Cocky Client

Page 11

I was certain I could get Ryan through a successful press tour, even more certain that I could make sure every person in this city swooned over his impressive charity record, but I was confused about the “atonement style interview.”

I’d asked every person on my team to see if they could find out more about the “incident,” but they’d all come back to me with nothing but confusion.

Curious, I sent Leo an email.

Subject: Atonement Interview

Good evening, Mr. Dalton,

I’ve read over the contract thoroughly and am close to making a decision, but would you mind giving me a bit more information on the incident you want Ryan to be forgiven for? I was unable to find any information on this.


His response was immediate.

Subject: Re: Atonement Interview


See the attached video and promptly delete it after viewing.

—Leo Dalton

I clicked on the video and saw a grainy image of Ryan standing in a green room. He was attaching a wired mic to his suit jacket, smiling as a female producer handed him a stack of notecards.

For three straight minutes, he simply nodded his head as the producer went over a few facts with him.

I was about to ask Leo if he’d sent me the wrong video, but in the final thirty seconds of the clip, a man in a blue suit entered the room. He extended his hand for a handshake, but Ryan simply stared at him.

Then he punched him in the face.

The tape ended as the man in the blue suit fell to the ground, and Leo sent me another email.

Subject: Re: Re: Atonement Interview


The man Ryan assaulted (i.e. the TV host who was supposed to interview him that day) is the son of AJ Aguirre, the CEO of Aguirre Bedding. They supply all our linens at every international property, and we begin negotiations for a renewal term soon. So, surely you can understand why Ryan apologizing for what he did is key to defrosting our relationship with Aguirre.

Let me know if you need anything else,


I watched the video a few more times and did a quick info search on AJ Aguirre and his son. Then I looked over the final clauses in the contract once more, confirming that most of the terms were in my firm’s favor.

“I don’t understand why this is such a hard decision for you, Pen.” Sean plopped down on the chair across from me. “They’re offering to pay you double for half the work in half the time, all for one client. What part do you really need to think about?”

“The part where I’ve previously slept with this one client and there’s an automatic termination clause in the contract for any fraternization.”

“You only have to worry about that if you plan on sleeping with him again, and your first time together doesn’t count.” He set his beer on the table. “You don’t want to sleep with him again, right?”

“Right.” The lie rushed out of my mouth.

“Well, problem solved. Besides, I highly doubt Ryan Dalton would continue to bring up the fact that you’ve had sex while you’re working for him. Hell, given the fact that he really needs good PR right now, I’m willing to bet he’ll be a complete professional.”

I poured myself another glass of wine and steered clear of that line of conversation. “You know, the terms of this contract are more than amazing, and six million is more than enough to keep my firm afloat for a long time. And with the money, I can even hire a few part time assistants and outsource some much needed research help for any incoming clients.”

“Six million will also allow you to buy me a much-deserved Tesla for Christmas, so thank you in advance.” He joked, but then his tone changed completely. “It would also help you get rid of a certain someone sooner rather than later.”

“Huh? A certain someone?” I shrugged. “Who are you talking about?”

“Did the two of you wipe off the bottom of your shoes before coming into the living room today?” Sarah stared at Sean with a panicked look on her face, wielding a tube of wipes.

“Yes.” Sean uncapped another beer. “I’m pretty sure I did that, Sarah. I also sanitized my hands before grabbing my beers from the fridge and wiped down every surface I touched in the kitchen. Would you like me to start taking showers in your guest bathroom before sitting on the furniture as well?”

“Would you really do that?” She smiled. “That’s amazing and so very thoughtful of you.”

Sean shot me a “What the hell?” look and I immediately emailed Leo.

Subject: Client Representation Offer

Mr. Dalton,

I happily accept the terms of your offer and I can start ASAP.

Penelope Lauren



Subject: P. Lauren & Associates


Penelope has graciously accepted our financial package in exchange for representing you for a limited time. She will officially begin this morning, so PLEASE try to make this work. With the date now set for the global initiative launch, we don’t have room for any unwanted media attention.

In the interest of not repeating the same thing again, perhaps you should treat her to breakfast so you two can get on the same page and begin this partnership in a different way from all the others.


This partnership has already begun in a different way from all the others...

I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage working with Penelope at all, since simply catching sight of her in the lobby this morning was more than enough to get me aroused.

Shaking the thought of her away, I stepped off the elevator and headed straight to my office. I had enough work this week to keep me completely distracted, but for some reason my door wouldn’t open. I swiped my keycard against the panel repeatedly, waiting for the light to turn green, but it only flashed an “access not granted” red.

Annoyed, I walked over to Linda’s desk. “Linda, do you know if IT reset all the key pads last night?”

She shook her head, not looking up at me. “They didn’t reset the pads.”

“So, all of your keycards work?”

She nodded.

“Well, can I kindly borrow your emergency key to my office so I can get to work, please?”

“Well, I...It’s kind of...” She stuttered, finally looking up. “I don’t have it anymore.”

“You lost it?”

“No, it was taken, and your keypad is the only one that’s been reprogrammed.” The words rushed out of her mouth. “I told her it was a bad idea and I didn’t want to do it, but she insisted. She even threatened me.”

“Who is she?”

She didn’t have to answer that question. At that moment, Penelope stepped off the elevator and walked over to us, her silver heels clacking against my marble floors with her every step.

“Good morning, Mr. Dalton.” She smiled at me. “It’s good to see you here on time today. I’ve heard that you normally come into work two hours late.”

“There’s no such thing as late when I’m the goddamn CEO.” I glared at her. “There also shouldn’t be such a thing as getting fired on your first day, but you’re pretty damn close right now. Reprogram my keypad and let me into my office. Now.”

“No.” She threw my glare right back at me. “I’ve talked to quite a few people in the building over the weekend. They all say that you immediately go to your office when you arrive and you hardly come out and personally talk to them.”

“That’s not a criminal offense, so reprogram my keypad and let me into my office. Now.”

“Even though my plan calls for us to fix your outer image for the public...” she continued talking. “I think it’s quite necessary to work on your inner image as well. So, this morning and every morning for the next ninety days, you are going to personally greet the global department heads that work for you before starting your day. You will also join me for interview preparations in the morning for at least one hour, and then and only then will I allow you to retreat into your office.”

“Did you just say you would ‘allow’ me?”

“I don’t believe I stuttered.”

“Linda,” I said, keeping my eyes on Penelope. “Could you please leave the floor so I can talk to Miss Lauren privately, please?”

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