Bound by Night

Page 39

“As you wish. My lord,” he added with a grin.

Drake glared at his brother; then, wrapping his arm around Elena, he transported the two of them to Andrei’s quarters.

“What now?” Elena asked. She glanced around the living room. It was sparsely furnished with a brown leather sofa and matching chair, a pair of glass-topped ebony end tables, and a large, wall-mounted TV. Through an open doorway, she saw a king-sized bed covered with a brown velvet spread.

“What now?” Drake repeated. “I wish I knew.” He paced away from her, then stood staring at the pair of paintings over the sofa. Both pictures depicted an ocean—one by day with the sun shining brightly on an expanse of clear blue-green water; the other by night, with the moon’s silver light reflected on troubled black waves.

Elena stood in the center of the room, not knowing if she should follow her heart and put her arms around him, or leave him alone.

“I will take control of the Fortress tomorrow night,” he said at last.


He turned to face her. “You need to decide what you want to do.”

“Do?” She frowned at him. “About what?”

“About us.”

“I thought I had already made that decision.”

“Things are different now. I am not sure how what I have planned will be received.”

“Whatever happens, I want to be with you.”

He didn’t say anything, just wrapped her in his embrace. He sighed, and she felt the tension drain out of him.

“Did you think I would leave you?”

“I cannot think of a single reason why you would want to stay. Your life has been anything but peaceful since the night we met.”

“And I’ve loved every minute we’ve spent together,” she said. “Well, almost every minute. So, are you through being the master for the night?”

He arched one brow. “That depends. Is there something you desire?”

“You,” she whispered. “Only you.”

“Granted. Do with me what you will.”

“So, it’s okay for me to do this?” Rising on her tiptoes, she pressed herself against him. “And this?” Cupping her hand around his nape, she kissed him, long and slow, then drew back so she could see his face. “Any complaints?”

“None so far. What else have you got?”

She ran her tongue across his lips, then kissed him again.

“And if I was to sweep you into my arms and carry you to bed, do you think you could find something for us to do there?” he asked with a wicked grin.

“I can guarantee it.”

“Show me,” he said, his voice low and husky with de - sire as he swung her into his arms and carried her swiftly to bed.

Elena awoke slowly; then, remembering where she was, she turned to study the man sleeping soundly beside her. Whatever else might happen, after last night she had no doubt that Drake loved her completely and that he would do everything in his power to ensure that they could be together.

Rising, she showered, then dressed. Last night, Drake had warned her not to leave Andrei’s apartment, then told her that one of the drones would bring her something to eat at 10 A.M. A glance at her watch told her the drone would be there any minute. A moment later, there was a knock at the door.

Though it was unnecessary, Elena thanked the drone, then locked the door after him, though she doubted it would keep the vampires out. It was sure to arouse suspicion if any of the vampires learned food had been delivered to Andrei’s quarters, especially during the day, when he was supposed to be sleeping. But she was too hungry to worry about that now.

After a meal of French toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon, she wandered around the apartment, which consisted of four large rooms—bedroom, bathroom, living room, and library. The library was stocked with books, CDs, DVDs, magazines and newspapers in several languages, and an assortment of crossword puzzle books. A desk held a computer with a large monitor. There was also a state-of-the-art stereo system.

Elena turned the stereo on low, found the latest Frankenstein novel by Dean Koontz, and lost herself in another world.

When she tired of reading, she went in search of a movie, surprised to find that Andrei had what looked like every movie John Wayne had ever made. She was watching Hondo when the drone delivered her lunch.

She was browsing through Andrei’s CD collection when a whisper of power flowed through the room, making the short hairs on her arms stand at attention.

“Drake.” She knew he was there even before she turned around.

She sighed when he drew her into his arms, closed her eyes as his mouth covered hers, whispered “more” when he would have let her go.

He kissed her again, longer, deeper, then brushed his knuckles across her cheek. “I need to go,” he said. “I have business to attend to. One of the drones will come for you in an hour or so.”

“What are you going to do?”

“You will be there when it happens.” He cupped her cheek in his palm. “Say a prayer for me.”

“What should I pray for?”

“Success.” He kissed her again, quickly, and then he was gone.

A short time later, Katiya and Andrei appeared in the apartment.

“I brought you something to wear,” Katiya said. “I think it will fit.”

“It’s lovely,” Elena said. “Thank you.” The dress, of dark mauve, had a velvet bodice and a long satin skirt.

Katiya reached into her pocket. “I brought a brush for your hair, as well.”

“Thank you.”

“I will see you soon,” Katiya said, and vanished from sight.

Elena looked at Andrei, who had taken a seat on the sofa. “Do you know what’s going on?” she asked as she ran the brush through her hair.

“Knowing how Drake feels about this place, I have a fair idea.”

“He seemed worried earlier.”

“I would be surprised to hear otherwise.”

Elena found little comfort in his words.

The gown Katiya had lent her fit Elena as if it had been made for her. She had barely finished changing clothes when a drone knocked at the door. Elena ducked out of sight when Andrei went to answer it.

“Lord Drake requests your presence in the Council chamber immediately,” the drone said.

Andrei blew out a breath. “Here we go.”

A million nervous butterflies took wing in Elena’s stomach as she followed Andrei down the hall toward the Council meeting room. When they reached the door, Elena grabbed his hand. “Are you sure he wants me here?”

“Very sure,” Andrei said, and opened the door.

Elena’s gaze swept the chamber in a single glance. Drake, dressed all in black, sat in Rodin’s chair on the dais. Liliana, also dressed in black, sat on his right. Katiya, looking young and lovely in pale blue, sat on his left. The Council members were seated.

Drake rose when he saw her. “Please, come in.”

Taking a deep breath, Elena entered the chamber at Andrei’s side.

Liliana rose. “What is this outrage?” she demanded, her voice as cold and brittle as arctic ice.

“Liliana, sit down,” Drake said, his voice equally cold. “She is here at my request.”

Liliana glared daggers at her son, but she did as he said.

Impressive, Elena thought.

“As you all know,” Drake said, “Rodin has been destroyed. As the new Master of the Carpathian Coven, I have decided there are changes that need to be made.”

He cast a warning glance at Liliana, who had started to rise. Fury radiated from her eyes but she remained silent and seated.

“Katiya,” Drake said. “Come forward.”

Rising, she stood beside him. She looked cool and unruffled, her face serene, making Elena think that Katiya was well aware of whatever change Drake was about to make. Aware and in agreement.

“As Master of the Coven, I hereby renounce my marriage vows to Katiya Belova. How say you, Katiya? Yea or nay?”

“Yea, my lord.”

“So let it be recorded,” Drake said. “So let it be done.”

“So let it be recorded,” the Council members said. “Done and done.”

Leaving the dais, Katiya took a seat in the back of the room.

“Elena Knightsbridge, come forward.”

Heart pounding, she moved toward the foot of the dais.

Drake smiled at her. “Come, stand beside me.”

“No!” Liliana’s voice echoed through the room like rolling thunder.

“Be still!” Drake shot a quelling glance at his mother. “If you interfere again, I will have you removed.” He held out his hand to Elena. “Come.”

Praying that her legs wouldn’t fail her, Elena took Drake’s hand and stepped up on the dais.

Drake faced the Council. “Rodin Sherrad annulled my marriage to Elena Knightsbridge. As Master of the Coven, I hereby revoke that annulment. From this time forward, Elena Knightsbridge will be my wife. All who wish to shelter here will accord her the respect to which she is entitled as my consort. So let it be recorded. So let it be done.”

“So let it be recorded,” intoned the Council members. “Done and done.”

Taking Elena in his arms, Drake kissed her lightly. “I love you,” he said quietly. “Please take your place.”

Fully aware of Liliana’s fulminating gaze, Elena took the chair vacated by Katiya.

“Andrei Lazarescu,” Drake said, “come forward. As Master of the Coven, I now unite Andrei Lazarescu and Katiya Belova as husband and wife by my hand. Andrei, how say you? Yea or nay?”

“Yea, my lord.”

“Katiya, how say you? Yea or nay?”

“Yea, my lord.”

“So let it be recorded,” Drake said, smiling. “So let it be done.”

“So let it be recorded,” the Council members said. “Done and done.”

Hand in hand, Andrei and Katiya left the room, smiling.

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