Backstage Pass

Page 86

“Wait.” Jeremy fol owed her into the living room. The sound of his footsteps behind her made her heart race. She covered the back of her head with one hand and walked sideways so she could keep an eye on him. She wouldn’t put it past him to clobber her over the head the second she turned her back.

“Just give me a chance. Please, Myrna. Listen to me.” His strong fingers gripped her arm. She froze, trembling uncontrol ably. She couldn’t catch her breath. “How did you find me, Jeremy?” she said, gasping. “How? I did everything right.”

He chuckled. “That part was easy. There aren’t many ’57 Thunderbirds registered in this state.”

Of course. Her car. How could she have been so stupid?

“Why are you shaking? I said I wouldn’t hurt you. Don’t be afraid.”

“Don’t be afraid? Don’t be afraid! ” She turned and shoved him with both hands. “You put me in the hospital, you crazy son-of-abitch. You almost kil ed me.”

“That wasn’t me, baby. It wasn’t. I was drunk and you were cheating on me with that gas station attendant. I lost control. But I won’t slip again. I promise. I’l never hurt you again. Never.”

Gas station attendant? What the f**k was he talking about? She’d never dated a gas station attendant. She didn’t even know a gas station attendant.

“I’m not that man anymore. Remember that charming man you fel in love with?” He smiled and she could almost remember the man she’d married, but she remembered a face twisted in rage and a pair of hard fists much more vividly.

“He’s back. I,” he continued, pressing a hand to his chest, “I’m back and we can go back, Myrna. Back to the way things were at the beginning. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? I never meant to hurt you, sweetheart. You have to believe me. I’m better now. I’ve changed. I love you. So much. I do. I love you. You believe that, don’t you?”

Her stomach churned at the sound of those three little words slithering from between his lying lips. Nothing had changed. This was exactly like every other time he’d talked her into taking him back. Wel , one thing had changed. She had. She knew real love with a good man. Brian had showed her the difference. She shook her head at Jeremy. “Even if I did believe you, and I don’t, it wouldn’t matter. I don’t love you. I have a new boyfriend. One who respects me and treats me wel . He doesn’t think I’m a whore or falsely accuse me of cheating on him.”

Jeremy’s eyes hardened and his upper lip curled. A thril of fear raced down her spine. As she suspected, the darkness in him was careful y veiled behind his lies and attempted manipulations.

After several seconds, Jeremy relaxed and smiled. “Oh, yes. Brian.”

“Do I know you?” Brian asked from the open front door.

Chapter 35

Brian was stil groggy from the long flight, but he didn’t think he was hal ucinating. There was something intimate between Myrna and this guy who had his hand wrapped around her arm.

The tal man turned and his eyes widened. “This has to be a joke, Myrna. Your new boyfriend is a thug?”

“He’s not a thug,” she whispered. “He’s perfect.”

“Am I interrupting something?” Brian asked, his brows raised in question.

Myrna’s hands clenched into fists. Her entire body was shaking. He could see it from halfway across the room. Something wasn’t right here. Who was this guy? And why was he touching Myrna with such familiarity? Had she actual y been in such a hurry to return to Kansas City so she could rendezvous with some secret lover of hers? She’d known he was on his way. Surely she wasn’t stupid enough to get caught this easily.

“You can leave, thug. My wife and I are getting back together.” The man wrapped an arm around Myrna’s shoulders and tucked her against his side. His lips brushed her temple.

Brian’s heart slammed into his chest. “Wife?” Brian sputtered.

This was Jeremy? This handsome, clean-cut man was the evil son-of-a-bitch who had damaged Myrna so severely she couldn’t stand the sound of the word love? It couldn’t be. Brian was certain Jeremy had curved horns, thick red skin, glowing eyes, and cloven hooves. This guy, who belonged on a Christmas card dressed in a reindeer sweater surrounded by his doting wife, 2.5 kids, and his faithful golden retriever, could not be Jeremy. Not possible. Besides, weren’t they divorced?

Myrna shook her head and opened her mouth, but didn’t produce a sound. Brian had never seen her look so pale. He decided she wasn’t freaked out because he’d caught her in the act with some good-looking man. She was terrified. But Brian was here now. He wouldn’t let this ass**le hurt her again. Not physical y. Not emotional y. Not psychological y. Brian wouldn’t give him the chance.

“So you’re Jeremy,” Brian said, easing further into the apartment. No sudden movements. There was no tel ing what this crazy bastard was capable of.

Jeremy smiled and tossed his blond head with a self-satisfied grin on his perfect face. “She told you about me, did she?”

“Oh yeah, she told me al about you.” Brian’s rage simmered beneath the surface, but he knew he had to keep it restrained. His first instinct was to pound the shit out of this guy, but he didn’t want to scare Myrna. Brian didn’t want her to think he was anything like this prick.

Jeremy trailed his fingers up and down Myrna’s upper arm as he waited for Brian to make his move. Myrna stood frozen at his side, looking nauseous with anxiety. When Jeremy eased her closer, she whimpered. Brian’s rage erupted. “Get your f**king hands off her.” He crossed the room in three strides, his fisted hands raised in threat.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!” Jeremy said, bike-pedaling backwards and shifting Myrna in front of his body for protection. “I know you thugs settle your differences with violence, but civilized men—”

“You’re about to find out how violent this thug can get, you piece-of-shit pansy. I told you to get your f**king hands off Myrna. I mean now.”

Jeremy dropped his hands from Myrna’s shoulders.

Emitting a gasp of relief, she took a step toward Brian. He opened his arms to draw her near, but Jeremy grabbed her again. She flinched as if he’d struck her.

Brian’s heart thudded faster. His eyes narrowed. “I warned you, ass**le,” he said. “Now I’m going to kick your ass.”

Brian advanced on Jeremy, but before he could land a blow, Myrna stepped between them and lifted her hands to stop him. “No, Brian. Don’t hit him.”

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