Backstage Pass

Page 78

“How do you keep it so clean? Doesn’t Trey live here with you?” She was constantly on top of Trey to pick up after himself on the bus. She couldn’t imagine his behavior being much different at home.

“Maid service, baby.”

“Ah, that explains everything.”

She turned to find him standing directly behind her. “Thank you,” he murmured, taking both her hands in his and staring into her eyes with sincerity.

“You’re welcome,” she said, “but what are you thanking me for?”

“For what you did with my dad.”

She smiled and squeezed his hands. “I was just trying to make up for insulting him and for hurting you. I don’t know why I got so mad when he criticized you and the band.”

“I think I know why.” He kissed her tenderly.

“I guess I’m just a fan girl, after al .”

The front door opened. “Honey, I’m home,” Trey cal ed and tossed his keys on the table beside the door. A tal brunette with big boobs, bigger hair and an almost nonexistent skirt fol owed Trey into the apartment. She scowled when her eyes landed on Myrna.

“When you said Brian would be here, you didn’t say anything about him having a woman with him,” she said to Trey.

“Hey, Carly,” Brian murmured. Myrna’s head snapped up to look at him. He knew this…this woman? Was she an old girlfriend of his? Brian toyed with the button at the top of Myrna’s suit jacket, his face red and body tense as he stared at his fiddling fingers.

“I didn’t say he wouldn’t have a woman with him,” Trey pointed out.

“I was hoping to be involved in one of your famous threesomes tonight,” Carly said, “but everyone knows Brian doesn’t cheat.”

Famous threesomes? Myrna’s eyes widened and her breath caught.

Brian’s hands moved to cover Myrna’s ears. “Wil you get her out of here? We were having a moment,” Brian’s muffled voice carried through his hands.

Trey said something Myrna couldn’t make out. Carly grinned brazenly, grabbed Trey’s belt buckle and led him down the hal way. As soon as the bedroom door closed, Brian dropped his hands.

“Sorry you had to see that.”

“Famous threesomes?” she sputtered.

“Really sorry you heard that.” He turned and headed toward the kitchen off to the side of the main living room. “Are you hungry?”

She trailed after him, stumbling over the edge of an area rug because she wasn’t watching where she was going. “Don’t change the subject, Brian.”

“I’m starved. There should be something in here to eat. Wanda knew we’d be home tonight and she’s always good about stocking up for our return.”

He opened the refrigerator and leaned inside.

“Did Carly mean… that you and Trey and… and a…” She swal owed. “…a woman have…” She touched her cheeks with cool fingertips. Why was her face so hot? “H-have…?”

“Fucked like maniacs?” He tossed a store-bought package of refrigerated tortel ini onto the counter. “Yep, that’s what she meant. Red sauce or white?”

Myrna leaned heavily against the breakfast bar. “A three some?”

“Myrna, calm down. It was just sex. Al in the past. No big deal.” He tossed a plastic tub on the counter next to the pasta. “I think red sauce sounds better.”

She’d never been involved in anything even remotely as exciting as a threesome. “Have you done that often?” she asked, her voice at least two pitches higher than usual.

Brian shrugged. “Not recently. Trey and I used to share everything. And I do mean everything. We’ve grown up a lot in the past couple of years.”

“Damn,” she muttered under her breath.

Brian dropped a pan. It clattered across the floor, but he didn’t retrieve it. He gaped at her instead. “Did you just say ‘damn’?”

Her eyes widened and she shook her head vigorously. “No.” She smoothed her skirt, licked her lips, and lowered her gaze to the floor. “I said pan. You dropped your pan.”

“I dropped it after you said damn.”

Her flushed face flamed several degrees hotter. “Oh.”

His boots entered her line of sight. “Would you be open to something like that?”

Her eyes darted to his face and then back to his boots. “I don’t know.”

“I’m sure Trey would go for it.”

She could scarcely hear him over the blood rushing through her ears.

He touched her chin and when she found her courage, she looked up at him. “We’d make you feel real good,” he murmured. His hands slid over the curve of her ass and he tugged her closer. “Real good.”

He seemed as turned on by the idea as she was. And she was at ful throttle.

“Wouldn’t it make things weird between us?” she asked.

“Between us?”

“Me. You. Trey. Al of us?”

“It doesn’t have to. Trey never equates sex with emotion or conquest. He’d think of it as nothing but a good time. Otherwise, I wouldn’t let him touch you.” He brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “I’l let you think about it. No pressure.”

She nodded. She already knew she wanted to do it, but she was afraid that Brian would think poorly of her. My God, this would make her the biggest whore on the planet. I love to f**k you, baby, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to f**k your best friend at the same time.

“I prefer red sauce, too,” she said absently.

He burst out laughing, and then bent to pick up the pan he’d dropped. He went to the sink and fil ed it with water before setting it on the stove. “Talk about subject change. Red sauce it is.”

Myrna continued to lean against the counter. She watched Brian burn his fingers several times before she took over the cooking. Seriously, the man couldn’t even boil water without causing himself harm. He sat on a stool on the other side of the breakfast bar and watched her cook with a giddy expression.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked him final y.

“You’re in my home. Cooking on my stove.”

“If you ask me to get barefoot and pregnant and put on a fril y apron, I’m going to clobber you.”

“You can wear shoes.”

She rol ed her eyes at him. “Why, thank you. How generous.”

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