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Easy as that.

“So what’s up with the picture? Oh yeah, and did I mention your arm is around her?”

Damn, did Gage withhold that bit of information on purpose?

“I have no idea. I’ll admit, we’ve become closer. We spend a lot of time together working. And we’re actually getting along. Can you believe it?” Nothing but silence on Gage’s end, which of course makes me want to squirm. “There’s nothing to worry about, Gage. I swear,” I say as I walk around my office and gather up miscellaneous papers and whatever else is lying around, cleaning it up for the end of the night. I’m full of nervous energy, and I need to keep myself occupied before I bust out a Fine-you-caught-me-I-think-I’m-falling-in-love-with-your-sister-tell-me-what-to-do confession.

“Tell me you’re not sleeping with her.”

Well hell. Leave it up to Gage to get right to the point.

“I’m not sleeping with her,” I automatically say because I’m not—not really. When I get Ivy in my bed, there’s rarely any sleeping involved.

“Don’t forget the bet,” he reminds me, like I ever could. That bet is burned into my brain, making me feel like shit because if she ever finds out, especially now, she’ll probably hang me by my balls and let Gage have his way with me. Not that I could blame her. I feel like a liar. Like I’m hiding the bet, hiding our relationship as if I’m ashamed to be seen with her. And that’s definitely not the case. “And don’t forget she’s my goddamn sister.”

“I’m not involved with Ivy,” I mutter, falling into my desk chair with a thump. Shit. I do not need this sort of lecture tonight. This is going to kill my mood for sure if I let it. And I’m already letting it. “She doesn’t count, remember? You and Matt both said that.”

I hate even saying it, let alone thinking it. She counts far more than I could ever imagine.

“Yeah, I know what we said, but she’s still pretty and sweet and hell, for all I know you’ve wanted her for years. I have no clue.” Damn, Gage’s too close to the truth for comfort. He sounds worried and that makes me feel like hell.

Does he really think I’d be a ruthless jerk, going after his sister with no thought and callously hurting her? “She’s a friend. She does her job well. You already knew this was going to happen when I called you a few weeks ago, remember?” How easy Gage forgets. I swear he’s in his own little world. “Why the panic now?”

“I didn’t think you’d actually ask her to work for you.” He pauses. “And I’ve been . . . distracted. Not around much. I had no idea she wasn’t even in town.”

“Well, I did hire her and she’s staying here with me. At the resort.” Lies again, but damn, I don’t want him knowing she’s staying at my house. In my bed. “And she’s doing a fantastic job.” I lean back in my chair, glancing up at the ceiling. “Don’t worry. Your sister is safe with me.”

“She’d better be. Normally I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you, but this is Ivy we’re talking about. You hurt her, I hurt you.”

I know without a doubt, Gage will make good on his promise.

Chapter Fourteen


Opening night.

“SO WHAT DO you think?”

I turn to find Ivy standing in front of me, wearing a dress that should be outlawed, she looks so damn good in it. Too damn good. “Uh . . .” I can’t find my tongue, and I nearly swallow it when she does a little twirl, the skirt flaring out to reveal her pretty knees, her slender thighs.

“I love it, but I don’t know,” she says when she’s facing me once again, a giant smile on her face. Her hair is up, her elegant neck exposed, little tendrils of dark brown hair curling against her cheeks and neck. She’s so beautiful it hurts to look at her. “Say something, Archer, before I think you hate it.”

The dress is white lace and sleeveless, the neckline dipping into a deep V that exposes all that smooth, kissable skin. A simple gold satin ribbon winds around her, just below her br**sts, tied in a pretty bow at her back, and I’m tempted to slowly pull it undone. Unzip the dress, peel it off her, and kiss her everywhere.

But we have an opening party to go to for Crave. That we’re already running late to.

“I think you look amazing.” I go to her and drop a gentle kiss to her lips. She looks nervous and I grab her hands, giving them a squeeze. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“What if they hate it?” she blurts out. “The interiors? All of it? I’ll never be able to forgive myself.”

“They’re not going to hate it. Everything looks f**king amazing.” It does. She did a phenomenal job. We did a phenomenal job together. Proving to me yet again that we make a great team.

“Really?” She’s looking at me, really looking at me, and I know she needs my reassurance now more than ever.

“Really.” I kiss her again, this one a little longer, leaving her breathless when we break apart. “I wouldn’t lie to you.”

That in itself is a lie. I’m keeping something from her right now. Like that stupid bet. It’s the most juvenile thing I’ve ever participated in, and I don’t want her to hear what Matt and Gage had to say. How she didn’t count. How none of them think I could possibly be interested in her.

I need to come clean before Gage or Matt ruin it and tell her first. They’re both supposed to be attending tonight, but they won’t get a chance to talk to her alone. I’ll make sure and keep her by my side the entire evening.

“Archer . . .” She breathes deep, as if gathering strength, and I squeeze her closer, not wanting to break this physical or emotional connection we have. “What’s going to happen after tonight?”

“What do you mean?” I know exactly what she means. I’m just stalling for time so I can come up with a logical answer.

“Between us. I—I have to go back home. I need to go back to my job.” She drops her head, pressing her forehead into my chest, and I wrap my arms around her waist, holding her close. “I don’t want to leave you,” she whispers.

My heart constricts. This has happened so damn fast. And I let it. Enjoyed it, really. “I don’t want you to leave either,” I admit.

She sighs, and I feel all the tension leave her body as she melts against me. “You don’t know how glad I am that you said that.”

Slipping my hand beneath her chin, I tilt her face up, see the tears shimmering in her pretty hazel eyes. They’re more green than brown at the moment and I kiss away the tear that drops on her cheek, my heart aching at seeing that physical display of emotion coming from her. “I’m falling in love with you, Ivy.” I’ve already fallen. And there I went, f**king admitting it. What is wrong with me?

I’m in love with Ivy. That’s what’s wrong with me.

“Oh.” She presses her lips together and closes her eyes, but another tear falls onto her cheek. I kiss that one away too. “God, Archer, I—I’m falling for you too.”

She didn’t say love, not that I’m going to hold it against her. For once, I’m laying it all on the line for a woman. For this woman—the woman I love. The woman I think I’ve always loved, I just never knew it until this very moment.

“We need to go, baby.” I kiss her again, because after making such a confession from the deepest, darkest part of your soul, you have to be reassured your woman is on the same page.

The responsive way she kisses me, clings to me, tells me that yes, indeed, she is more than on the same page. We’re writing the same damn book. Together.

“Can we talk later? Tomorrow? About . . . us?” she asks when I finally, reluctantly pull away from her.

“Whatever you want.” I cup her cheek, staring into her eyes. Feeling myself fall more and more in love with her.

“I CAN’T BELIEVE how much you transformed this place.” Matt glances around the lobby, his eyes wide as he drinks it all in. “It looks incredible, Archer. You should be proud, man.”

I am. So damn proud, I feel like I’m going to burst. “Yeah, you saw it in its barest, ugliest, pared-down state, didn’t you?”

It had been a dilapidated, falling-down-around-my-ears building that had once housed a premiere spa. Before the recession came along and took down the previous owner’s business with a mighty, ugly fall. The building stood empty for about four years, allowing looters and whatever other bums came through to completely trash the place and gut it of anything valuable.

But I’d known from the moment I walked inside, it had potential. I’d purchased the building and land for pennies on the dollar. Best decision I ever made. Not only did I have a new business to be proud of, but creating this resort brought Ivy and me together.

“I sure did and I thought the place looked like something out of a horror movie. Might’ve tried to discourage you from buying it too, not that you would have listened to me. But you’re the one with the vision, not me.” Matt shook his head, his gaze still sweeping the interior. “And Ivy helped you with it all, huh?”

“Yeah, more like she chose everything. The furniture, the art that covers the walls, the light fixtures, the accessories, all of it is Ivy’s vision, which complements mine, thank God. I just signed off on all the invoices and didn’t bother arguing with her. Everything she chose totally works, don’t you agree?” I want to hear him praise her. I need someone to join in with me, since I sound like an overeager boyfriend too proud of his woman.

Which I sort of am.

“I do agree. The place is gorgeous. And there was no arguing between you two, huh? That’s rather unlike you and Ivy,” Matt jokes.

“I know. We uh, work well together.” Understatement of the year. Ivy and I do everything well together.

“I’m sure,” Matt said wryly. “You got something going with her and hoping to hide it from us? Is that it?”

“Of course not,” I retort, nerves eating at my gut. Ivy’s close by but out of earshot, and the last thing I want is for her to walk in on this conversation.

“You two looked pretty cozy to me when you first arrived.”

We’d run a little late but still arrived before the start time of the party, so we hadn’t expected any of our guests to be there yet.

It was just like Matt to screw it all up and actually show early. And witness Ivy and me walking into the lobby with my arm around her waist. Making her blush and giggle when I whisper how f**king sexy she looks.

Though Matt greeted each of us with an easy smile and a friendly hug, I felt the nerves radiating off of Ivy. I wonder if she could feel the nerves vibrating off me.

Most likely. We haven’t been caught by the outside world yet. Well, not to her knowledge. I never told her about the picture Gage called me about.

“I’m not going to deny we’ve become closer,” I finally say when I realize Matt is waiting for an explanation. “But we’re just friends. There’s nothing going on between us.” Now why the hell did I say that?

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