hurried up the bus steps and were confronted by Sed. “Where the f**k have you two been? The show starts in half an hour.”

“Get out of the way. I need a shower. You can yel at me later.” Brian shoved Sed aside and peeled his shirt off over his head as he headed for the bathroom.

“Wel , hurry up!” Sed cal ed unnecessarily.

Myrna fol owed Brian into the bathroom. If she was going to watch the performance, she needed a shower, too. She had sand in unimaginable locations and her once white dress was now a grimy shade of puce. Brian turned on the water in the tiny shower and unfastened his pants.

“Are you going to watch?” he asked.

“I’m going to join you.”

“I don’t have time for you to join me.” Now gloriously naked, he stepped into the shower.

“I need a shower, too. I’m filthy.”

Her dress and panties landed in a pile on top of her discarded sandals. She stepped into the shower behind Brian, who was lathering his hair with shampoo. She hadn’t planned on touching him, just sharing the flow of water, but when this man was naked and within reach, she couldn’t help herself. She kissed his shoulder and his entire body jerked.

“Myrna, please don’t. I’m already horny as hel . I don’t need to go on stage with a hard on.”

“It’s your fault for turning me down on the beach.” She pressed a kiss to the center of his back, the unpleasant taste of shampoo in her mouth. “And on the hood of the car.” She kissed his other shoulder. “And inside the car.” Her hands circled his body to slide up his bel y. “And every hotel we passed for 70 miles.”

“Can I help it if my girlfriend always wants my body?” She could hear the smile in his voice.

“Like you don’t contribute to my uncharacteristic, insatiable appetite.”

“What do you mean, uncharacteristic?”

“Do you real y think I usual y need hours of sex every single day? When I have a steady lover, thirty minutes twice a week is sufficient.”

“Real y?” He turned to rinse his hair, scrubbing with both arms above his head. Her hands moved around him to massage his firm bu**ocks. She kissed his col arbone.

“So do I not satisfy you, or what?” he asked.

He knew better, but that ego of his needed constant feeding. “You always satisfy me. Now that I know how good it can be, I want you al the time.”

He grinned down at her. “I feel exactly the same way.” She didn’t believe him, but now was not the time to cal him on his fib. He had to be on stage in twenty minutes.

They switched places so she could wash her hair while he lathered his body with soap and insisted on rubbing the bar over her br**sts and bel y. They switched places again so he could rinse his body while she finished washing. Squeaky clean, he kissed her and left her to her own devices.

After hurrying through the rest of her shower, she wrapped a towel around her body and rushed to the bedroom. Brian was already half dressed. She watched him tug a T-shirt on over his head. He reached for a studded belt and laced it through his belt loops.

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