Beyond the Darkness

Page 25

The only question was what they charged for that service.

Once dressed, she pulled her damp hair into a ponytail and headed back toward the lobby. She hesitated at the bottom of the sweeping staircase, surprised to discover several large demons entering through a side door and heading directly toward the back of the lobby.

She instinctively shifted so she was hidden behind the elegantly carved banister, keeping a careful eye on the dangerous crowd.

Night had obviously fallen since several of the demons possessed the unearthly beauty of vampires, and at least one was an Ichari demon, a species that remained immobile during the day.

The others…

She didn’t have a clue. There were some with horns, some with extra appendages, some with wings and razor-sharp teeth. The only thing they had in common was the unmistakable aura of being predators.

Not really in the mood to rub elbows with the motley crew, Harley headed in the opposite direction, opening a door set in an alcove to discover what appeared to be a private office.

Crossing the slate gray carpet, she avoided the heavy walnut desk and wooden shelves that held the sort of high-tech surveillance equipment that would make the CIA salivate. Instead she concentrated on the French Impressionist paintings that were hung on the paneled walls and carefully preserved behind glass cases.

Good Lord. They were breathtaking, but surely they should have been in a museum?

“So the rumors are true.”

Harley slowly turned, not surprised to discover the exquisitely handsome vampire with long raven hair and distinctly Spanish features leaning against the doorjamb, studying her with a faint smile. She’d already sensed his approach.

“I’m afraid to ask,” she murmured.

“You shouldn’t be.” Pushing from the door, he slowly moved to stand directly before her. Dressed in a black silk suit and charcoal tie, he filled the room with his cold power. “You are as beautiful as your sister.”

“You know my sister?”

“I am Santiago, and it is my honor to call Darcy my queen.”

“Queen.” She gave a shake of her head. “Unbelievable.”

The vampire lifted his brows. “It troubles you that she is mated to a vampire?”

Harley’s lips twisted. She wouldn’t have been troubled to discover her sisters were mated to tree frogs.

“No. I was told that my sisters were murdered. I’m still wrapping my head around the fact they’re alive and kicking.”

There was a hint of rueful humor in the dark eyes. “Darcy is very much alive and quite happy to do whatever kicking necessary to keep Styx in line.”

“And she’s happy?”

“Of course.” His gaze deliberately lowered to appreciate the curves revealed by the tank top. “Vampires possess an extensive knowledge of how to please a woman.”

Oh, she didn’t doubt that for a moment.

Everything about the beautiful demons screamed pleasure.

A pity her taste ran to aggravating, arrogant, outrageously sexy Weres.

“Extensive, eh?”

“Extensive and…” His smile revealed a flash of pearly white fangs. “Creative.”

“And oh-so-dead if you take one step closer, Santiago,” Salvatore drawled, stepping into the room and allowing his heat to blast through the air.

Harley wisely stepped away from the vampire as she turned to appreciate the sight of Salvatore freshly showered and wearing a pair of silky black pants and a sheer white shirt that had been left open to reveal his smooth, bronzed chest.

If there was going to be a fight, she didn’t intend to be in the middle of it.

Santiago offered a mocking bow. “Giuliani.”

Strolling forward, Salvatore deliberately halted at her side, his hand possessively cupping the back of her neck. The male equivalent of “She’s mine, back off.”

Harley might have been furious if he wasn’t looking so frigging gorgeous, with his hair pulled back with a gold clasp, emphasizing the stark beauty of his face.

And that scent…

Warm with a smoky musk that was driving her insane.

Easily sensing her jolt of awareness, Salvatore rubbed his thumb along the side of her neck, his gaze remaining on the vampire.

“Have you contacted Styx?”

“I informed him that Tonya discovered you and the lovely Harley, and that you were on your way to the club,” Santiago said. “He’ll be heading here now that sun has set.”

Harley frowned. “Why is he coming here? I thought you were going to Chicago?”

“Not without back up.” Salvatore grimaced. “I assume he’s bringing the crow pack with him?”

“Crow pack?”

“His Ravens,” Santiago hissed, the dark eyes cold with disapproval. “They are the Anasso’s personal guard and worthy of proper respect.”

Salvatore shrugged. “How long will it take them to arrive?”

“Four, perhaps five hours.”

“What’s your security?”

The vampire waved a hand toward the shelves of equipment. “Beyond the enchantments placed on the building, I have everything wired and fully monitored. There are also four guards on duty at all times.”

“No werewolves?”

Santiago’s lips curled. “I don’t trust dogs.”

“The feeling is entirely mutual, leech.”

“Not to mention the fact they shed.”

“Better than being a walking corpse.”

Danger prickled in the air and Harley took a sharp step away from both males, her hands planted on her hips.

“Either the testosterone level in this room is taken down a notch or I’m going to show you both what bad things happen when estrogen is let off the leash.”

Chapter Eleven

Salvatore’s lips twitched as he met Harley’s warning gaze, his blood stirring. Damn, but she was hot.

“I heard female Weres were more dangerous than the males,” Santiago murmured.

Salvatore nodded. “You should be near one during the full moon.”

The hazel eyes glowed with a rising fury. “Do you two want some privacy so you can enjoy your budding bromance?”

Santiago chuckled, heading toward the door. “I need to check on the staff before the doors open. So long as you stay in the building, you should be safe. There is food in the kitchen and drinks at the bar. The entertainment starts in an hour.”

The vampire disappeared, closing the door behind him.

“Entertainment?” Harley asked, her eyes abruptly widening as Salvatore roughly backed her against the wall and pressed his body against her. “What the hell?”

Grasping her hands, Salvatore held them over her head, his erection cradled against her stomach.

“You’re so damned sexy.”

“And that gives you the right to jump me like a…”

“A dog in heat?” he finished for her, burying his face in the curve of her neck.


“I am a dog in heat.”

She shivered, the scent of her arousal spicing the air. “You’re also a king. Shouldn’t you at least make an effort to be civilized?”

He chuckled, his lips exploring the line of her shoulder. She smelled of soap and woman and smoldering desire.

“You still have your clothes on, don’t you?”

She stirred beneath him, her heat wrapping around him. “Salvatore, I’m not going to have sex with you in a room where anyone might walk in.”

“Then come to my room.”

“No way.”

His lips followed the plunging line of her tank top, lingering on the gentle swell of her breast.

“Your room then.”

She tried to swallow her groan of pleasure. “No…way.”

“Oh, there are ways,” he promised in low, rough tones. “An endless number of ways. We’ve already proven that with stunning results. All we need is a place.”

She shook her head in denial, but her nipples hardened with unspoken invitation.

“Get over yourself, Giuliani.”

Pulling back, he studied her with a brooding gaze. He could hear the rapid beat of her heart, the rasp of her breath.

“Harley, your senses are as sensitive as mine. This mutual desire is one thing we can never hide from one another.”

“Wanting and doing are two completely different things.”

He pressed his erection against the curve of her stomach. “I’m painfully aware of the distinction, cara.”

For a blissful moment, Harley softened against him, her eyes fluttering shut as the persistent need pulsed between them. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to get her naked before she was roughly shoving him away, crossing the room to stand near the door.

“Tell me what the zombie Were said to you,” she demanded.

Salvatore groaned, turning to lean against the wall as his body screamed with frustration.


“Zombie. Freak.” She shrugged. “Taxidermist wet dream.”

With a grudging effort, Salvatore wrenched his thoughts away from seducing his mate and dredged up his encounter with Briggs.

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