Breaking Free

Page 26

He doubted she even heard him, all her attention was on her throbbing clit and not on him at all. He swirled the head of his cock in her ample juices, pressed her dangling legs more open, and drove his cock into her with one fierce thrust.

Her cry of shock echoed around the pool, and he felt her pussy billow around him. Eyes wide-open now, she stared up at him. Her hands came down as if to push him away, and he snapped, “Keep your arms over your head, sub.”

Her pussy clenched at his tone, his words. Submissive. And her reaction made him harden more if that were possible. Holding her gaze with his, he started to move, watching her pupils dilate as her overly stimulated pussy began the climb up to full arousal. Over her head, her tiny hands fisted.

God, she felt good. His cock, denied for so long, seemed to feel each stroke into her hot cunt, every little twitch and clench amplified along his nerves. Deeper, he wanted deeper, wanted to bury himself so far into her he’d never see daylight again. Moving her leg, he set his foot onto the lower gutter running around the inside of the pool. Leaning forward, he gripped her hips and slammed into her, the downward tilt of her hips matching his upward thrusts perfectly. She gave soft grunts with each stroke, and he could feel her flexing around him, feel the quivering of her legs as she approached the edge.

Too soon. He’d waited so long that she’d pull him over with her if she came, and he wanted a long ride. He eased off, rocking against one side, then the other. She keened a protest, her head rolling back and forth, and he grinned. Responsive, hot, little sub.

Releasing her hips, he slowed further, taking the time to run his fingers over her bare pussy lips, enjoying the new silken feel and the way her breath hitched as her vagina clamped down on him. He teased her, sliding his wet fingers up toward her engorged clit, not touching, back down, over and over until she groaned. Until her whole body shook and she sobbed incoherent pleas.

Her pussy tightened even further, a vise around his cock, and he couldn’t stand it any longer. He pulled almost all the way out, then slammed into her, burying himself, yanking back out, hammering her. With one hand, he dug his fingers into her ass, yanking her against him with each thrust. And when he was close, so close that every thrust screamed with pleasure, he slid his fingers over her unhooded clit, circled over and on top, and she let out a series of high shrieks, her pussy clamping down on him so hard, he came in a rush, jerking as she milked him dry.

Eventually he pulled out. She sighed a protest but didn’t move. Poor little rabbit. He disposed of the condom and dried off enough to yank his jeans back on. Looked like Dan and Kari were busy enough…she was sitting on him, facing away, and from her gasps, well impaled. Cullen and Deborah had disappeared, probably back into the dungeon for more pain therapy.

His guests were doing all right on their own. Nolan scooped Beth into his arms and took a chair on the far side of the pool. She nestled down in his lap. Light, fragile, with a spine of iron.

Her hand rubbed over his chest, sliding under his open shirt to stroke his bare skin. It pleased him immensely that she was comfortable enough to touch him on her own.

Her pale skin was beautiful with little freckles scattered down her shoulders and arms. And so very soft. He ran his hand over her hip, enjoying the sight of his dark bronze against the white. When he nuzzled the top of her head, her soft hair ruffled his cheek. “I love watching you get off, sugar. You’re over-the-top gorgeous.”

She stirred a little, but didn’t say anything. It was amazing how some subs chattered away during aftercare, almost as if they’d downed a bottle of wine. And with others, getting their reactions required some well-applied plastique. Good thing he’d been a demolitions expert. “I hadn’t used a flogger since I got back. I’d forgotten how much fun it was.”

Silence. A slight tenseness in the hand curled on his chest.

“I’m pleased you were brave enough to continue. I didn’t want to stop.”

“But you would have,” she said finally. “If I’d wanted down, you would have released me.” Her voice held enough certainty that he knew they had the first foundation block of trust.

“Yes, Beth. If you hadn’t been able to overcome your fear, I’d have stopped right then.” He kissed the top of her head, watched her hand flatten on his chest. Her fingers slid over his nipple and around his side. His cock stirred. If she kept touching him, he’d end up taking her again. “So, how did you like the flogger?”

“I… You know, we don’t have to talk about everything. You already know how I felt. You know everything, dammit.”

He smiled at the tiny flash of temper. Yeah, she’d be a fun one after those fears were gone. “We talk for two reasons. I may know how you felt, but you need to know too. Bodies and emotions don’t always communicate. And secondly, I might think I’m God, but I’m not. I make mistakes just like everyone else. Now answer me. How did you like the flogger? I know you were scared, but beyond that?”

“I liked it,” she admitted, pleasing him again. “I didn’t think I would, but you didn’t hit me that hard at first, and then when you did, it hurt, but it didn’t really, or something. Every time it hit, things… I got…hotter. The spanking did that too.”

He ran a finger over her flushed cheek. “Good girl. I like hearing how you felt.” And she liked to hear of his pleasure, he saw. The tiny line between her eyebrows disappeared, and her hand made longer strokes on his chest. “How about when Dan sucked on your breasts?”

Her whole body stiffened, just slightly, but with her draped over him, he couldn’t miss something like that. Her small fingers stopped moving, in fact, he could feel the tiny pinpricks of her nails against his skin. He’d had a feeling about this, but had been too busy to watch her closely enough.

“I liked it in a way, but I’m glad it didn’t…he didn’t…that he didn’t touch me lower. With his mouth.” He could see her brows draw together in confusion. “I don’t know why.”

“You usually take a different Dom at the club every week, so you’re used to strangers,” he prompted.

“I know. But”—her arm slid around his side, and she pulled him a little closer—“it just didn’t feel right or something. I’m with…”

With me. “You feel like you’re mine, and no one else should touch maybe?”

Her head went down, but her arm didn’t loosen. “Pretty dumb, huh.”

He tilted her head back up, looked into her confused eyes. “Feelings are feelings. They don’t have dumb or smart labels, sugar. Doms have different lines that they’re not comfortable letting another Dom cross. For me, I would be uncomfortable seeing another Dom’s cock inside you.” He rubbed his thumb on her soft cheek. “I didn’t like watching you being taken by that asshole at the club.”

“Oh.” She tried to look away; he didn’t let her.

“So when we’re together, oral sex with someone else would be a no for you. How about being touched? Imagine Cullen’s hands on your breasts…” He released her chin, set his hand on her breast, and thumbed the nipple.

No stiffening, in fact her breathing increased just a tad. “I…maybe…”

“Okay. We have a couple hard limits here. We’ll work our way back and discuss your reactions afterward.” Oddly enough, his reaction right now was satisfaction. Damned if he wasn’t a little pleased that she didn’t want another man’s mouth on her pussy. He wrapped his other arm around her, snuggled her closer to him, and she went boneless, letting him mold her against his body. “You please me very much, Beth.”

He held her as contentment hummed through him.

Kari’s contentment disappeared in a rush when Cullen and Deborah returned. The big sub walked stiffly across the patio. Red welts covered her back and legs, with some even on her breasts. Beth gasped and tried to push herself off Nolan’s lap. Dammit, no woman should be treated like that. She was going to—

Nolan yanked her back against him. “Easy, Beth. Look at her face, not the marks on her body.”

Held so tightly she couldn’t move, Beth didn’t have much choice. She forced her gaze up to Deborah’s face and saw what he meant. The sub might be hurting, but her face looked like a woman who’d just gotten off. Thoroughly. And from the adoring way she gazed at Cullen, she was happy with what he’d done.

“But… I don’t understand,” Beth said. “He hurt her.”

“She likes pain.”

No one likes pain. “That’s just wrong.”

“People have a right to their kink, sugar, as long as one person isn’t forcing another,” Nolan murmured in her ear. “Lots of people would say what we did earlier was wrong too.”

Well, that was true. She rolled her eyes. “I’m a hypocrite, aren’t I?”

“And a brave little rabbit to try to take Cullen on.” He chuckled and bit her earlobe. “But take a good look at Cullen now. Deborah is well satisfied. Does Cullen look pleased with his work?”

Oh, he didn’t at all. His face was strained, the lines there drawn deeper. He watched Deborah, obviously worried about her pain. More worried than the sub was. “Oh.”

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