
Page 5

She tastes amazing, feels even better, and when I touch the bare flesh of her thigh I feel her shudder, a soft gust of breath brushing against my lips as she shakily exhales. Her eyes open and meet mine as I smooth my other hand over her hair, fingers tangling in the loose waves.

“You’re beautiful,” I whisper, because she is. So damn beautiful, I ache with wanting her.

She presses her swollen lips together, her eyes closing as I continue to stroke my fingers through her hair. My other hand is completely still, resting on the outside of her thigh beneath her skirt, and I don’t move for fear she’ll tell me to let her go.

I don’t know if I can.

“Archer,” she whispers, and I kiss her to cut off whatever else she wanted to say. If it was a denial, an argument, a declaration, I don’t care. I don’t want to hear it.

I just want to feel Ivy in my arms, her mouth meshed with mine, our tongues dancing, her entire body trembling as she melts into me. I’ve waited for this moment for what feels like forever.

Finally, I’m holding her. Finally, she’s responding to me like she wants me rather than wanting to kick my ass. While the opportunity presents itself, I’m going to jump all over it. And if that means I get to jump all over Ivy, then I’m going for it.

I let my hand on her thigh inch upward, slowly. Closer to her hip until my fingers skim the lacy scrap of her panties and my dick twitches behind my zipper. The fabric is thin and doesn’t amount to much and I wish I could push her against the ledge, yank her skirt up to her waist, and drink her in.

But we only have a few minutes. I’m desperate to touch her. To make her gasp with wanting me, so I have to be quick.

My mouth never straying from hers, I slip my fingers beneath the thin strip that stretches across her hip and touch bare, soft flesh. Her chest heaves against mine, her br**sts pushing into my chest and adrenaline rushes through me at the way she reacts to my touch.

That reaction emboldens me and I trail my fingers forward, across her hipbone, the soft flesh of her stomach. I can feel the tremors beneath the surface of her skin as I skim my fingers down farther . . . farther . . . until the heat of her engulfs me and I slowly slip my hand between her legs.

“Archer,” she chokes out against my lips when I touch her, test her. She’s drenched, so wet my fingers glide easily over her folds.

“Damn, you’re wet.” She grips my shoulders as if she needs to. Like I’m some sort of lifeline and she’s afraid to let go. “Tell me what you want,” I whisper close to her ear, my fingers between her legs, searching her hot, wet depths. She moves with me, her h*ps thrusting against my hand and I close my eyes, fighting for control. Scared out of my mind I’m going to come in my pants and make a fool of myself.

She says nothing in reply, just a little whimper when I still my hand, my thumb resting on her clit. “Tell me, Ivy.”

“Touch me.” She tightens her arms around my neck, her hands clenching my hair. “Don’t stop. Please.”

Satisfaction rolls through me as I try my damnedest to make her come and quick. We’re on the terrace of my friend’s wedding reception for Christ’s sake. Her brother—my best friend—is inside. Gage could come out at any time in search of us.

If he caught me with my hand in his sister’s panties and her body draped all over me, I’d be a dead man.

Increasing my tempo, I stroke her clit, watch her face as she reaches for her orgasm. She’s so responsive, already close to coming, I can tell, what with the way her entire body tenses, her hands squeezing my shoulders, her h*ps moving against my touch. I tilt my head back to watch her, filled with the all-consuming need to see her as she comes all over my hand. Knowing that I’m the one who did that to her. Made her feel like that. Made her want like that.


A ragged little cry escapes her and she stills, her eyes going wide as they lock with mine. Then she’s coming apart, sagging against me as the orgasm takes over her completely. My name falls from her lips and triumph surges through me. I f**king love it. At least she knows I’m the one who did this to her, who made her feel this way.

Shudders still wrack her body as I lock my mouth with hers, my tongue tangling languidly with hers. Her breaths slow, her grip on my shoulders gradually loosens, and I know she’s coming down off her high.

I don’t want her to lose it. I want to keep her there. That I could make her come like that so fast blows my mind. I know I’ve wanted her for what feels like forever. Has she ever wanted me before this moment?

Breaking the kiss first, I press my forehead to hers, trying to calm my accelerated breaths, my racing heart. I need to gain some control before I lose it. She opens her eyes, staring up at me, all sorts of questions in their hazel depths I can’t begin to answer.

“Come home with me.” The words fall from my lips before I can even stop them.

Her brows furrow. “What?”

“I want you to come home with me.” I press my mouth to hers gently, inhaling her breath. I want more from her. I suddenly want it all from her.

And I have no right to ask for it.

“I don’t know . . .” Her voice trails off when I press kisses to her jaw along her soft neck.

“Stay the night with me,” I whisper against her throat. “Say yes, Ivy.”

“Yes.” The word falling so easily from her lips sends pleasure rippling through me. Lifting my head, I kiss her, drown in her like a starving man, telling myself I need to stop now before I lose all control and take her right here on the goddamn terrace.

“Jesus, Archer, you can’t even keep your dick in your pants at a f**king wedding reception? What the hell is wrong with you?”

I let go of Ivy so fast at the sound of Gage’s voice, I hear the click of her heels as she stumbles, though thank God she doesn’t fall. Turning quickly, I face him, doing my best to compose myself. The way I’m standing hides Ivy completely and I wish like hell Gage hadn’t found us.

“What are you doing out here?” I ask with a snarl, feeling like an a**hole. I shouldn’t have let Ivy go like that. Like I’m ashamed to be seen with her.

More like she should be ashamed to be seen with me.

“Looking for you. And I was looking for Ivy. I see that you’re preoccupied, though . . .” Gage’s voice trails off when he glances around my shoulder to see Ivy standing directly behind me. “What the fuck? Ivy, what are you doing out here with him?”

“Nothing,” I say for the both of us. “She, uh . . . she was having a bad night. I was trying to comfort her.” Holy hell, what a choice of words.

Gage’s frown is so fierce he looks like he wants to tear me apart. But his expression is also a mixture of doubt and disbelief. As if he can’t believe the two of us are out here together. “Archer, I swear to God if you laid one finger on her . . .”

“I didn’t,” I assure him, lying through my teeth. “I didn’t touch her. Did I touch you, Ivy?”

She steps up so she’s standing beside me, her body tense. Damn, I hope I didn’t make her angry with my remark. “What did you ask?”

Shit. I did make her angry. She sounds furious.

“You better not have fallen for this dick’s charms,” Gage says, pointing his finger in Ivy’s face. “You know how he is.”

Lifting her chin, she glances at me out of the corner of her eye. “I know exactly how he is.”

I now feel like a bug Ivy’s ready to squash with her pointy heel. “Like I would mess with your sister, Gage. Come on. I’m not that stupid. I know you’d kick my ass if I so much as looked at Ivy the wrong way.”

Gage stares at the both of us for long, quiet seconds. Seconds that feel like they stretch into hours, they’re so uncomfortable. Doesn’t help that Ivy is fuming mad. She practically has steam coming out of her ears, not that I can blame her.

I f**ked up with her. Again.

What else is new?


FOR A GROWN man who runs a multibillion dollar business, Archer Bancroft is a complete idiot when it comes to women.

My body was still shaking from the most amazing orgasm I’d ever experienced in my life when Gage stumbled upon us, giving Archer crap for fooling around with a woman on the terrace. Not that I blame my brother. It’s such an Archer thing to do and here he is, doing it with me.


I hate to admit it, but Archer completely rocked my world. As in, no other man has ever made me come like that. Or come, period. I was ready to say yes to his asking me to come home with him. Passing up an opportunity to have sex with him after five amazing minutes with his fingers between my legs? I’m not stupid. I know sex with Archer would’ve been amazing. I came so fast, it’s almost embarrassing.

Then Gage had to appear. And Archer had to open his mouth and completely ruin the entire moment.

I’m an idiot to think there could ever be anything real between us. Whatever just happened surely meant nothing to him. An opportunity to get with me—get with any woman really—and mess around for a few minutes. He’s a known player.

And I just got played.

“I’m leaving soon,” Gage finally says, his gaze falling on me. Since I came with him to this stupid wedding, I know what he’s going to say next. “Are you ready to go, Ivy?”

“Yes.” I nod and start toward my brother, barely withholding the gasp that wants to escape when Archer reaches for my hand, his fingers tangling with mine for the briefest second before they fall out of his grasp.

I glance over my shoulder and glare at him. He looks pitiful. Worried. Sorry.

Good. He should. Not that I care. I can’t believe anything that just happened between us was sincere. I should be incredibly embarrassed at what happened between us. I fooled around with Archer. We almost got caught. Talk about a disaster waiting to happen.

“Call me Monday,” Gage tells Archer as he rests his hand at my back, ready to guide me back toward the ballroom. “Let’s do lunch this week. You’re still coming to the city, right?”

“That’s my plan.” Archer’s deep voice resonates within me, and I repress the shudder that wants to take over. I refuse to react in front of Archer. He doesn’t need any more evidence that he affects me.

“Great. Let’s definitely get together. See ya.”

“Hey,” Archer says softly and my brother and I both still, though I refuse to turn around like Gage does. I don’t even want to look at Archer, let alone talk to him. “Are you both headed back home tonight?”

“Well, yeah,” Gage says with a shrug.

“You should stay the night at my place. It’s not that far,” Archer suggests, sounding innocent as all get out.

Gage glances at me and I glare back. Oh hell, no. I’m not staying the night at Archer’s house. “I want to get home,” I whisper.

“It’s almost midnight,” Gage whispers back. “We won’t get back till past two, knowing traffic. I’m beat, Ive.”

“I’ll drive,” I insist. “I’m wide awake. I can make it.”

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