Backstage Pass

Page 83

Brian laughed. “Tel her what you want, Trey.”

“Suck me,” he growled between clenched teeth. “Please.”

She glanced down at Brian for instructions and he shook his head.

“Put two fingers in his ass and do that thing you do to me sometimes.”

“What thing?” Trey asked suspiciously.

She grinned. “You’re very generous with your friends, sweetheart,” she murmured.

She slid her index and middle fingers into Brian’s mouth to wet them and then reached between Trey’s legs and shoved them inside his body.

Trey gasped brokenly. “Oh yeah. You know I like that.”

She searched inside him until she found her target and stroked the swol en gland persistently. Trey grabbed her hair in both fists and directed his c**k into her mouth. His cries of ecstasy encouraged her to suck him hard while she continued to stimulate him with her fingers.

Brian grabbed her wrist and eased her fingers from Trey’s body. She released his c**k as wel and glanced down at Brian for further instructions.

“Leave him for a minute,” Brian said. “Ride me until you come, and if he’s quiet, I’l tel you to suck him off. Maybe.”

Stil trembling from the pleasure she’d given him, Trey groaned in protest. He wrapped his hand around the head of his c**k and flinched.

“If he’s quiet,” Brian repeated. “And doesn’t touch himself.”

Trey’s brow furrowed. “Fu…” He bit his lip. He shifted both hands to his hips and stood there waiting for Myrna to make her next move.

She grinned down at her devious lover, rising and fal ing over him now. Brian’s fingers worked her clit, driving her mad with desire. Her head fel back as her cries grew louder and louder with each thrust.

“Shit,” Trey muttered. “I’m supposed to just stand here and watch you two f**k while I get nothing?”

Myrna lifted her head to glare at Trey. “You already had yours. And you’re supposed to be quiet,” she said, and shoved him against the wal . “You broke my concentration. Now I have to start over.”

Brian gasped in pleasure. She looked down to find him writhing on the brink of orgasm. She slapped him across the face. “Don’t you dare let go. Not yet. I’m not finished with you.”

He caught her wrist before she slapped him again. “You’re getting awful y bossy.” He looked up at Trey and nodded. Trey hopped off the bed.

Brian grabbed her around the waist and rol ed their entwined bodies onto their sides. She gasped as his c**k rammed into her. He lifted her left leg to rest around his waist. Trey spooned up against her back. She stiffened.

“Relax,” Trey whispered into her ear.

He probed her back entrance with the head of his c**k and then he was inside her. Both of them were inside her. Oh. So gloriously fil ed.

They began to move. Brian thrusting into her, while Trey pul ed out. Brian pul ed out, while Trey thrust inside. Her senses were so overwhelmed that she couldn’t do anything but cling to Brian’s chest and gasp for air, her head tilted back and pressing into Trey’s shoulder.

“Are you okay?” Brian whispered into her ear.

“Yes,” she gasped. “Yes. Yes, oh God, yes! Yes! Fuck me. Fil me. Both of you. I love it. I love it!” She saw stars when she came, but they didn’t let her recover. They switched to thrusting into her and pul ing out in unison. Trey’s body convulsed behind her. “God, Brian, your c**k is driving me crazy.”

“Yeah,” Brian agreed. “I feel you moving inside her. Feels so good.” His breath caught. “Faster, Trey. Stay with me.”

Myrna turned her head to look at them. They lay facing each other, staring into each other’s eyes over her shoulder. She’d seen this intensity between them on stage before, this connection, but was surprised to see it here. Brian closed his eyes. Stil matching Brian’s thrusts, Trey leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth.

Myrna’s eyes widened.

Trey’s tongue probed Brian’s lips.

Brian opened his mouth and Trey plunged his tongue inside. Trey’s hand moved to the back of Brian’s head to hold him stil as he kissed him. He sucked Brian’s lips passionately, his thrusts into Myrna’s body growing increasingly vigorous as his excitement got the better of him and he lost their synchronicity. Trey watched Brian the entire time he kissed him, his eyes glistening with unexpected tears. After a moment, he squeezed his eyes shut, his kiss shifting from passionate to desperate. Myrna lay there, too stunned to do anything but gawk.

Oh my God. Trey loved Brian. She knew it for a certainty. Trey loved Brian. Loved him. The urge to scratch out his eyes overwhelmed her. Did Brian realize this? Myrna didn’t think Brian even realized that Trey was kissing him. He’d gone into that muse trance mode that struck him completely unaware on occasion. After a moment, Brian twisted his head to the side, breaking the kiss. Trey’s head dropped to rest against the side of Myrna’s face. He cupped Brian’s jaw with such tenderness, Myrna’s fist clinched. She knew Brian didn’t love Trey. Not that way. He couldn’t. Brian was hers. Only hers.

Trey panted with exertion, pumped into her deeply twice and then shuddered with a startled cry as he found release. “Brian,” he gasped. “Brian.”

Brian hadn’t moved for several minutes. He opened his eyes, but they were glazed over with that far off look he got when he was completely inside his own head. “Do you hear it?” he whispered.

Myrna smiled. She knocked Trey’s hand aside and stroked back the strands of hair sticking to Brian’s sweaty face. “Yeah, baby. I hear it. Let it come.”

Trey lifted his head, listening intently. “I don’t hear anything.”

“Go get something to write on,” she said to Trey. And leave us alone. He’s mine.

“What? He didn’t finish, did he? I wanted to watch him come. He always looks so hot when he lets go.”

“He’l be out of it like that for a while. Go get something to write on. Trust me, you’re going to want to write this one down.”

“Thanks for sharing Brian with me this morning, Myrna. He’s been distancing himself from me lately.” Trey kissed her temple affectionately and pul ed out.

Uh, no. She was not sharing Brian with him. As exciting and pleasurable as they had made this encounter for her, she much preferred having Brian al to herself. Brian was hers. Only hers. And she wanted to keep it that way. Trey searched the room noisily for something to write on, but Myrna scarcely noticed. She was too busy coming to terms with the idea that she wasn’t just hopelessly, madly, deeply in lust with Brian “Master” Sinclair. She might actual y love him. An idea that did not sit wel with her.

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