Belong to Me

Page 28

More embarrassment swirled with arousal through her body. A fresh flush crawled up her skin. Additional moisture coated her folds.

Circling her again, Logan fused his gaze to hers and cupped her breast. Though her back faced the audience, no one would have any doubt that he was fondling her in public. It should bother her . . . but any time Logan touched her, it felt so damn good. When he pinched her nipple, rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger, nothing but sensation and his touch mattered.

Unable to stop the sound, she moaned.

Logan scraped a thumbnail gently across her erect nipple. “Nice.”

Then he withdrew a pair of clamps from his pocket, attached to one another by a chain. Each end had two plastic balls attached that looked like . . . cherries? She glanced back up at him.

“There are weights at each end. And yes, I bought these just for you.”

It seemed silly to think that she welcomed nipple clamps because he’d been thinking of her when he purchased them, but she did. Of course, when he secured the first, it pinched and burned—for a moment. Just as it settled into a mellow numb haze, he repeated the process with the other nipple.

Heat rolled through her, and the ache behind her clit began to pulse in demand. No denying how wet she was now. Her labia felt slick, unbearably swollen. No doubt, everyone in the audience could see, but somehow that only aroused her more. She whimpered.

“Quiet,” he demanded.

Not a second later, she heard a whoosh, then felt the tails of the flogger, almost like soft leather fringe, striking her ass. The sensation wasn’t pain exactly; it was too diffused for that. Instead, it felt more like a dozen fingers firmly caressing her, heating her skin. No way could she bruise from this, only catch fire.

Tara found herself arching, sticking her ass back for more. Logan splayed his palm in the middle of her spine and pressed gently, raising her backside another inch. Then he struck her with the flogger again, a bit harder than before. Still, it was pleasant, and she felt her mind begin to float away.

Smacks three and four each hit one of her cheeks. With her skin already sensitive, the burn kindled into a blaze. That heat spread outward, seeping into her bones. Her pussy clenched in protest against the emptiness that ratcheted up her hunger. And as he dragged the soft leather strips across her ass, fire burned under her skin, topped by a sweet sting that soon eased into a gentle tingle.

Closing her eyes, she gave more of herself to Logan, letting the shackles assume more of her weight. Her blood hummed as she awaited another smack with the flogger.

It never came.

Instead, he circled in front of her once more. “Look at me.”

She did, and the electric need in his eyes created an answering ping in her body. Whatever he wanted, yes. Tara knew she would give it to him, no questions asked.

“Good girl. Straighten up and spread your knees as wide as the pedestal allows.”

Pleasure and the sharp pang of want made her brain sluggish. It took her a second to process his command, but she complied finally. He nodded in approval, then tugged on the little weights one at a time. Fresh heat jolted down to her pussy. Her entire body tensed in need, and she whimpered.

“You look beautiful,” he murmured, his low, velvety tone warming her.

Then, with a flick of his wrist, he unleashed the flogger’s supple leather. The ends landed with a gentle slap right on her mound. The ache expanded, rocketing upward, outward until she swore that every nerve in her body was wired straight to her swollen clit. But it wasn’t quite enough to push her over the edge.

Tara tossed her head back and cried out, forcing herself to hold back a plea. She needed him inside her. She’d wanted him last night and this morning, but this ache was a living, breathing entity taking over her whole being, suppressing all but the desperate craving to feel Logan filling up every empty bit of her with every hard inch of him.

His burning blue eyes told her he knew that.

“Are you wet, slave?” he asked loudly. He wanted the audience to hear.

“Yes, Logan.”

“You’ve been very good. I’ll reward you soon.”

He dropped the flogger and stepped forward, wrapping one hand around her waist, anchoring the other in her hair. His mouth covered hers, his tongue demanding entrance, seducing her submission.

Feminine gasps erupted around the room. They confused Tara until she remembered Xander saying that not only did Logan never have sex with the subs, he never kissed them. And suddenly, she understood: Logan wasn’t just having her publicly submit. He was explicitly staking his claim.

Something warm erupted inside her. Though she couldn’t touch him with her hands because of the shackles, she met every nuance of the kiss with her own delight and need, showing him—and everyone—how totally she accepted him in this moment as the master of her body. He pulled her against every hard inch of his frame, her clamped nipples rasping against his bare chest. And she melted.

When Logan pulled back and searched her eyes with curiosity and wonder, he was panting. Tara wanted nothing more than to sink back down into that endless kiss and join with him forever, but he caressed her face, then stepped away. Every part of her ached for him, so focused on his actions, on pleasing him.

Then Xander stepped forward.

Tara sucked in a breath. He was going to touch her? In public?

“Accept his touch because I demand it of you, slave,” Logan’s voice rang harsh in the air, but his blue eyes scanned her, concerned and checking her response.

“Yes, Logan.” The words slipped out automatically.

With a wicked grin, Xander approached, trailing a finger in the valley between her breasts, caressing the underswell of one. Then he disappeared behind her and breathed kisses along her shoulders. Her skin tingled; she shuddered. Her belly knotted.

“If Logan gave me the chance, I’d fuck you here,” he whispered, caressing her ass. “I’d sink my cock so deep inside you while Logan plundered your sweet pussy. It is sweet, right?”

She whimpered. Her body craved Logan’s, answered to him, but this man skewed her system in some odd way. Maybe it was because Logan watched with a hot gaze. Had he overheard? Did he want to possess her pussy while Xander plunged his cock into her backside?

His sizzling words played in her head while he glided gentle fingertips over her body. A surge of passion from the audience swelled around her, nearly overcoming her. She could almost feel them holding their collective breath. But nothing affected her more than the need in Logan’s eyes. She swayed closer to him.

With his signature musky heat surrounding her, he approached, all business—and all man. He uncrossed his arms from his chest and settled his fingers over her clit, fondling her without hurry, for no other purpose than to jack up her need and watch her twist. Pleasure jackknifed through her body, a spike of need she found impossible to ignore.

“Is Xander whispering naughty suggestions to you?” He gripped her chin and forced her to meet his gaze.

“Yes, Logan.”

“Every time you say that, Cherry, it goes straight to my cock. You like his suggestions?”

“I’m not sure.” Her breath hitched.

“Let’s experiment,” Xander murmured for her ears only. “I’d love to lick your creamy little pussy while I watch you suck his cock. Would you like that?”

“Whatever you said,” Logan directed at Xander, “she just got a whole bunch wetter.”

“You’ve got a dirty girl.”

Logan nodded and released her with a wicked smile, and Tara caught her breath. “Let’s see how dirty.”

A moment later, she felt Xander’s fingers on her pussy, searching, sinking deep, before circling her clit in lip-biting little circles.

“Do you want to come for us, baby?” Logan murmured, spreading kisses across her face, down her neck, then bending to trace his tongue around her clamped nipples.

Her breath caught, froze, at the exquisite sensations racing between her breasts and wet sex. “Yes, Logan. Please . . .”

“Aww,” Xander crooned as he speared her pussy with two fingers. “She even said please. How sweet.” Then, with a mischievous smile, he withdrew his fingers from her slit and licked them with a groan. “Very, very sweet.”

She flushed all over, tension coiling up under the tight knot of her clit until she thought she’d explode.

“Xander,” Logan growled in warning.

“Just checking.”

“Never,” Logan vowed. “Ever.”

Tara understood his message loud and clear, but he shot her a warning, just in case—an emphatic declaration that, while he’d let Xander touch her for training purposes, there was no fucking way that Logan would ever let it go beyond this right now.

As hot as this scene was, that fact relieved her. Knowing he had no further expectations of what she’d do with or for Xander allowed her to simply relax and enjoy whatever came next.

“I know, I know . . .” Xander groused. “Just enjoying it while I can.”

And he did, gliding his fingers back inside her. Instantly, he found her G-spot and rubbed, his thumb still circling her clit.

As Logan caressed her sensitive breasts, her body caught fire again. It swept through her like a conflagration that she couldn’t control.

“Don’t come before I give you permission,” he reminded. “I don’t want to have to spank you again tonight.”

She drew in a deep breath, closed her eyes to focus inward.

“No. Look at me,” Logan barked. “Always at me.”

Tara opened her eyes, lashes fluttering. Logan grasped her chin and lifted her face to him for another deep, mad kiss—a tangle of tongues and passion, breaths and desperation. And, God, the need that seized her every muscle as he removed the first of her weighted clamps and blood roared back into her nipple.

Suddenly, he tore his mouth away and fastened it over the throbbing little bud. A second later, he removed the other clamp, and suddenly Xander’s mouth was there to breathe more fire into the aching tips of her breasts. Both men sucked gently on her nipples as Xander plucked at her aching clit with lazy fingers and teased her mercilessly.

She groaned, clenched tight, trying to fight the lure of the pleasure roaring inside her as her heartbeat boomed like a cannon in her ear. With her gaze riveted to Logan’s and his thick-fringed blue eyes silently shouting of untold pleasure, Tara nearly lost her restraint.

“Cherry, come now!” he demanded.

Instantly, ecstasy bloomed inside her, expanding outward, alighting every nerve ending in her body. Like a leaf in the wind, she swayed, arched, but the pleasure kept bowling her over as the men suckled her nipples. She jolted, and her clit pulsed again and again under Xander’s deft fingers.

Slowly, Tara came down, her body releasing the gripping tension by degrees until she fell lax. Logan was there to support her weight as her legs went boneless beneath her. Suddenly, she became aware of people clapping—and suddenly remembered the audience. She stiffened.

“Relax,” Logan murmured, caressing her cheek. “That was so sweet, Cherry. You did great.”

Lacking the energy to reply, she merely nodded as Xander opened her shackles.

The instant her arms were free, Logan was there to catch her. He picked her up, cradling her against his chest, then rushed off the stage, past the crowd stumbling to get out of his way. With groundeating strides, he darted toward the secured door that led to the restricted areas of the club, fusing his mouth over hers. His demanding lips, every caress of his tongue, shouted his need for her with eloquent silence.

When he reached the door, he tore his mouth away reluctantly, those blue eyes burning for her.

“Cherry, I’ve got to have you now.”

Fresh heat flared through her at his words. The orgasm he and Xander had given her on stage should have sated her, but knowing that he intended to be deep inside her in mere seconds awakened all her nerve endings and hot fantasies again.

He fished a key card out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Unlock the door.”

With shaking hands, Tara grabbed the card and swiped it through the apparatus. A quiet click resounded over the din of the crowd noise in the background. Then Logan yanked the door open and charged through it like a bull.

On the other side, he grabbed the handle and slammed it shut, then shoved her against the adjacent wall. Tara felt her heart beating triple time as he covered her naked body with his overwhelming heat. His stare singed her with intent, telling her silently that he intended to get inside deep, drive her to screaming pleasure, and leave her no doubt who she belonged to.

“You want to say your safe word now?” His voice was gravelly, strained.

Her stomach tightened. Her pussy clenched. “No, Logan.”

Triumph mixed with his predatory stare. That hot lust on his face turned the ache brewing in her clit to a burn. He’d show her no mercy, and she didn’t want any.

Logan unfastened his leather pants, watching her with that unflinching gaze. With one hand, he lifted her against his body and braced her back against the wall. “Spread your legs. Put them around my waist.”

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