
Page 15

   She walked to a love seat in a nearby nook and sat down. “Come, sit down with me.”

   Mary Catherine, looking as if she’d just found her new best friend, hurried over to do just that.

   Abby smiled at her and patted Mary Catherine’s knee. “How many children do you have?”


   “Three? Wow, I have two of my own, a girl and a boy. They’re wonderful, but they’re a handful.”

   Sasha had no idea where Abby was going with her current topic of discussion, but it was almost like a train wreck; she had to keep watching.

   “In fact,” Abby continued, “we have another friend who couldn’t come this week because she’s pregnant with their first. It’s a wonderful thing to be a mother, but not everyone wants kids.”

   “I can’t imagine not wanting kids.”

   Abby continued on as if Mary Catherine hadn’t said anything. “I don’t know if it’s my experience as a mother, or because I’m a writer and I notice things, or if it’s because I married a man whose attention to detail is as frightening as it is impressive. Odds are, it’s probably a little bit of all three.”

   “I’m with you on Nathaniel’s attention to detail,” Julie chimed in. “That man is scary observant.”

   “It’s served him well,” Abby said before turning back to Mary Catherine. “Now, I’m not saying you aren’t a mother to three children, I’m just saying I would expect a woman who has three kids would be a little bit better at trying to bullshit someone.”

   Mary Catherine gasped and stood up.

   “Sit back down,” Abby said in a tone she must have picked up from Nathaniel. Surprisingly, the other woman did just that. “Now, I haven’t figured out your game, but I know your type, and let me tell you this: You stand a better chance of marrying into the royal family than you do of ever being with Cole Johnson. And I know this because even if he wasn’t completely committed to Sasha, which he is, and even if he wanted kids, which he has emphatically denied on multiple occasions, he still won’t be with you. Because he hates liars. And you, my dear, have done nothing but lie from the minute you walked into this house.”

   Mary Catherine stood back up. “I don’t have to sit here and listen to you talk down to me. I’m going.”

   “We won’t stop you,” Abby said.

   Mary Catherine threw her shoulders back and marched out the door Sasha held open for her. It closed behind her with a loud click.

   For several seconds, no one said anything.

   Julie broke the silence first. “Damn, Abby. Remind me to never get on your bad side.”

   “Who? Me?” Abby asked and they all dissolved into laughter.


   That night, everyone gathered in the downstairs sitting room. Sasha wasn’t sure what Cole had planned, but he was up to something based upon the grin he currently wore.

   “I thought we’d do something a little different tonight,” he said when everyone was seated. “There’s some jewelry in my family that’s been passed down from generation to generation. I knew it had been hidden at some point, but I didn’t know the entire story until I came across some documents in the attic.”

   He went over to a small table beside the antique couch and picked up a pile of papers. “I summarized everything here and I thought it’d be fun to act it out.” He gave each person a sheet. “Daniel, you’ll be the stablehand. Julie, you’re the housekeeper. Nathaniel and Abby, you’re visiting gentry. I’m the earl, and Sasha’s the servant girl.”

   Everyone spent the next few minutes reading the sheets he had prepared. The only sounds were the occasional giggle.

   “It’s supposed to be fun,” Cole assured them. “There’s no right or wrong. Don’t worry about being historically accurate. And there’s no script, just a general storyline. Dig into your character and have fun.” He glanced at his watch. “We’ll start in fifteen in the dining room. Everyone good with that?”

   After the other two couples left, Cole walked up to Sasha and held out his hand to help her off the couch. “Know why you’re always the servant girl?” he asked when she was on her feet and pressed tight against him.

   “Because the earl’s single?” she guessed.

   “No, because your ass is so spankable.”

   “You know if you want to spank my ass, you can just do it. You don’t have to do an entire role play,” she teased.

   “I’m well aware of that.” He gave her a swat on the backside as if to prove the point. “But this is fun. And I get to see you in that hot maid costume.”

   “I’m guessing I’m not supposed to wear anything under the costume?”

   “That’s entirely up to you. You should go get dressed, though. I purposely didn’t give a lot of time before we started.”

   She stepped away to get dressed, but turned back before leaving the room. “One request, Sir?”


   “Will you wear your three-piece suit? It does crazy wild things to my libido.”

   He laughed, but followed up with, “Yes, of course.”

   Ten minutes later, Sasha stood in the hallway while Nathaniel, Abby, and Cole sat in the dining room. Abby had pulled her hair up in an elaborate-looking style. As she passed Sasha on the way in, she whispered, “It’s really easy and I love it when Master pulls the pins out one by one.”

   Nathaniel coughed. “I have to thank you for inviting us to your estate, Earl Johnson. We’ve had a delightful time.”

   “Yes, my lord,” Abby said. “Such a nice change from being in the city. I detest London this time of year.”

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