Backstage Pass

Page 92

His c**k fel free of her body as she turned to face him. He grabbed her hips eagerly as she took him inside again. The vibrator drove her crazy. She rode him fast, rubbing his c**k up and down the vibration with each penetration. It felt amazing, but watching his response was far more stimulating. He gripped the bedclothes beneath him, writhing in time to her movement. He grabbed her hips to stil her. “God, baby. We have to take that out or I’m going to explode. Like, immediately.”

She took his wrists and pinned them to either side of his head. She began to rise and fal over him again, moving fast to drive him over the brink. She cried out as an orgasm shook her unexpectedly.

“Oh wow,” she gasped.

She released Brian’s wrist and pressed her fingers against her clit to try to calm herself so she could finish him. She rode him even faster, until he was cal ing her name each time their bodies came together. A muscle in his cheek began to twitch. It always twitched when he was close. Almost, baby. Just let go. There was nothing sexier than watching this man come, and though she’d seen it dozens of times, she never tired of it.

He’s a whore, too, Jeremy’s voice said.

Yeah, he was. And she wouldn’t want him any other way.

Brian’s head tilted back, eyes squeezed shut, lips parted. He gasped. His face contorted with ecstasy and then his entire body went rigid. He shuddered, crying out hoarsely, as his fingers gripped the covers beneath him. Perfect. The man was perfect. Perfect for her. And she loved him.

She loved him.

She did.

How could she not?

She needed to tel him.

Needed to say it. I love you, Brian. Her heart stuttered and then raced. Perhaps she’d find the courage to tel him tomorrow. Or next year.

Brian’s body relaxed, but he began to twitch uncontrol ably. He lifted her away by her hips. “That’s a bit much,” he whispered. “I can’t stand it.”

She giggled and removed the vibrator from her body. “I think you liked it.”

“I liked it too much.” He reached for a score sheet and jotted down a single line of chords. “Jace wil be pleased with our naughtiness.” He tossed the music aside and drew her against his body.

“Not as pleased as I am.”

“God, that was f**king fantastic, wasn’t it?”

She nodded in agreement.

He kissed her tenderly, stroking her bare arm. “Now I’m sleepy,” he murmured.

“Take a nap. I’l be here when you wake up. We’l try that tenderness thing again.” She smiled. “I’l get it right eventual y, though it might take me a few hundred attempts.”

He chuckled sleepily and tucked her body against his. “Practice makes perfect, baby.”

She lay there listening to him breathe as she blinked languidly.

“I love you, Myrna,” he whispered, just before he drifted off to sleep. “I real y do… love… you…”

Her breath caught. He loved her? Somehow, she knew he did, but until he’d said the words, it hadn’t felt real. Her heart lodged in her throat, Myrna watched Brian sleep for several minutes. She touched his face tenderly and kissed his cheek. Maybe she could say it while he was asleep. Just to try out the words for the first time. “I love you, too,” she whispered. His eyes flipped open.

He was awake? Shit. Shit! Now there was no taking it back.

His smile spread ear-to-ear. He looked as giddy as one of his fan girls. “Did you just say that you love me?”

She opened her mouth to deny it, but nodded instead. “I think I’ve been waiting for you to tel me,” she whispered, “and I was too afraid to say it first.”

“You’ve been waiting for me to say it?”

“Maybe. I don’t know. I just realized…”

He laughed and kissed her gently with tears in his eyes. “I was afraid I’d chase you away by tel ing you.”

“Ten minutes ago, you probably would have. But that was then. This is now.”

He hugged her against him. “Ah Myrna, I think I’ve loved you since I took my first breath.” He rubbed his lips against her forehead. She tried swal owing her emotion, but it did no good. Her throat closed off. “I’m sorry it took me so long to recognize it,” she said breathlessly. “To say it.”

“If you were real y sorry, you’d say it again.” He cupped her cheek and leaned back to look her in the eyes. His thumb brushed across her lower lip.

She took a deep breath. “I love you, Brian. Master Sinclair. Brian… I love you.” She squeezed her eyes shut and then opened them again, her heart thudding in her chest. “I love you so much it terrifies me.”

He leaned forward and kissed her deeply. “Don’t be afraid, Myr. I love you more than I could ever put into words, but I won’t fail you. I promise. This love, our love, is forever.”

Forever with Brian? Yeah, she might be able to handle that.

She smiled, her fears dissipating. She trusted this man with her heart. Completely.

“You know,” he said, “we’l be in Nevada for a show next week. Wanna go to Vegas and get married?”

Staring into her future’s eyes, she grinned at him. Butterfly wings fluttered around her buoyant heart. “I thought you’d never ask.”

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