Beyond the Darkness

Page 60

“Especially not Tane,” Darcy readily agreed. “He’s a Charon.”

Charon? Somehow Harley didn’t think he was a ferryman.

“Is that some sort of ubervamp?”

“I suppose you could call him that. They’re trained assassins who hunt down vampires who have gone rogue.”


“Yeah, my thought exactly.”

Harley sipped her hot chocolate, wondering what would induce a vampire to choose such a dangerous position. It certainly wouldn’t make him popular among the clans.

“It’s not much of a surprise he would vanish. He has to have a lot of enemies.”

“Actually, he wasn’t on the job, so to speak,” Darcy confessed. “He was with Salvatore when they discovered the presence of a jinn. He followed her trail while Salvatore continued his pursuit of Caine.”

“Oh.” Setting aside her mug, Harley rose to her feet, a scowl marring her brow. She’d forgotten that Caine’s demon had disappeared during his disastrous journey to Hannibal. Now she felt a pang of fear for the poor creature. “Why would he care about a jinn?”

Darcy tilted her head to the side, clearly puzzled by her sister’s concern.

“From what I understand, it’s the fact that she’s a half-breed that has everyone all wound up.”


“Their powers are supposedly unstable.”

Salvatore had mentioned his fear of the jinn, but it hadn’t occurred to her that the vampires would be hunting her down as if she were an animal.

The thought made her heart twist in sympathy.

Despite the fact that Caine had always kept the jinn at a distance, Harley had always felt an unspoken bond with the beautiful creature.

They both had their reasons for hiding from the world.

“What will they do to her if they find her?”

With an abrupt motion, Darcy set aside her mug and rose to her feet, crossing to grab Harley’s hands.

“I’m sorry, Harley, I never even thought about that. Was she a friend of yours?”

“Not exactly a friend. Caine kept her isolated from the rest of us,” Harley corrected. “But I don’t think she would be a threat to anyone. She always seemed so…”



“Frightened of Caine?”

Harley shook her head. The few occasions she’d seen the jinn in the company of Caine, she hadn’t picked up any vibes that the pretty demon was scared of Caine. But there had been something that haunted her eyes.

“No, I don’t think so.” Harley shrugged. “He kept her locked in a private lair, but she wasn’t his prisoner. At least no more than I was.”

Anger rippled over Darcy’s face at the mention of Caine’s role in protecting the bastard who had stolen them from the nursery. Not to mention putting her sister Regan through hell. Then, with a shake of her head, she returned her attention to the missing jinn.

“What do you mean?”

“She left more than once and returned of her own free will.”

Darcy sucked in a startled breath, her eyes wide. “Then she might be trying to get back to Caine?”

Harley chewed her bottom lip, debating whether to tell a lie. She didn’t want to be responsible for the death of the poor jinn.

Then again, she was fairly certain that Darcy would sense any attempt at deception.

“It’s possible,” she grudgingly admitted. “I think he has a way of keeping her hidden.”

“I have to tell Styx.” With a brief kiss on Harley’s cheek, Darcy was headed for the door. “He’ll want to track down Caine and find out if he’s seen the jinn.”

“Darcy, wait.” Harley called.

Her sister halted in the doorway. “What is it?”

“Would you ask them not to kill her until they find out for sure whether or not she’s dangerous?”

“Of course.” Darcy paused, a slow smile curving her lips. “Harley?”


“If they manage to find Caine, do you want him brought back to you? Styx would be happy to tie him up with a bow if you want.”

Harley rolled her eyes. “Only if Salvatore doesn’t find him first. I’m assuming he already has his pack out looking for Caine.”

“Ah, you know me so well, il mia amore.” The dark, richly masculine voice filled the room as Salvatore pushed open a French door behind her and stepped in from the garden.

“I think that’s my cue to make myself scarce.” With a wink toward Harley, Darcy had disappeared down the hallway.

Harley barely noticed her departure.

Who could blame her?

What female on the face of the earth wouldn’t be entranced by Salvatore prowling toward her wearing nothing more than a pair of faded jeans he’d obviously just pulled on after shifting?

She breathed in his rich, musky scent, allowing her gaze to savor the magnificent sight of his smooth bronzed skin stretched over chiseled muscles, and the spill of raven hair that framed his lean, starkly beautiful face.

A sexy, dangerous predator that made her heart skip and her blood heat.

Easily sensing her appreciation for his raw masculinity, Salvatore wrapped her in his arms and studied her upturned face with a promising glow in his eyes.

“I like the way your sister thinks.”

“Yeah, that’s kind of obvious.” She wiggled against the hard thrust of his arousal. “Behave yourself.”

“I’m trying.” He buried his face in the curve of her neck. “Mmmm. Sweet vanilla.”

Harley’s eyes fluttered closed as a heady rush of pleasure exploded through her, the feel of his teeth nipping at her vulnerable throat nearly sending her over the edge. But with effort, she forced herself to arch away from his exquisite nibbles.

Salvatore was way too talented in distracting her.

“So, do you have a hit squad out for Caine?” she demanded.

His eyes narrowed. “Would it bother you if I did?”

Would it?

“I…don’t know.”

Salvatore scowled, not pleased by her hedging. “The bastard nearly helped to destroy the Weres, not to mention holding you hostage for the past thirty years.”

Harley grimaced. Hell, she wanted revenge as much as the next person. She’d been used and manipulated and terrified by the damned cur.

But that was all in the past.

Nothing mattered now but the future.

Her future with Salvatore.

“I could care less about Caine, but he does have a large number of curs who are loyal to him.” She framed his face in her hands. “It’s time for peace, Your Majesty.”

He heaved a rueful sigh. “There’s no hit squad. I’ve simply made it clear that I would be pleased with anyone who could give me information on the cur’s current location.”

She snorted, well aware that any pureblood who managed to get their hands on Caine was going to make his life pure misery.

“You make it sound so very civilized.”

He arched a raven brow. “You wouldn’t be implying that I’m a savage, would you?”

Her thumb brushed the sensuous curve of his lower lip. “When you want to be.”

The gold of his eyes flooded the room as he studied her with smug pleasure.

“You can be something of a savage yourself, cara.”

She chuckled. It was true. With Salvatore’s urging, she’d become downright aggressive in bed.

With stunning results.

“I haven’t heard you complaining,” she murmured, draping her arms around his neck.

“Never.” His eyes darkened with a tender emotion he kept hidden from all but her. “You are perfect in every way.”

“I’m your mate. You have to say that.”

His hands skimmed up her back, pulling her close as he gazed deep in her eyes.

“Not just my mate,” he husked. “What we have between us is more than biology or ancient powers, Harley. I adore you. I crave you. And most of all, I love you.”

Her heart clenched with a joy she’d never dreamed possible. “Forever?”

“Beyond eternity.” He bent to brush a gentle kiss over her lips.

Her knees threatened to buckle. Damn him. He knew how emotional she became when he was all sentimental.

“I love you, too, Salvatore Giuliani,” she husked, her voice thick with tears.

With a last lingering kiss, Salvatore pulled back, a teasing smile on his lips.


She punched his arm, but secretly she couldn’t deny a flare of relief. It was going to take time for her to become comfortable with the mushy stuff.

“Your modesty overwhelms me.”

He chuckled, his eyes flashing with wicked amusement. “I have a better way to overwhelm you.”

Amen to that.

She shivered, but once again she resisted the urge to give into temptation.

“Do you intend to wait here until Caine is discovered?”

His smile faded. “I know you wish to spend time with your sister, cara, but the packs are anxious to meet their new queen. We must begin our grand tour soon.”

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