Backstage Pass

Page 88

She fel into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She sobbed against his shoulder, drenching his shirt in seconds. He stroked her back and rubbed his lips against her hair. “It’s okay. I’m here. I’ve got you. Shh.”

Final y free, Jeremy yanked the door open and found two police officers standing on the threshold.

“Are you Jeremy Condaroy?” one of the officers asked.

“No, but thank God you’re here. You arrived just in time,” Jeremy said. “That’s him. Right there.” He pointed at Brian.

Chapter 36

Myrna didn’t understand what was happening. Why was she being pul ed from Brian’s steady and comforting embrace? Why were two police officers wrestling Brian to the floor and handcuffing him? Why had they let Jeremy walk casual y out of the apartment?

“What is going on?” she screamed.

“It’s okay, ma’am. We’ve got him,” one of the police officers said, and then he started to recite Miranda rights to Brian.

“Why are you arresting my boyfriend?”

The two cops looked at her in confusion.

“I’m not the guy you’re looking for,” Brian said, stil face-down on the floor. “You let him get away.”

The officers looked at Myrna as if they didn’t believe what Brian was saying and needed her verification to proceed.

“That’s Brian Sinclair, not Jeremy Condaroy,” Myrna said. “Jeremy is a tal , prudish, blond man.”

“Shit!” said one of the officers and he took off out of the apartment and down the corridor. “Freeze,” he yel ed, his footsteps carrying down the hal . “I said freeze. I’m going to taser you if you don’t stop.”

The younger of the two officers hesitated, looking down at Brian with a giddy sort of expression. “Brian Sinclair. The lead guitarist of Sinners?”

“Be a fan boy later,” Myrna said. “That dickhead you let escape broke Brian’s hand. Are you just going to let him get away?”

The officer’s eyebrows drew together. “I’l take him down,” he said and headed after his partner. The sound of electrical crackling carried down the hal way, fol owed by a yelp of pain.

“Heh, I think they got him.” Brian smiled. “I hope it f**king hurts, you ass**le!” he cal ed. Myrna helped Brian sit up, but there wasn’t anything she could do about the cuffs holding his hands together behind his back.

“I’m so sorry about al this.” She knelt in front of him and touched his face.

“No big deal. I’ve been arrested before.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “You have? For what?”

“Fighting. I used to be a hotheaded little snot.”

She chuckled. “Somehow I total y believe that.” She circled around his body and leaned close to examine his hand. It was horribly bruised and swol en. She couldn’t tel if it was broken and didn’t want to hurt him by examining it too rigorously. “How’s your hand? Do you think it’s broken?”

“I can’t tel . But it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you’re safe.”

He was so sweet. If Jeremy had caused permanent damage to Brian’s hand, Myrna would never forgive herself. “I’l go get you some ice.” She started to rise from the floor but he leaned against her.

“No, stay with me.”

She stared unseeingly at his shoulder. “I should never have cal ed you.”

“What? You can’t be serious, Myrna. I don’t even want to think of what could have happened if you’d been here alone with that guy. He’s a total nutcase. How is he out on the streets?”

“Parole. His father has friends in high places.”

“Maybe this time they’l keep him locked up. He obviously hasn’t learned his lesson.”

Myrna rubbed her forehead, a feeling of helplessness washing over her. “I guess I need to change my name again. Move to a new city. Start over. God, I’m sick of this. I’m sick of him control ing my life.”

“Fuck him, Myrna.”

Myrna stiffened, the very idea fil ing her with dread. And nausea.

“I don’t mean literal y.” Brian shook his head at her. “He’s the one with issues. You shouldn’t have to hide in fear because someone beat him with a crazy stick.”

“Sometimes it’s easier to hide.”

“Since when are you the kind of person who takes the easy way out?”

She knew she wouldn’t be able to explain it in a way that he’d understand. She didn’t real y understand it herself. Jeremy knew her every button and he pushed them al repeatedly, without hesitation. “There’s just something about him, Brian. He gets to me.”

“I know, sweetheart. You do whatever you need to do to feel safe.” He shifted so his shoulder pressed against hers. “I’d real y like to hug you right now, but I’m sort of stuck.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder. “I do like you restrained from time to time, but not like this.”

“You’re going to let me stay here with you in Kansas City until we go back on tour, aren’t you? I obviously can’t record with my hand al jacked up.”

“I’d rather go back to L.A. with you. I don’t know if I can stomach being in this apartment right now.” She glanced around. Yeah, Jeremy’s presence was fouling up the entire place. Forget finding the focus to work on her research. She’d never be able to sleep, much less concentrate.

“If you’re real y set on changing your name, you’re more than welcome to mine.”

She covered his mouth with one hand. “Don’t you dare suggest Vegas again.”

The younger of the police officers entered the front door. “Wel , we have him in custody,” he said. “Let me get you out of those handcuffs, Master Sinclair.”

Myrna moved aside and the officer squatted behind Brian to unlock his cuffs. As soon as he was free, Brian cradled his left hand against his chest. He tried to disguise his wince of pain with a smile of gratitude, but he wasn’t fooling Myrna. His fingers were already black and blue. She needed to get him to the emergency room and have his hand X-rayed.

“I hope there was some police brutality involved in that arrest,” Brian said.

The officer winked. “Maybe a little. I feel stupid asking this, but I’m a huge fan of yours. Can I have your autograph?”

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