Bad Things

Page 16

He leaned in to kiss me, his breath minty, and his lips half-tempting.

But hell, I thought, if I could resist full-on tempting, it was a breeze to turn down half. I turned my face away, and he moved his face into my neck, undeterred.

I giggled, his lips tickling me, before I pushed him back.

I shook a finger at him. “I don’t know you that well,” I chided.

He grinned a wicked grin. “Well, then, let’s get to know each other better.”

I rolled my eyes. “You and your brother are too much alike. Being man-whores must run in the family.”

He laughed, un-offended. “We aren’t that much alike,” he said into my ear. “Tristan is strictly into hooking up. I’m the relationship type. In fact, I’m not all that crazy about being single.”

“Well, I’m trying to be single for a while, though I’m not that crazy about it, either.”

“Just let me know when that phase is over. I’d love to take you out.”

“I’m not sure what your brother would think about that.”

“It’s not his business. You two are still just friends, right?”

I nodded.

“Well, friends don’t get to tell each other who to date.”

“What about brothers?” I asked pointedly.

“Brothers don’t either, when they’re being completely reasonable about it.”

My mouth twisted ruefully.

“Just one date. At least give me that much. Let me take you out one night, whenever your dating ban is up. You don’t have to decide right now, but at least tell me you’ll think about it.”

“I’ll think about it.”

We’d had our mouths at each other’s ears for the entire conversation, and Jared took full advantage of that, nuzzling into the sensitive spot just behind my ear.

I pulled away, shivering.

I was certainly attracted to him, if not in the crazy, irresistible way I was to Tristan. But Tristan was a lost cause, and when I was ready to start dating again, Jared was dating material. I didn’t know him well, but he was hot, in a skinny rocker kind of way, and he seemed nice and charming, if a touch forward.

“That’s all I ask,” he said, tugging me back into the bar, since we’d both stopped dancing several minutes before.

I didn’t spot Tristan as we made our way back to the bar, and my gut twisted sickly. I shouldn’t have been upset by the fact that he’d likely gone off somewhere to hook up with that skank. I knew the score. He’d never been mine to lose. Not even close.

Still, I felt forlorn as the minutes passed, and he didn’t show.

I wound up drowning my sorrows with another drink, and on a dare from the irrepressible Jared, I found myself dancing on one of the small tables that ran beside the pools.

I didn’t notice that there was some guy sitting on the couch by the table until Jared was yelling at him.

I turned, my head notably fuzzy after that last drink, to find some creep crouched low, probably getting a pretty good look up my skirt.

I opened my mouth to tell the jerk off, but I was quickly distracted by the sight of Tristan descending on the man, murder in his eyes.

I stumbled back, shocked, as Tristan grabbed the man by the throat, nearly lifting him with just one hand.

A soft hand at my back had me turning to see Jared at my side. He held a hand up to help me down, and I accepted it gratefully.

“I’m sorry,” he said into my ear. “I didn’t see that piece of shit until after you’d started dancing.”

I just nodded, accepting the apology, much more concerned with what Tristan was doing.

Security had become involved, separating the two men, who were both shouting obscenities at each other. I’d never seen Tristan like that, so angry and violent, and the sight was hard to look away from.

Jared tugged me away to my seat by the bar.

I searched out Cory, who was watching the altercation with wide eyes. I couldn’t imagine he was happy to have his friend brawling at his job.

I was shocked when Tristan took a seat beside me within a few short minutes. He didn’t look at me as he ordered a drink.

“What was that?” I asked him.

He shot me an annoyed look out of the corner of his eye. “That’s what I’d like to know. What was that?”

“I was dancing. I didn’t realize there was some creep on the couch. And I can’t believe they didn’t kick you out for attacking him.”

Tristan opened his mouth to reply, but Cory distracted us both.

“Fuck. Holy fuck. Jesus, Tristan, here comes my boss. I hope to hell you didn’t just get me fired.”

I turned to see what he was talking about, and as a tall man with dark golden hair approached; my jaw went a little slack. I’d never seen a man so beautiful in my life.

He was slender, but not thin by any means. He was tan, with turquoise eyes that stood out like jewels even with the dim bar lighting. I’d seen pictures of the famous hotel chain owner, but Jesus, pictures did not do the man justice.

James Cavendish flashed white teeth at me in a charming smile, holding out his hand. I reached out my own automatically, still stunned that he was so…pretty? Stunning.

His warm hand enveloped mine in a comforting gesture. “I just wanted to offer my profuse apologies about what happened back there. That man has been escorted off the premises, and banned from the club. I happened to be visiting the club on business when I heard what had happened. Are you okay, Miss…?”

I swallowed hard, unnerved. “I’m, uh, Danika. And let me just say that I’m sorry. I was dancing on that table, and I probably shouldn’t—“

“Now, now, Danika, I shudder to think that you’d be discouraged from dancing on tables after that. Don’t let it be said that Decadence isn’t the best spot in town to dance on a table.”

I laughed nervously, not certain if he was joking or not.

The stunning man turned to address Tristan, who was glowering at him. James Cavendish didn’t seem to notice, holding his hand out to shake.

“I’m James Cavendish, the club’s owner.”

They shook hands, Tristan looking confused.

“May I just say,” James continued. “On behalf of my security, thank you for reacting so quickly. Please, let me know if we can do anything for you two, anything at all. Your drinks will be free for the evening, and I’ll be sure to have the manager give you a voucher for a future visit. I’d hate to think that this unfortunate incident might discourage you from visiting the club again.”

The charming, intimidating man continued on, graciously offering us comps, and making sure that we were well-settled, before moving on.

Tristan and I stared at each other with wide eyes after he’d gone. I was the first to start laughing, but Tristan joined in soon after.

I ordered shots, and Tristan gave me a searching glance.

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough? You don’t usually dance on tables…”

I stuck my tongue out at him. “At least I didn’t choke anybody. I can’t believe you didn’t get in trouble for that…”

“I can’t believe it, either.”

“Were you trying to get arrested?” I asked him in my best drunk/lecturing tone.

He shrugged, which was infuriating. “I wasn’t trying to get arrested, but I was willing to. No one gets to treat you like that.”

I didn’t know if I wanted to shake him, or hug him, the sweet bastard.

He reached over, snagging my hand. He linked our fingers, watching my face. “Are you okay? Was that…upsetting?”

That threw me. “I’m fine. I was mostly upset when I thought that you were going to get arrested, you crazy man.”

He smiled. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat, even if they did arrest me. You remember that, boo. I’ve got your back. Always.”

I squeezed his hand, blinking back uncharacteristic tears, touched by his words.


I was in rough shape the next morning, to say the least.

I barely made it to the bathroom in time to throw my guts up into the toilet.

I felt my hair being messed with, but I couldn’t summon up the will to turn and see what was going on.

“What the hell are you doing?” I bit out, before another wave of nausea hit me.

“Braiding your hair, boo,” Tristan said, his big hand stroking my back comfortingly.

Even sick as a dog, I thought that was sweet. “I don’t want you to see me like this. I’m disgusting.” I punctuated that statement by further emptying out the contents of my stomach.

“Don’t worry about me. You just let me know what I can do for you. You poor thing.”

“Why don’t you ever get sick?” I whined at him between bouts of throwing up.

“I weigh two twenty-five buck naked, sweetheart. I can handle a lot of alcohol.”

Even nauseous and feeling disgusting, I took a moment to linger on an image of him naked. I wouldn’t be human if I wasn’t at least curious.

“That’s not fair,” I moaned.

“It’s not. Can I get you anything?”

I shook my head. I thought my stomach might finally be empty, but I was afraid to hope for it.

“Why don’t you try to sleep it off for a bit? I’ve got the boys and breakfast covered. Just go lie down.”

I did. I was in no shape to refuse.

When I woke up again, I felt human, if only barely. I showered, and pulled on the first clean clothes I found.

The house was almost eerily quiet when I left my room. The only sign of life in the whole place was coming from the kitchen.

My stomach rumbled in a good way when I smelled what Tristan was cooking.

“I need one of those today,” I told him, pointing at the hangover sandwich in his hand as I took my usual seat on the counter.

He brought it to me with a sympathetic smile. “Fresh coffee is brewing. I’ll fix a cup for you when it’s finished.”

I thanked him, taking a huge bite, closing my eyes and chewing it slowly, enjoying every second of it, before swallowing.

I opened my eyes to find him watching me, his face carefully blank. “Where is everybody?”

“Bev and Jerry took the boys to the mall. It’s Saturday, you know, not that we’ve been keeping track.”

I devoured the sandwich, and then a cup of coffee, followed by two bottles of water. I felt like a different person when I’d finished it all.

“Thank you. You saved my life. I’ve never had a hangover like that before.”

“Let’s hope you never do again, either. How many drinks did you have last night?”

“I have no idea,” I replied honestly. “But don’t get all preachy about it with me. I got bored when you left to hook up with what’s her name. I was just passing the time.”

“Hook up with what’s her name? What are you talking about? I didn’t hook up with anyone. I spent half the night looking for you. Where did you disappear to, by the way?”

I glared at him. “I went and danced with Jared, and when we came back, you’d disappeared.”

His brows drew together and his eyes were stormy as he replied, “I disappeared looking for you.”

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