Beyond the Darkness

Page 29

“Nozama demons,” Salvatore said. “In their culture, the women are the warriors while the males are judged on their sexual prowess.”

“Now that is a fine culture,” she approved in husky tones, clutching the edge of the table to keep her hands from straying where they didn’t belong.

Salvatore growled low in his throat, sending the demon scurrying to the next table.

“Female warriors are respected in Were society, and our sexual prowess is renown throughout the demon world,” he informed her, reaching to take her hand in a possessive grip.

“Almost as renowned as your arrogance.”

“Our arrogance,” he corrected, leaning far enough across the table that his warm breath brushed her cheek. “You’re a pureblood, Harley. It is past time you returned to your pack.”

A sharp ache tugged at her heart. An unpleasant reminder of the loneliness that had plagued her all her life.

As a Were, she instinctively craved the connection to a pack. Not only for protection, but for the companionship that was as important to purebloods as food and sex.

There had always been a very large part of herself missing.

Still, she wasn’t prepared to make commitments to anyone. Not Salvatore. Not her sisters.

“I’ll decide if or when I return to a pack,” she warned.

Lifting her arm, Salvatore nuzzled the pulse hammering in her inner wrist.

“I could make the decision an easy one if you would let me.”

“Not everyone is ruled by their hormones.”

The golden eyes flashed with heat. “Ah, if only that were true.”

Harley’s lips parted as a blast of lust slammed into her.

It wasn’t the persistent tug that was always present when Salvatore was near. Or the intense hunger that his kisses so easily roused.

This was a jarring, overwhelming need that felt unpleasantly like drowning.

“Giuliani?” she rasped.

“Relax, cara.” He gently massaged her hand.

“What is it?”

“The dancers release a pheromone. It helps encourage more participants to ante up for a turn in the pit.”

“Crap.” She shifted on the hard bench, her skin coated in perspiration. “I’m about ready to ante up myself.”

Without warning, Salvatore surged to his feet, pulling her off the bench and against his hard body.

“No need to fight, cara,” he husked. “Unless that turns you on.”

In this moment, everything was turning Harley on.

The feel of Salvatore’s hard body, his frigging delicious musky scent, the pulse of his outrageous power…

Without warning, a hand descended on her shoulder, yanking her around to discover a large Pecoste demon leering at her with yellow eyes, his tusks dripping with venom.

Salvatore instantly bared his teeth, his eyes blazing with the eerie glow of a werewolf a breath away from shifting.

“Remove your hand before I…”

Harley didn’t wait for the two males to enjoy banging on their chests and blowing a lot of hot air.

With one smooth motion, she kicked the Pecoste demon in the knee, waiting for him to instinctively bend over before she connected her fist with his chin. The demon flew backwards, landing on a table two tiers down. There was a snarl of anger from the demons below and a savage brawl broke out, but Harley didn’t wait to appreciate her handiwork.

Instead she wiped her hands on her jeans and met Salvatore’s amused gaze.

“When I need rescuing, I’ll let you know.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

The scuffle had been fun, but the aching lust was still curling through her body. God Almighty. If she didn’t have relief soon, she might just explode.

“I’ve seen enough,” she muttered, heading for the exit as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

Not surprisingly Salvatore was swiftly at her side. “Where are you going?”

“My room.”

They waded through the crowd in silence, at last reaching the door and climbing the stairs. With every step, the clinging pheromones lessened, easing the choking desire, but Harley’s pace never slowed. The artificial lust might be dismissed by a change of location, but the restless hunger that continued to plague her would not be so easily banished.

She didn’t know what the future held, but she knew that Salvatore wouldn’t wait much longer to go after Briggs. The next few hours might be their last together.

Bypassing the lobby, Harley headed straight for her room on the upper floor, pulling her key card from her pocket and throwing open the door. Then, before she could remind herself of all the reasons why this was such a bad idea, she grabbed Salvatore’s arm and tugged him into the room, slamming the door behind him.

Salvatore lifted his brows in wary surprise. “Harley?”

“Isn’t this what you wanted?” she demanded, pushing him against the wall and running her hands over the hard planes of his chest.

Without warning, Salvatore grasped her wrists, halting her impatient caresses.

“Wait, cara.”

Her gut twisted with frustration. “Are you kidding me?”

His eyes narrowed. “I won’t be accused of taking advantage of you while you’re under the influence.”

“Fine.” She leaned forward, licking a line from his sternum to the hollow of his neck. “Then I’ll take advantage of you.”

He shuddered, his heat flaring through the room with the force of a nuclear blast.

“Works for me,” he rasped, loosening her wrists so he could pull out the scrunchie holding her hair, ramming his fingers through the thick strands. Harley wasted no time as she grasped the silk of his shirt and ripped it off him. Salvatore laughed with smug pleasure. “Dio. Remind me to triple my clothing allowance.”

Harley tilted back her head to meet the golden gaze half-shielded beneath his thick lashes.

“Don’t be making plans that include me, Giuliani. This is…”

“Extraordinary,” he interrupted, his hands grasping her hips and jerking her against his rigid cock.

“A temporary madness.”

“I’ll agree to the madness part.” He grabbed the bottom of her tank top, pulled it over her head, and tossed it to the floor. Her bra was next, leaving her breasts bare for his intimate exploration. “Mind-blowing, heart-stopping madness.”

She groaned as his thumbs found her hardened nipples, his head lowering to capture her lips in a kiss that demanded utter surrender.

He tasted of aged cognac, his tongue tangling with hers as his fingers tugged at the tips of her breasts, sending jolts of raw pleasure to the pit of her stomach. Harley widened her lips beneath his savage demand, her hands fumbling with the leather belt.

A wildfire was racing through her, and she was eager to be consumed by the flames.

Having dealt with the belt buckle, Harley tugged open the button of his slacks and slid down the zipper, her heart slamming against her chest as her fingers circled his heavy arousal.

Salvatore muttered a low curse, his hips surging forward as a sheen of sweat coated his beautiful face.

“Careful, cara,” he gritted. “I’m trying to remember to be gentle.”

In answer, Harley balanced on her tiptoes, biting the side of his neck with enough force to draw blood.

“I’m not afraid of the big bad wolf.”

With a muted roar, Salvatore was spinning to the side, slamming her into the wall as he dropped to his knees in front of her.

“You should be,” he warned, his hands ripping off her jeans, and the tiny triangle of lace beneath.


Her breath stuck in her throat as his lips trailed a searing path up the inside of her thighs, while his hands firmly tugged her legs farther apart.

Her fingers dug into his hair, a shudder of sheer delight shaking through her.


“It’s too late for prayers,” he muttered, giving her legs one last tug so he could find the damp heat he was searching for.

Harley swallowed her scream, her body quivering with erotic approval. She liked having Salvatore on his knees, making love to her with his tongue and teeth.

Her eyes slid closed, her hands stroking through his hair as a sweet tension coiled deep in her womb. She briefly remembered that there had been some insane reason that she wanted to avoid Salvatore’s magical touch, but in this moment, she didn’t give a crap.

Over and over his tongue teased her clitoris, occasionally thrusting into her opening with a skill that had her charging full steam toward her climax.

Measuring her quickening pants, Salvatore abruptly straightened, kicking off his shoes and slacks to stand before her in his full glory.

And he was glorious.

His lean, perfect features. His luminous golden eyes. His chiseled, bronzed body. His cock, fully erect and eager to please.

Allowing her a few moments to appreciate the sight of his naked body, Salvatore grasped her by the waist and turned her away from him.

“Put your hands on the wall and keep your arms stiff,” he rasped in her ear, tugging her leg up and over his thigh, leaving her feeling oddly vulnerable.

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