Cryptic Cravings

Chapter 7 - Ghouls Night

I called Alexander and explained I'd be a little late for our date since I wanted to meet Onyx and Scarlet at the cemetery. He agreed it was a good idea to get information from the girls and invited me to the Mansion when I was finished. Though I was excited to spend some time with Onyx and Scarlet, I pined for any missed hours not spent with Alexander, since we were separated for all of the daylight hours.

When I arrived at Dullsville's cemetery I found the grimmest sight; deep within the graveyard Is potted two goth girls sitting on tomb stones, their legs dangling over the headstones--one wore white-and-black striped tights, the other torn black tights.

When they noticed me they both rushed in my direction.

"It's so great to see you, Raven," Onyx said.

"Jagger told us not to tell youwe were here--" Scarlet blurted out. "For Sebastian's sake, he said. We shouldn't have listened." Scarlet was remorseful.

"But he's giving us a place to stay--" Onyx said defensively.

"And Onyx has a major thing for him," Scarlet blurted out.

"I do not!" Onyx retorted.

"Don't lie." Scarlet was brazen.

"So what's the real deal?" I asked.

"Jagger plans to opena club called the Crypt," Scarlet said as if she was sharing breaking news.

"Will it be like the CoffinClub? Witha secret dungeon?" I asked.

Onyx nodded.

"He's hoping to invite vampires from around the area," Scarlet shared.

"There aren't vampires around this area," I said. "It's only Alexander."

"Well, Jagger wants the Crypt to eventuallybe as big as the CoffinClub," Scarlet said.

"But it's just not a good idea," I urged. "Not in this small town. Everyone knows everything and they all gossip. It will be harder to conceal yourselves," Iwarned.

"We are good at being secretive," Scarlet reassured me. "It's our life."

"I know," I said. "It's one thing to go underground ina bigger city. But here? People will find out easily--thenyou'll all be indanger," I told them.

"I don't know," Scarlet said. "We are always indanger. It's part of being a vampire ina mortal world."

"But here youc ould be one of the few--the special ones." Itried to convince her.

"But it's hard to meet other vampires," Scarlet said. "The CoffinClub is special for us. It's a place to be ourselves and not have to hide. Do you know how hard it is to hide every waking minute of every waking night?"

I didn't answer as she stared at my out fit.

"Of course youdon't," she said. "Youare bold and outspoken. Everyone inthis townknows youare different. You are yourself. Idon't think yourealize how hard it would be for youto be a vampire. That there would onlybe a few mortals youcould know. That youcouldn't be your whole self inpublic, like youare now."

It was one of the parts of being a vampire that Ithought would be the hardest for me. I'd spent mylife being truthful about who I was, what thoughts I had, my style and tastes. Finally getting the bite of my lifetime would change all that inaninstant. But at this moment, we weren't reallytalking about me being a vampire, and Ineeded to fight to make this club Jagger was opening a safe one for Dullsville.

"I totally understand and get your position," Isaid. "But inthis town, the Crypt wouldn't be like the CoffinClub. In Hipsterville, everyone is accepted for being a hippie, a goth, or whatever. They're evenembraced for being different, and no one digs anydeeper. Dullsvillians fear the kind of people they don't find intheir countryclub on the back nine, tennis courts, or cigar bar. Ireallycan't stress enoughthat the vampire part of the club here would not be like the Dungeon. It canput your existence injeopardy. Youhave to believe me--youknow I'm inlove with a vampire. His needs come before myown. I want what's best for him and all of you."

Scarlet softened and gave me a hug. "We really were lucky when you arrived at the Coffin Club. If only all mortals were like you, we wouldn't have to hide at all and our world would be much better."

"Maybe we should say something to Jagger?" Onyx asked shyly.

"That would be awesome," I chimed in. "But he doesn't have to stop the entire club--just the vampire part."

It was then I realized that what I said might be hurtful.

"But what would be the point?" Scarlet asked, offended. "Mortals have their clubs everywhere."

"I'm sorry--Ididn't meanthat about you. Imeant nefarious vampires," I said in anapologetic tone.

"I know . . ." she said.

"But truthfully," I went on, "we don't have a club here. The Crypt could be that club, and you could be there, too. But other vampires? That's the part that won't work."

Onyx and Scarlet thought for a moment.

"Well, I can't tell him what to do," Scarlet admitted. "But maybe Onyx can."

"Me?" She made a sheepish face. It was evident she adored Jagger far too much to be able to stand up to him.

"What about Trevor?" Scarlet asked.

"He can't know about anyof this. Not vampires. NotAlexander. Not you," Isaid. "We must make a pact," I said,"that we all will do our best to persuade Jagger to openthe Crypt to mortals only--and VIVs--Very Important Vampires. Youguys, Sebastian, Luna, and of course,Alexander."

We all put our pale hands out, one ontop of the other, our wicked nail polishdisappearing inthe darkness. "We promise," we said inunison. Thenwe released our hands.

"And maybe, someday--you'll come inas a mortal and leave as a vampire?" Scarlet teased.

"That would be awesome!" I beamed. Ihad a few more minutes before Iwas to meetAlexander, so I could talk with the girls before I headed to the Mansion.

"So what's it like living at the factory?" I asked them.

"It's fun," Scarlet said. "We miss the CoffinClub because there were more vampires to hang out with. But we were hoping that this one . . ." She paused. "But now that you told us," she continued, "I see your point."

"And Scarlet likes being close to Trevor," Onyx blurted out.

"Does he know that you're a vampire?" I asked.

"No!" she said. "I don't kiss and tell."

Scarlet kissing Trevor. The thought was too much for my stomach to take. I knew that Trevor was going to be unfaithful to my friend. I didn't want her to be used like so many of his girls.

"He's not all that you think he is," I said.

"Hot? Gorgeous?Athletic? Rich?" Her face lit up like she was surrounded by candle light.

"He's trouble," I said.

"I'm all about trouble." Scarlet laughed.

"We wish you were a vampire like us so you could hang out at the Crypt full time," Onyx said.

"Ido, too," Iagreed dreamily. "And what's the scoop onSebastianand Luna?" Iasked. "Does he reallylike her?"

They nodded in unison.

"And does she really like him?" I asked.

"She acts like she does," Scarlet began. "Always fawning over him and flashing her pink eyelashes. She gets on mynerves." Thenshe looked at Onyx. "But she could be your future sister-in-law, OnyxMaxwell!" Scarlet teased.

Onyx blushed.

"Well, I always felt something odd about her," Scarlet said seriously. "Like I can't trust her."

"Me too," Isaid.

Scarlet and I had a commonbond. She was feistyand strong and didn't let the average person--or vampire--get in her way. If she wanted something, she went for it, and any obstacles in her way were just a minor inconvenience.

And I knew she was honest and good-hearted. I was just unhappy that her romantic affections were for Trevor. If her heart was set on it, convincing her not to go after Trevor would be like convincing Jagger not to open the Crypt.

"We gotta run," Onyxsaid. "We have to get back to Jagger."

"So when are you coming to the Crypt?" Scarlet asked.

"It's not openyet," I said.

"I know, but we're starting to decorate tomorrow night."

"Then I'll be there!" I said with a wicked grin.

* * *

When I arrived at the Mansion, I found a familiar car parked in the driveway and an even more familiar guy sitting on the steps.

"Alexander won't let youin?" I asked Sebastian.

"Ihaven't had the courage to knock yet. I'm not sure what I'm going to say."

"All youhave to do is saysomething."

"I tried--last night," he said. "But you already knew that." He shot me a look that reminded me of the moment he caught us sneaking around the mill.

"What you did last night--that made a huge difference," I said. "Alexander knows you have his back."

"What did you hear?" Sebastian asked.

"That there is going to be a new club," I said.

"Yes . . ."

"It's going to be inthe factory," I added.

"Uh-huh," he acknowledged.

"And that it's opento mortals and vampires," I told him.

"Oh." Sebastianbit his black fingernail.

"Are you seriously game for that?" I asked.

"Well, since I'm a vampire, I guess that's fine for me." His dreadlocks shook as he laughed.

"You know what I mean."

Sebastiansighed. "Of course, I don't think it's a great idea for this particular town. But Jagger is so convincing and Luna is hypnotic. I'll do anything she asks."

"Do youknow anything specific about the underground club? What it's called?" Ihinted, wanting to see if Sebastian had any goods on the plans for the Covenant.

"No," he said. "I just know he wants to make this club like the CoffinClub."

"Youknow that it's a reallybad idea to openit to outside vampires."

"I can see it would be a problem."

"And you need to know,Alexander is against it."

"He is?"

"Yes! He has lived in peace in this townsince he arrived.And it isn't just about him. He'd never sacrifice the good of all for what's good for him. That's not inhis nature. But he loves myfamilyand his new friends here. He doesn't want to put them inharm's way."

"And you?"

"I agree. It could be a catastrophe. If the Dullsvillians runyouall out of town, you don't lose anything. But me and Alexander? We lose everything. And what if a vampire comes here and does what you did to Luna to some unsuspecting mortal girl?And what if everyone sees it? How do you think this town would respond?"

"It is reallycomplicated, isn't it?" he asked.

"No, it's quite simple. The Crypt should be a mortals-onlyclub. Theneveryone could be safe--and you and Onyx and Scarlet could live here, too. Really close to your best friend."

"That would be cool," he said witha smile.

"Jagger wants money and he wants power. He isn't seeing what is already here.A small town with a close-knit,albeit boring, community. But for you,Alexander, and the girls, it's a great haven."

"Yes, otherwise we could make this town be like anyother."

I was happy that Sebastian seemed to be on the same page as Alexander and me. Because of Sebastian's laid-back nature, I had figured he might be swayed by the crowd he hung around with at a given moment. Although I had a feeling he would ultimately be in favor of a safe and mortal club, just like his best friend.

"What were yougoing to saytoAlexander whenyoucame to the Mansionlast night?" I asked.

"That I messed up again. Last time I crossed the line with Becky, and now, I made him mad by biting Luna. But I just couldn't help myself. I was caught up in the moment. I'm not the kind of vampire Alexander is."

But some things weren't so different between them now. I could have told him that Alexander had taken my blood,shared his coffin with me. That the vampire things Alexander and I shared were very meaningful. But it wasn't my business to tell our secrets to Alexander's best friend.

"And I want to convince him that myfeelings for Luna are different," Sebastian added.

Oh boy, I thought. That was not what I wanted to hear.

"A girl wants to be special," Sebastian said. "It end to like a lot of girls. First Becky. Now Luna. If we'd been dating,you would have become a vampire a long time ago."

The idea penetrated me. If I'd beenwitha different vampire, Imight alreadybe one bynow.

But that wasn't what I wanted--to be turned bya vampire's desire alone. I wanted it to be special, permanent, and romantic.And I wasn't the kind of girl to settle, either. Especiallysince I'd falleninlove with Alexander.

"Alexander's looking for the right girl. Other vampires would bite a girl and never see her again."

That did sound horrible. To be changed and then abandoned. "Have you done that?" I asked.

"No, but I've been close."

I hung on his words.

"Alexander changed his life for you," he said. "He didn't return to Romania when he could have. He fought to buy his house so he could continue living here to be close to you."

Hearing Sebastian say how much Alexander cared meant the world to me. I'd always wanted to do the changing,but Alexander had changed for me.

"I just know with Luna, this time it's for real," he said.

"How can you be so sure?"

"She's amazing. She's beautiful and sexy. I can't take my eyes off of her."

I didn't care to hear how wonderful Luna Max well was. "Would you change your life for her?" I challenged. "Never travel to all those cities without her?"

Sebastian thought. "Yes. I think I would."

"ThenIthink youlove her," Isaid throughgritted teeth.

Although I wasn't crazy about Alexander's best friend falling for the one vampire I couldn't trust, it was better than him turning his affections toward Becky again. I would have preferred for him to fall for Scarlet or Onyx, but no amount of my morbid matchmaking seemed to make that happen.

My cell phone beeped and I noticed I had a text from Alexander.

Where are you? What's taking you so long?

I texted back, Meet me at your front door.

The front door slowly creaked open.

Alexander looked surprised to see Sebastian standing next to me.

"Dude--" Sebastiansaid. "It's time Ifinally. . ." he began.

He waited forAlexander to saysomething--anything--but myboyfriend remained silent.

"How about another game of Medieval Knights?" Sebastiansaid. "Youcanget evenwithme inthe virtual world.
The best two out of three wins."

A huge smile came overAlexander's face. He pulled the front door wide openand Sebastiansauntered inside. I gladlyfollowed the two upstairs to the Mansion's TV room.

That was it--no groveling or tearful reunions. No hugs or major blowouts. Just a face-to-face, over-in-a-minute reconciliation between two childhood best friends.

I sketched my ideas for the Crypt while two vampires battled out their angst against each other with computer-generated swords.
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