Backstage Pass

Page 90

She smiled at him and nodded. “After I finish entering this data.” She started typing in the next row of numbers.

“You mean, after I finish entering you,” Brian said.

She glanced up from her computer screen. Brian gave her that other look she couldn’t resist. That “get naked immediately” look. She saved her file and closed the laptop, stuffing the stack of papers under the computer. “Sorry, Trey. Brian wins.”

“But I’m starv ing.”

“We’l be finished in an hour or two,” Brian said.

“Or four,” Myrna said.

“Or four.” Brian slid out of the booth and extended his hand toward Myrna.

“Four hours? I’l die by then.” He took Brian’s vacated seat and peered into the fishy-smel ing bag.

“I’m sure you can find something to eat in the fridge.” Myrna slid from the booth, took Brian’s hand and glanced back at Trey.

“What did you guys do with yourselves before I joined the tour?”

“We were barely alive,” Trey said. “Drowning in our own filth. Malnourished. Scrawny. Anemic. On our last limb.” He stretched out a hand toward her, his head col apsing on the table as he played dead.

She chuckled. “You poor babies.”

Brian tugged her toward the bedroom. “You’re too good to us.”

“I like taking care of you guys. You’ve al become important to me over the past month.”

“Even Eric?”

She laughed. “Yes, even Eric.”

“You’re important to al of us, too,” he said. “I can’t remember the last time we felt so… settled.”

Settled? Ugh. “I’m a drag, aren’t I?”

Brian tugged her through the bedroom door and pul ed her against his body, kissing her hungrily. He kicked the door closed.

“Not a drag,” he murmured. “You’re wonderful. Like I said, too good for the likes of us.”

She kissed the corner of his mouth. “Your lies are good for my ego.”

“I’d never lie to you,” he whispered, his lips trailing lightly over the skin of her cheek to her ear. He drew her earlobe into his mouth, pressing it against his upper teeth with his tongue. Her breath caught. She forgot about everything but him. His hands moved to the buttons of her shirt, releasing them one at a time as his tongue rubbed the sensitive spot behind her ear. Her fingers curled into his hard chest as she swayed against him.

He brushed her shirt off her shoulders and moved his mouth to her col arbone, kissing her skin gently. So gently it made her want to cry.

“Brian?” she whispered.

He lifted his head to look at her. “Hmm?”

“You’re being tender.”

“You don’t like it?”

“I didn’t say that. I just wondered what brought it on al of a sudden.”

He grinned. “Jace needs bass music. I have to slow it down a little.”

She placed her hands on his face and rose on tiptoes to kiss his lips. “Is that al ? I thought maybe you had something to tel me.”

His brows drew together. He swal owed hard and fixed his gaze on her forehead. “Like what?”

“You’ve thought up something kinky and figured you’d better soften me up before springing your trap.”

“You think I have a one track mind.” He sighed and shook his head slightly. “Sometimes I think this is hopeless.”

Her heart thudded painful y in her chest. Ever since they’d returned from Kansas City, he’d been acting strangely. Like he wanted to break up with her or something. And after being so rudely introduced to Myrna’s past baggage, who could blame him? But it wasn’t something she could change. Jeremy had left a big impact on her life whether Brian liked it or not. “I don’t know what you want from me, Brian.”

“Yes, you do. That’s why it scares you when I’m tender with you.”

So this wasn’t about her past. This was about their future. “I’m not scared.” But she was. Terrified. Mostly because she couldn’t picture a future without him in it.

“Can you let me be tender without making it into a joke?”

“I’m not making it into a joke.”

He quirked an eyebrow at her. “You’re not?”

“I’l be quiet.”

“Just stop thinking so much and feel,” he said. “And I don’t mean your body. I know you feel me with your body. I mean here.” He placed three fingertips on her chest over her heart. “I don’t think you ever listen to what’s going on in here.”

“I lis—”

He covered her mouth with his fingertips. “Shhh.”

Something had changed in him. She could see it in his eyes. He looked… desperate.





She nodded. He removed his fingers from her mouth. She bit her lip. He stared down at her, obviously struggling with words. She waited for him to say something, but he lowered his head and kissed her instead. His feelings of desperation came through in his kiss as wel .

“Just love me, Myrna,” he whispered against her lips. “Please.”

She turned her head to break his kiss. “What did you say?”

He stared over her head, swal owing several times. “Make love to me, Myrna. Please.”

That’s not what he’d said, but she could accept his amended words. She couldn’t accept his original plea. The look on his face as he struggled to conceal his emotions made her heart ache. She touched his face and his gaze shifted to hers. “Tenderly. That’s what you need, right?”

He nodded slightly. She nodded, too, tears prickling her eyes. She would have given anything to have met Brian before Jeremy. Then it wouldn’t be so goddamned hard to uncover what she concealed in her heart and accept what was in his. They undressed each other slowly until they stood before each other naked, both excited and soothed. Her hands slid over the warm skin of his chest. Her lips fol owed in their wake.

“This is when you sweep me up into your arms and carry me to bed,” he said.

She laughed. “Hey, I’m trying to be serious.”

“Who said I wasn’t being serious?” He grinned down at her, and then gasped as she wrapped her arms around his waist and lifted his feet several inches off the floor. She took a couple of steps and dumped him on the bed. He laughed, covering his eyes with his hands. His laughter warmed her heart. It was one of the many things she loved, erm, liked about this man.

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