Born in Chains

Page 41

He was an Ancestral.

He had the power now to create the kinds of manacles that now imprisoned him. Understanding flashed through him.

He knew what he could do.

Did she know what he intended?

Somehow he didn’t give a fuck. He summoned his Ancestral power, drawing energy into his legs and arms, wrists and ankles. The table began to shake.

She didn’t seem to care. She planted a hand on his shoulders and moved faster.

What are you going to do about it, Adrien? Are you still afraid? Still chained to this table? Still trapped?

The words ripped through his mind.

Power surged.

The chains exploded off his body.

He caught her at her waist and kept her anchored to him. He spun her midair so that he landed on top of her, holding himself back just enough so that he didn’t crush her as he forced her onto the table beneath him.

He took control, shoving himself into her as he ripped the feathered mask off her head. Through the chains, he sensed the depth of her pleasure, nothing but heady passionate sensation.

She panted in heavy chuffs as he drove into her, pummeling hard. She moaned and cried out as she wrapped her legs around his hips, her arms around his neck. He thrust hard and fast.

The release came like an explosion, not just from his balls but somewhere deep in his body, rushing through and streaking along his cock so that he arched and shouted.

Fuck, left his mouth repeatedly, loud, brutal, harsh.

“Oh, God, Adrien, so much pleasure.”

He looked down at her as he thrust, feeling himself moving in and out of her body, watching her head thrash back and forth, her eyes squeezed shut, the orgasm finishing its ride until finally she lay slack and his hips grew quiet.

Her eyes were still shut as he looked down at her, then past her head to the broken shackles hanging open on the old wood. He’d done this. He’d ended something here tonight, some deep wound that had festered for four centuries. Power flowed through him in waves, the extraordinary ability of an Ancestral being born here, in this place that began as one thing and ended as another.

He’d just opened up a new layer of his Ancestral power—maybe not his entire potential, but enough to challenge the suffering of his youth.

“Lily,” he whispered. “Thank you for this.”

She nodded but her eyes remained closed.

As he lay on top of her, satiated, having overpowered his captor, something deep inside Adrien shifted, moved around, expanded, and changed.

Other chains that had held him captive in the past, were broken in this moment, obliterated forever.


Lily was mired in pleasure. She could think of it in no other way. Her body lay trapped beneath Adrien’s, a puddle of sensation, of satisfaction, of contentment.

There had been a frightening moment when the chains had come apart and he’d flipped her. She’d wondered if she would survive what was about to happen.

But as soon as she landed, and she felt that he’d somehow protected her landing, she knew she was completely safe with him. She’d barely registered the impact except for a slight loss of breath. Other than that, the fierce pounding he gave her had been just the right note.

She’d screamed, or she remembered screaming. Pleasure had flowed like an ocean finding a new dip of land to fill. A sense of well-being eased through her veins, relaxing every muscle.

Deeper still was a strange kind of release she hadn’t expected, as though she’d walked from the desert, a long desert of two years, and suddenly stumbled on green plants, sea air, and a ton of welcome humidity. This strange, dominance-based experience had released something and she’d bet all her future happiness that Adrien had gone through something similar.

“Lily, did I hurt you?” He lifted up slightly and met her gaze. She was finally able to open her eyes. “Please tell me I didn’t.”

She stroked his cheek with her thumb. “No, not even a little. You protected me. In fact, I want to do this again and again. There were things I didn’t get to do that I want to experience while you’re bound in chains.”

He leaned down and kissed her. “Like what?”

“I want to finish you off with my mouth for one.”

She felt him shudder and deep inside her, his cock twitched. Nice.

“I want to have my hips pressed up close to your face.”

“I’d tongue you.”

“I’d count on that.” She reached up and kissed him. “But do you know what I really want to do?”

He shook his head. His hips swiveled, and she could feel that he was growing hard again. She responded by giving her pelvis a quick upward jerk. He groaned. “What do you really want to do?” he asked.

“I want to explore every part of your body, especially the muscles of your arms, your thighs, your ass. I want to use my lips, my tongue, my breasts, my fingers and savor all that you are.”

He began to move into her once more. She moved with him. She kept talking about his body, his chest, pecs, and abs, how she would suck on him and use her hand at the same time. She talked about biting his feet then each butt cheek in turn. She kept it up until he was pounding once more, hard and fast, and she was shouting into his face, “Fuck me, Adrien. Fuck me.”

With her flesh made tender by the first orgasm, the second was like a skyrocket shooting through her body. She clung to him and screamed and savored the pleasure that streaked along every sensitive nerve and that kept streaking as long as he slammed into her.

His hips continued to pound her and then she felt it, like a tingling through her abdomen that ended at the vein of her neck.

She touched his face and eased back his upper lip.

His fangs glistened.

“Lily.” His deep voice filled the air.

She rolled her head.

He struck quickly, a flash of pain that disappeared in a funnel of sucking pleasure as he began to drink from her. Her back arched as desire flooded her body. What was it about the giving of her lifeblood that heightened the ecstasy rising once more?

He groaned as he drank, his hips thrusting into her heavily again, his hands holding her shoulders to keep her seated against his mouth.

The well of her took strong pulls on what was so beautifully hard, and the spasming started all over again. More cries and moans left her mouth.

When his release came, she rode yet another wave of ecstasy to the point that she grew hoarse and her arms ached from holding on to him so hard.

When the last of the pleasure drifted away, she struggled to catch her breath. Her body leaked perspiration. She wiped a stream from his forehead as well and said, “Can you fly us straight back to the shower in Rumy’s suite? Just like this?”

He chuckled. “In a minute, when I can breathe again.”

She laughed and hugged him. She sighed and this time took air deep into her lungs, a place she was sure her body hadn’t received air in a long, long time.

* * *

An hour later, Adrien stood by the mantel of the fireplace in Rumy’s guest suite, staring at nothing in particular, sobered by what had happened at Eve’s apartment.

He felt different, yet more himself than he’d ever been.

He wore his Brioni tux, ready for the gala, but what would he find there in Beijing? Daniel would attend. He never missed a social event of this magnitude in which at least a hundred Ancestrals would be present as well as the Council.

And now Adrien had the right to attend because he’d embraced his genetics and his future.

Daniel’s machinations had forced the issue, of course. If Daniel hadn’t taken over the Council, if he hadn’t somehow forced Lily’s hand to create a blood-chain bond with Adrien, if Daniel hadn’t wanted the extinction weapon as though his life depended on it, Adrien wouldn’t have gone down this path.

He’d still be a regular fighting vampire, working on behalf of the his world to keep peace and to sustain secrecy.

Now he was on the Ancestral track and he could never return to the old ways.

He stared at his ruby cuff links, frowning. He liked his new level of power, and what he experienced was just the beginning.

Everything felt new and different to him, as though even his vision had changed.

“Adrien, I’m ready.”

He pushed away from the stone mantelpiece and turned, but what met his sight wasn’t Lily, but the vision of her that he’d had not so long ago, before he’d even met her, the woman in the burgundy gown with gold crystals embroidered along the deep V cut of the bodice. The gown fit snugly to her waist and hips, flaring around her shoes just enough to allow for walking. Otherwise it fit her like a second skin.

“You look beautiful.” He started moving in her direction, drawn to her, the chains resting beneath his shirt vibrating softly when he was this close, and yes, feeling this much.

He took both her hands in his and kissed the backs of her fingers. She wore lip gloss, which meant he needed to let her keep it on, so he dipped low and kissed down her exquisite line of cleavage. Maybe he would never have chosen this path for himself, but sharing the blood-chains with Lily had become a surprisingly tender and moving experience.

The soft moan that left her lips, combined with the rush of her sweet, feminine scent, helped him to know that she was as engaged as he.

When he lifted his head, tearing himself away from her soft breasts, he drew her carefully into his arms. “Is this love?” he asked.

She shook her head and shrugged. “I don’t know, but it’s damn close.” Her eyes glistened.

“Aw to hell with it.” He kissed her full on the lips, ruining the gloss she’d applied so carefully.

* * *

Lily slung her arm around Adrien’s neck and kissed him back. From the moment she’d seen him by the fireplace, her desire for him, her need for him, had risen all over again. That he looked magnificent in black and white didn’t help matters at all.

But it was more than just his appearance, which always tended to weaken her knees anyway. He had a different air, a different feeling about him, something the chains helped her to feel, of course, but even his posture was different, a little straighter, his chin higher.

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