Before We Fall

Page 24

But he’s used to this. He’s used to fancy planes and Hollywood stars and people being at his beck and call. I take a deep breath. I might not be used to it, but I’ve got this. I can do this. I turn to him.

“So, how much will you have to shoot this weekend? I’ve heard horror stories about how sometimes shooting can go on all day and night.”

Dominic chuckles. “It all depends. But right now, we’re doing bits and pieces, the smaller scenes. We won’t get into the meat of the movie until I’m back in LA for good. I’m a character actor, so it’s hard for me to bury myself in my role when I have to keep flying back and forth between Chicago and LA.”

“And your studio is okay with that?” I ask dubiously.

He starts to answer, but is interrupted by a female voice.

“They might be, but I’m not,” Amy Ashby snaps as she hauls herself onto the plane with a little yappy dog in her arms. She’s spindly skinny with giant boobs that must be fake. “This is bullshit, Dom. Serious bullshit.”

Dominic turns to me, rolls his eyes, then turns back to Amy with a sigh. “Hey, Amy. So good to see you.”

I want to giggle at his resigned tone and the outraged look on her heavily made-up face, but I don’t. Something tells me that wouldn’t be the best first impression.

She stares at me with narrowed eyes, extremely interested all of a sudden. “Who’s this?”

“My friend Jacey,” Dominic answers easily, sitting back in the seat with his arm looped loosely behind me. I enjoy the sense of security that brings me, the warmth from his arm. It’s like an anchor in a sea of unfamiliar shit.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I tell her politely. “I love your work.”

She sniffs, looking down her nose at me before she deposits her tiny dog on the seat and turns to the flight attendant. “I need some water for Pichachu. He only drinks Acqua Panna. If you don’t have any, you’re going to need to find some before we take off.” She turns away without waiting for the attendant to reply, and I can’t help but chuckle because her dog’s name sounds like a sneeze.

“Why are you coming?” she asks me bluntly as she settles the dog on her lap, stroking its puffy hair. “The set will be closed.”

“Since when?” Dominic asked her sharply. “I didn’t request that.”

“I did,” Amy stares at him. “Well, I’m going to. I don’t need your little girlfriend watching our sex scenes.” She levels a brilliant blue gaze at me, and I’m astounded at her hostility when I haven’t even done anything to her.

Jesus. What a bitch. She’s an even bigger nightmare than I thought she’d be. Dominic chuckles humorlessly as Amy crosses her skinny legs and stares at him.

“It’s not like we actually have sex, Amy, on or off set. But whatever. Do what you need to do.” Amy’s cheeks flush and she turns away, lifting her nose in the air.

Dominic turns to me. “You can either hang out in my trailer or you can stay at my house by the pool. Either way, you’ll have a good time. I promise.”

He puts his hand on my leg now, possessively, and he stares back at Amy. She can’t help but stare back at him, and I’m not sure exactly what he’s trying to convey, but whatever it is, it’s effective. She’s effectively pissed.

“Whatever, Dom. You know that’s not true. You and I both know it.”

Her words are icy and laced with venom. Dominic won’t show you a good time. That’s what she means.

But Dominic ignores her. He stares at me instead, angling his body so that he’s blocking her completely out.

“I’ve got some things planned,” he tells me conversationally. “I think you’ll like them.” I hear Amy sniff, but she doesn’t remark.

“I’m sure I will, too,” I answer. I take note that his hand is still on my thigh, his fingers lightly gripping me. “Can I have a hint?”

Dominic smiles, leaning down to whisper into my ear. “What did you pack to wear?”

I stare at him, but before I can answer, he continues, “Because you won’t be needing it.”

I gulp, then smile. “Maybe.” I shrug. “We’ll see.”

He smiles knowingly. “Oh, we’ll see.” He chuckles again, and the dangerous glint is back in his eyes. The one that I love. It means I’m going to like whatever comes next.

“I brought you something,” he tells me quietly. “It’ll help pass the time on the flight.”

I stare at him. “Something tells me it’s not a crossword puzzle.”

Dominic laughs, his teeth gleaming white. “Uh, no. It’s a million times better.” He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a little nondescript box. Leaning forward, he whispers into my ear again, his breath warm on my cheek. “I like kinky things. Dirty things. Is that a problem?”

I suck my breath in. Kinky things? Regardless of my trepidation, I smile.

“I’ll try anything once,” I murmur.

He grins the grin of the devil. “Good. Go to the bathroom. Put this in.”


I stare at him again, half in shock, half eager to see. I hold out my hand, a thrill shooting through me as he hands it to me.

“Trust me,” he whispers with a wink.

Oh yeah, right. Trust him. For some reason, I can practically see Lucifer himself saying the same thing with the same expression on his face. In all honesty, Lucifer might be safer than Dominic.

Regardless, I make my way to the bathroom in the back of the plane and lock the door behind me so I can open the box in peace.

As I slide the lid off, I suck in a breath. Lying in the white tissue paper, there’s a silver bullet–looking thing, shining in the dim light of the bathroom. I pick it up and it’s heavy and cool in my fingers. There aren’t any instructions, but I instinctively know where it’s supposed to go.

Where it’s supposed to go in.

Good Lord. I feel a moment of panic, but then calm myself. He might be Dominic fucking Kinkaide, but I’m Jacey fucking Vincent and I’m not scared of anything. I’ve got this. I’ve so got this.

I like new things, damn it.

With trembling fingers, I pull down my shorts and my panties and insert the silver bullet, nestling it up to where it needs to be. Inside of me. I suck in another breath as the cold metal slides in.

I stand back up and straighten my clothes.

It’s not so bad. It’s like a metal tampon. I hardly even know it’s there. I drop the box into the trash and head back out to Dominic.

“Everything go ok?” he asks innocently, watching as I buckle up next to him.

“Of course,” I tell him. “Child’s play.”

He rolls his eyes now. “Nooo,” he drawls. “It won’t even be close to child’s play. I promise.”

And there is a promise in his voice, a dark and sexy promise. I stare into his eyes and find myself lost there for a minute, inside the glimmering green depths.

I shake my head, shaking away my trembly feelings, and stare out the window as the plane taxies down the runway and takes off. After we’ve leveled off in the air, I settle into the seat, into Dominic’s arm. Flying always unnerves me a little, but I always relax after takeoff.

“Comfortable?” he asks softly. I nod.

“Yeah. I think I might take a nap.”

“Oh, I think not,” he murmurs. And with his words, the bullet inside of me starts to buzz urgently, enough to snap my head back. As the vibrations spread through my body and threaten to overwhelm me, I notice that Dominic’s holding something in his left hand.

A tiny remote control.

My eyes fly to meet his, and that look is there, lurking in his. That dangerous, sexy look.


I want to throw my head back into the sofa cushions, to embrace the vibrations that are cresting me toward an orgasm, but I can’t. Amy is across from me. Her nose is buried in a magazine, but any minute she could look up and notice me writhing in my seat.

So I sit rigidly, my knees clamped together, my jaw clenched.

And Dominic smiles.

As he does, the vibrations stop. His finger falls away from the button and he stares at me with a grin.

“How do you like the ride so far?” he asks innocently. I take a deep breath and gather myself, willing my tongue to form coherent words.

“It’s nice,” I tell him finally. “I’ve never been on a private plane before. It’s different than I expected.”

He chuckles now, a genuine laugh. “Oh, I’m sure,” he grins. He moves his hand and I flinch, preparing for another onslaught of vibration, but he reaches for a glass of water instead. He grins at my reaction.

“You’re jumpy,” he observes. “You should calm down. The ride should be very smooth. Nothing to worry about.”

I roll my eyes. “I wasn’t worried.”

“No?” He raises an eyebrow, and I jump as the vibrations flood my nether regions again, and I find that my palms are actually sweating. “How about now?”

Amy glances at us over her magazine, but as soon as I meet her eye, she looks away. She pointedly doesn’t want to interact with me, and at the moment, that’s very fine with me.

“I’m perfectly fine now,” I manage to say in a very normal and casual voice. “Very fine.”

Dominic chuckles, and for a moment I cuss him out silently. But at the same time, the pulsing bullet is spreading warmth through me, building orgasmic waves that I want to float on forever. Something about the vibrator itself, combined with the fact that I’m in public—in front of one of the biggest actresses in the world and a team of flight attendants—makes this whole thing exhilarating.

Apparently, I’m a freak.

Just like Dominic. I can see on his face that he’s getting off on this. He loves thinking about me coming in front of all of these people while they’re all blissfully unaware. I can see it in his eyes.

I grit my teeth as an attendant bends in front of me.

“Would you like a pillow, dear?” She smiles, and sweat breaks out on my forehead.

“N-no,” I stutter, then gulp. The vibrations kick up a notch to a faster speed. “No, thank you,” I finally manage to say. She looks at me in concern.

“Is everything all right?”

I grit my teeth again. “Yes,” I eke out. “It’s fine.”

She looks at me again with concern, but smiles. “Okay. Just let me know if you need anything.”

I nod, unable to speak now, my entire body melting into the sofa. I couldn’t stand up right now if the plane was on fire and I needed to run for my life. I’d be totally screwed.

I reach over and grip Dominic’s right hand, hard. My fingers curl around his, my fingernails cutting into him as he ramps up the speed of the vibrator even more.

“Holy shit,” I breathe. He grins a beatific smile. I close my eyes and breathe deeply, in then out. And then I hold my breath, because I know that I’m going to come. Right here in front of god and everyone on this plane, I’m going to fucking come.

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