Bound By Darkness

Page 9

“No, that’s fine. Larem’s relatively new to the area. I’m glad he’s been enjoying some of the sights on his days off.” Devlin tossed back the last of his wine and set the glass down on the table with a shade too much force.

Interesting. The time she’d spent in Larem’s company had definitely been one of the highlights in her stay so far. But rather than press the matter—or admit that she and Larem had met again since then to wander along the waterfront and to visit the aquarium—it was time to get back to business.

“Look, I know you’ve both had a long day, so I’ll get to the point. I won’t lie to you about my purpose in being here. Yes, I want to make things better for the Paladins in any way I can. I assure you that I have the utmost respect for both their service and their sacrifices.”

She paused to let that sink in before she dropped the hammer. “But quite frankly, the Board of Regents has some serious concerns over the events that have transpired here in Seattle the past couple of years.”

Devlin leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, all pretense at casual conversation gone. “Which events would those be? The one where a Regent went rogue back in Missouri and killed Judge Nichols, all right under the Board’s nose? Or when Colonel Kincade, one of their favorite lapdogs, was trafficking in stolen goods and illegal immigration?”

Laurel jumped in. “Not to mention that he went out of his way to make life a living hell for the Paladins here. I know you’ve promised additional funding, but what if it’s too little, too late? Without naming names, I can personally testify that Kincade’s brutality caused permanent damage to some of my patients.”

Sasha watched as the doctor struggled for control. Although Kincade had hidden his tracks well for a long time, she had no doubt that Dr. Young was telling the truth.

Laurel entwined her fingers with Devlin’s and stared at their joined hands. “I’m sorry, Sasha. I know Kincade’s actions were not your fault. However, no one on the Board of Regents would listen when I repeatedly reported what was going on. The additional funding is wonderful, but it’s a little difficult to be grateful for what should’ve been forthcoming all along. I also resent the Board sitting in judgment on decisions that were made under very difficult circumstances.”

How horrific were the scenes playing out in Laurel’s mind to fill her dark eyes with such utter grief? Now wasn’t the time to ask.

“Look, all I can tell you is that the Regents will be taking a more active approach to governing the whole organization worldwide. Like it or not, they realize that they’ve contributed to the situation by giving individual administrators like Kincade far too much autonomy. They feel—and I agree—that we must step back and assess what is working now and what has worked in the past. Once we have a clearer picture of the situation, then we can all move forward together.”

Devlin looked thoroughly disgusted. “Sasha, do you have any idea how many times I’ve heard that same bullshit over the years? Yes, there have to be some rules in place, but I have a hard time with a bunch of paper pushers and number crunchers sitting in a boardroom making decisions without consulting those who actually get their hands bloody day after day.”

“But without rules . . .” Sasha started to protest but stopped. “Okay, I get what you’re saying and even agree, to a certain extent. One reason I volunteered to come is that I want to hear your side of the discussion. I’d like to think that ultimately we share the same goals.

“It’s imperative that I learn everything I can from the ground up, without restriction or interference. I’ve been involved in similar situations before this, although not on the same scale, and I can tell you one thing that doesn’t work is anything less than total transparency from both parties.”

Devlin clearly wasn’t buying it, not completely anyway. “So where does that leave us? What do you want from me?”

Sasha considered her words carefully. “I have some discretionary budget I can use any way I see fit. Part of that is already earmarked for Laurel’s department, but I’d like your take on how the remaining money can best be put to good use. I want it to have a direct, positive impact on the quality of life for the Paladins.

“To that end, I’d like a report from you by the end of next week with any suggestions you might have. It would help if you could prioritize them, but we can discuss that in more detail once I’ve had a chance to review the report.”

There. She’d laid her cards on the table. It was up to them to play theirs next.

Devlin slowly leaned back, still holding his wife’s hand as if it helped keep him grounded.

“I’ll work on the report, but not alone.”

Sasha nodded. “I was hoping that you and Laurel would put your heads together on it.”

“And we will, but I’ll want to bring a few of my men in on it, too.”

Not exactly what she had wanted to hear, but neither did she want to shoot him down right out of the gate. “Who do you have in mind?”

Devlin’s mouth quirked up in a small smile. “Does it matter?”

They both knew she hadn’t had time to get to know the locals well enough to judge who would have useful input and who wouldn’t. Even so, she needed to maintain some control over the situation.

“No, I suppose not. I’d appreciate it if you limited it to no more than five of your men, ones who can keep a secret. I don’t want the other department heads demanding their ‘fair share’ of the budget. Depending on your suggestions, they may end up getting some of the pie, but only if it has the impact we want.”

Devlin looked decidedly happier. “Okay, then it’s a deal. For what it’s worth, the guys I have in mind are Blake Trahern, Cullen Finley, D.J. Clayborne, and Lonzo Jones.”

He repeated the names more slowly when Sasha reached for a pad and paper.

“They’re all good men and know how to keep their mouths shut. When your whole life has been one big secret, you learn early how to fly under the radar. They also hang out in my office a lot, so no one will think anything of it if they’re in there more than usual.”


She studied the names, noting Lonzo’s last name was the same as Larem’s. Were they brothers? And why wasn’t Larem on Devlin’s list? Hmm.

“I want to thank both of you for coming tonight. We’ve made a solid start on fixing what’s been broken for way too long. I’m hoping these changes will help us all get back on track.”

She really did. Men’s lives depended on it. Too many had died already because of bad management and simple carelessness.

“I will be seeing a lot of both of you as we move forward. As you’ve probably already guessed, I believe in hands-on management. I’m well aware that will ruffle some feathers, but I’m convinced the problem has been the lack of direct contact between those who control the purse strings and those who do the bleeding.”

Devlin shook his head. “Look, I know you mean well, but there are areas that are off-limits to civilians, and for good reason.”

Time to make her position clear. If she blinked now, she’d lose all chance of maintaining control. “I’m sorry, but you don’t have the authority to restrict my movements, Devlin. I can—and will—go wherever I need to. The Board of Regents has granted me full access.”

Then she offered what she hoped was a conciliatory smile. “Just tell me where I need to be careful.”

“You may have the right to see anything and everything, Ms. Willis, but I’m the one responsible for the safety of all who enter Paladin headquarters. I will not allow you to wander the tunnels unescorted. And before you think we’re trying to hide something, Lacey Sebastian works for the organization as a geologist and is under the same restrictions.”

“I see.” And she did. “I promise to use common sense, but I can’t let you dictate how I do my job.”

Neither of her guests looked convinced, but they couldn’t say they hadn’t been warned. “Again, all I’m asking is that you give me a chance. And if you have a problem with something I’ve done or said, I’d appreciate your coming straight to me with it. My door will always be open.”

“I hope you mean that.” Devlin stood and helped Laurel up off the sofa.

Sasha followed them to the door. “See you soon.”

Once they were gone, Sasha got ready for bed. A few minutes later, she crawled between the sheets and turned out the bedside light.

God, it had been a long day—too long. She had no doubt that tomorrow would be just like it, but right now she was too tired to think that far ahead.

Instead, her mind filled with the image of Larem Jones smiling as he walked away from her. She really hoped she hadn’t gotten him in trouble with Devlin. Maybe she should warn him. No, bad idea. Her working relationship with Devlin was too fragile to risk getting between him and one of his men.

As she drifted off to sleep, her last thought was that she’d just have to find some other excuse to see Larem Jones again.

Larem stared at the flyer on the shelter bulletin board and cursed. It had been two days since he’d last seen Sasha after spending an afternoon with her down at the piers. Forty-eight hours of spinning his wheels and getting nowhere on his assigned mission of further befriending her. Torn between wanting to spend more time with her for his own selfish reasons and his guilt over the whole idea of spying on her, he’d considered and rejected several ideas.

He pulled the paper down off the board to study it further. There was going to be an outdoor concert at the zoo to raise money for various animal-related causes. It was exactly the kind of event that would appeal to Sasha, not to mention himself. Dr. Isaac even had tickets for sale right there on the premises—so it couldn’t be simpler. Just buy the tickets and make the call.

But were the gods smiling upon him or out to drive him crazy? Only one way to find out. He reached for his phone and started dialing.

Larem waited at the edge of the rose garden by the zoo entrance, trying to find Sasha in the milling crowd. The early evening air was heavy with the perfume of the flowers. He slowly filled his lungs, enjoying the calming combination of their scent and incredible beauty. As always, it seemed as if everything in this world was more intense, more vivid, than back home in Kalithia. His world had its own beauty, but it was definitely different.

“Hi, Larem. I hope you weren’t waiting long.”

He opened his eyes and smiled down at Sasha. “Not at all. We have plenty of time before the concert. I thought you might enjoy a stroll here in the rose garden before we go inside.”

“I’d love that.”

As they walked along, neither of them said much, but the silence felt comfortable rather than awkward. After a bit, she stopped to admire a particularly spectacular blossom. He had no idea what it was called, but it was the color of fire—a burnished gold center deepening to a dark red along the edges of the petals.

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