Beauty and the Mustache

Page 63

I had to press my lips together because my chin wobbled and I absolutely refused to cry.

“I thought your feelings must have changed…that you didn’t want me anymore…that those beautiful poems and letters…that you didn’t want me. So I came here to get my letters back before you could see them.” I ended by covering my face with my hands. My neck was burning, and I knew my cheeks and chest were a bright crimson.

Drew didn’t respond; he was quiet for so long I thought he might have walked away. But then I heard his boots scuff against the wood of the porch and I felt the heat of his body as he approached. His fingers gently surrounded my wrists and he pulled my hands from my face.

“Ash, open your eyes.” His tone was infinitely gentle.

And it scared me, because this was always how my nightmare started. He would let me down with infinite gentleness.

“I can’t.” I dropped my head so he wouldn’t see my face.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m afraid.”

“Of what?”

“Of you letting me down gently.”

Drew released my wrists and his hands covered my cheeks, warming them. He tilted my chin upward, and I felt his lips brush over mine with an infinitely gentle kiss.

He whispered, “Sugar, open your eyes.”

I opened my eyes. I peered up at him, into his quicksilver gaze. I saw desire, I saw relief, I saw admiration, and I saw love.

Before I could speak, he said, “I’m not going to let you down, and I’m not ever going to let you go.”


“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.”

? Friedrich Nietzsche

He encircled my waist with one arm and lifted me off my feet, his mouth capturing mine for a kiss that started as a tender, yielding exploration and quickly escalated to code red situation. My arms wrapped around his neck, holding him tighter, instinctively clamoring to get closer.

His big shoulder hit the doorframe as he tried to navigate his way into the house, jarring our teeth together, my top lip a casualty in our rush to reacquaint ourselves. It also had the effect of jarring me back into the present moment and why I was here.

“Are you okay?” He asked, but his eyes were on my mouth even as he pulled the door shut with his free hand.

I nodded. “Yeah, but-”

He cut me off, his lips moving against mine again, as though he planned to devour me with sensuality and his perfectly choreographed tongue tango. It was sinful, invading, and conquering, like I imagined a marauding Viking might kiss in order to establish his dominance.

Despite the delectableness of his mouth, hands, chest, sides, back, bottom, thighs, arms, features, and—let’s face it—unruly beard, I couldn’t let things progress before clarifying what was happening.

This wasn’t some neurotic need to define everything; at least, I didn’t think so. I just didn’t ever want to fall into the pit of wine, cookie dough, and fruitcake sweatpants ever again. Nor did I want Drew’s precious heart to be put in jeopardy.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and leaned my head back; the rest of me was pressed tightly to his front.

“Wait, wait—first we need to talk.” I shouted this because I have no idea. Really. I have no idea why I shouted it. Just know that I did.

He stilled somewhat, his hold loosening a tad, but he didn’t let me go. Instead, he gently set me down and pushed off my jacket, biting then licking my neck.

“Talk,” he commanded.

I shivered, exhaled a sudden breath. “I can’t talk, not while you’re melting my butter.”

This gave him pause. Drew’s mouth ceased its assault, and he lifted his face from my shoulder, his eyes bright with palpable desire, but also amusement.

“Melt your butter?”

I nodded and tried to step away but failed; his hands gripped my waist like he was afraid I’d run away or disappear.

“That’s right. Put me in a pan and turn me on. Melt my butter.” I was breathing heavily, mostly because—even though he’d stopped kissing me—he was still melting my butter.

I could feel myself growing increasingly apathetic about discussing anything except whether he’d remedied his condom dearth.

On that note I blurted, “I don’t have any condoms with me.”

His eyebrows jumped and he blurted, “Well, are you clean?”

I nodded.

“I’m clean. Are you on the pill?”

I nodded.

“Okay. Next subject.”

The blurting continued. “Why did you push me away after our night together?”

His eyebrows jumped higher, but he didn’t answer; not right away. Instead, he glared at me—not with malice but with heat—and his grip on my body tightened.

At last he said, “Ash, I wasn’t trying to push you away, but I didn’t want to hold you back. Bethany told me about you many times. Granted, she called you Ash and let me think you were a man, but she was so proud. She told me about how you fought your whole life to leave this place, how it was all you talked about growing up.”

This was true. It was all I ever wanted as a child. But it wasn’t about leaving Tennessee. Tennessee was beautiful; its beauty was why I believed in magic as a child.

I wanted to escape my father’s awfulness and my brothers’ pedestrian antics. I wanted to be educated by the world, see it, and find my place in it.

“It was never about Tennessee, Drew. It was about escaping an unhappy situation and finding something else for myself other than a house full of perpetual adolescents. I was so blind, Drew. I was so blind to how you felt. You kept saying you didn’t need me, and I believed you. I thought you found nothing in me, nothing that you’d ever need.”

He shook his head before I finished speaking, his hands moving to my face, pushing my hair back from my temples. “No. No, Ashley. You weren’t blind. You were just incapable of seeing anything but your heartache. I watched you every day for six weeks as you took care of your mother. You could only see her during that time. She needed you. Your brothers needed you. And that’s how it was supposed to be. You were here for her and your family; I understood that. I didn’t want you to feel any pressure from me. I had no expectations that you would feel for me what I felt for you. I wanted to be a comfort, not a burden.”

I watched him through narrowed eyes. When he finished, I (again) blurted, “Well, start putting some pressure on me. Start needing me. Start having excessively high expectations.”

His mouth tugged to the side like he was trying to suppress a smile, and his hands threaded through my hair then stroked down my back, eventually coming to rest on the base of my spine. “Okay. I will.”

I wasn’t finished. “Like, tell me to stay.”

“Stay. Stay with me.”

“And, not just for Christmas-”

“Ash, I want you to move here.”

“Yes.” I nodded, feeling the matter was settled, and I’d work out the logistics later because I knew in my heart that this was where I wanted to be. I didn’t want to see Drew. I didn’t want to talk to Drew.

I wanted to live Drew.

Besides, I was a nurse. Nurses were needed everywhere.

“And another thing….” I grabbed the front of his shirt. “Stop making decisions for me and having discussions about me behind my back. You should have talked to me before sending me away on Quinn’s plane.”

His mouth flattened, and the trace of humor in expression transformed into mild frustration. “That was for your own good. Darrell had been making a fuss all over town about how his children had stolen from him. Your name was the one he’d shouted the loudest. We needed to get you out of town.”

“Or, I could have stayed here with you.”

He licked his lips, the frustration easing. “I didn’t know that was an option.”

“Well you would have known if you’d talked to me about it.”

Drew’s eyes narrowed and he seemed to be inspecting me.

I took the opportunity to twist my arms around his neck and press my front to his. “Just think, you could have spent the last ten weeks melting my butter.”

His hands moved to my bottom and he squeezed me through my jeans. “Your point is a good one.”

This made me smile big and wide and maybe a little smugly. Drew shook his head at my smug smile then proceeded to kiss it off my face as he walked me backward to his bedroom.

We navigated the hallway without incident and soon my scarf was off, and my shoes, and my sweater, and I was pressing myself against his hot hands as they grabbed and caressed and massaged my bottom, stomach, back, and breasts.

I opened my eyes as he knelt over me, my hands reaching for the front of his pants, reaching for him. The light was on in his room and—despite all the really wonderful and necessary euphoria accompanying Drew’s skillful fingers—my attention snagged on a photo above his dresser.

“Is that…?” I stared, blinked, then frowned at the picture.

He kissed my jaw as I tried to focus, unbuttoning my jeans, making me feel like heaven.

But the picture was so surprising, I had to ask. “Drew, is that me?”

Drew stiffened; his hands on my body stilled. Seconds passed while I stared at the picture while Drew knelt motionless above me, his face again buried in my neck.

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