
Page 20

“The helper bee,” I repeat, not even shocked that Dee has filled him in on everything.

“That’s what I said. I told her, we need some men that would make you realize just what’s been staring you in the face. Make you move the heck on, darling.”

“You’re joking, right?” Jesus, how stupid have I been?

“Afraid not, baby.” He leans closer and pets my hair. Literally pets me, smiling his beautiful smile and causing some of my anger to fall away.

“You?” I question Dee.

“Yeah… I’m sorry, Chelcie. I really am, but you weren’t going to act on it. Hell, I don’t even think you had plans to ever tell him about the baby. Wrong or right, now… Well, now it looks like you’re not going to have a chance because shit is about to get really real.”

I can’t even be mad at them. They’re right. I’ve been dragging my feet. Letting the fear of the unknown and the very real attraction between Asher and myself cloud what is really important right now.

The baby.

Because when push comes to shove, whatever is or isn’t between me and Asher is second to my sweet baby.

“You’re right. I’m not mad. Well, maybe a little mad for Phil, but I know you two are coming from the right place.”

Dee goes to say something but stops quickly, snapping her mouth shut, her eyes widening. Sway just bounces on the balls of his heels and claps his hands. I’m actually pretty sure he just squealed.

“Oh, Dee…look! It’s happening!”

“What’s happening?” I inquire a second before it happens.

The front door to Sway’s salon bursts open so hard that it snaps on its hinges. I know what’s coming before I even hear my name being growled—yes, growled.

“Chelcie!” The sound erupts through the room. My shoulders stiffen, but I turn and meet his eyes. “Get. Over. Here.”

I look back at Dee and Sway, hoping for some help but I only get blazing smiles and sharp nods. Lovely. Of course the matchmaker duo isn’t going to help me.

“Now, Chelcie,” he declares again.

I obviously am not moving at a pace quick enough to placate his request because he takes the ten steps to me from the door in five and lightly grabs my wrist, pulling me forward and out the door. Proving Dee’s theory right. He is a wonderful dragger.


The whole ride back to the apartments is maddening. I can tell he’s pissed by the white-knuckle grip he has on the steering wheel. His jaw keeps flexing with the control he is so understandably trying to master. It was a bitch move for me to run. I know that, and I feel terrible about it.

I could blame it on my hormones, my muddled mind, or even the drunken way his kisses leave me. When it comes down to it though, I ran because I was afraid.

The walk past Joe is nice and embarrassing this time. Before Asher can stop me, I press the gold button for the seventeenth floor. Turning to address him, I do my best to give him a shaky smile.

“I need to do this in my house. I was wrong to run from you, and I’m sorry. We’re going to talk, but I need it to be in my space.”

He gives me a tight nod before crossing his thick arms over his chest.

“I’m sorry, Ash. I really am.”

He studies me for a few seconds, opening his mouth to speak a few times before snapping it shut and shaking his head at me. His eyes close for a second and when they open again and he looks at me with complete understanding, I’m taken aback. So easily he’s able to drop that anger?

“I won’t even pretend to understand what’s going through your head right now. You want to talk before I make you mine? That’s what you need to do before I can finally make you mine? Well then, baby, that’s what will happen. Just…enough with the running, okay?”

Let’s see if he feels the same way when we’re done talking. I nod and wait for the elevator to stop at my floor.

Here goes nothing.


“Do you want anything to drink? I think I have some beer.” I wring my hands together, trying to calm my anxiety.

“I don’t want anything to drink, Chelcie,” he states from his post, leaning against the kitchen island.

“Okay. Do you want something to eat? I can make something really quick.”

“I don’t want anything to eat, Chelcie.”

“Okay. Do you—”

“I don’t want anything to eat or drink. I don’t need to sit and relax or watch a movie. I don’t have anywhere I need to be or anyone I would rather be with. I’m good, Sunshine. I’m here. Let’s talk.”

Well. I guess he’s onto my stalling.

“Right. Let’s go sit please. I need to sit.”

He raises a brow but follows me to my living room. I sit in my favorite chair, the one chair that I can curl up on and it’s so fluffy that I sink. It gives me a sense of peace. I know it sounds ridiculous that a chair can give me some peace, but when you feel as alone as I do sometimes, just feeling the comforting pressure of something holding you can mean a lot.

Asher walks close to me, his feet bumping into mine, he leans down and scoops me up before he sinks his own body into my chair. He then pulls me down onto his lap and arranges my body so that I’m sitting sideways across his strong thighs. Without knowing where to put my hands, I just let them fall to my lap—where I continue to wring my fingers together.

“Talk, Sunshine.” I jump at his demand and feel his arms constrict around me. “I’ve told you before, you have nothing—not one damn thing—to be afraid of when you’re with me. Why do you keep acting like I’m going to hurt you?”

I take a deep, much-needed breath. “Because, Asher… Because you hold the power to crush me, just like I hold the power to do the same to you.”

“The last thing I want is to hurt you in any way,” he argues.

“I know that, and I feel the same way.”

“So what exactly is the problem? I know we have a lot to learn about each other, Chelcie, but you’ve been there for me since Coop died, there when everyone else was getting frustrated because I didn’t know how to let him go. You’ve been there when I needed you the most. There’s plenty of time for us to learn every little thing about each other, but what I already know is enough for me to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you belong to me.” He lightly grabs my chin with his firm hand, turning my head and giving me a sweet kiss against my lips before resting his forehead against mine.

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