Dark Destiny

Chapter Nine

Nicolae couldn't miss the purple-haired woman waving at him, as much as he would have liked to. She was flapping her arms and jumping up and down on the sidewalk while the small, pink-haired lady beside her shouted out a welcome to him. He found himself returning to the small neighborhood near the bar, seeking out Mary Ann. The counselor for battered and abused women meant much to Destiny. Mary-Ann also had some psychic ability; he wanted to know more of her.

Destiny might have run from him physically, but he could feel her, a quiet shadow in his mind, sharing her fears, talking over the puzzling problems of "her" humans, laughing with him. She didn't give him any sympathy as he deliberately shared the embarrassing vision of two elderly ladies in neon colors jumping up and down on the sidewalk and making frantic noises and wild gestures.

Their antics were drawing undue attention to him, something no Carpathian desired. Resigned, he turned away from Mary Ann's office to saunter down the street toward the two older women who obviously wanted his attention. He heard Destiny's muffled laughter brush at his mind. It lightened his heart. They would always be connected.

There are times when being invisible comes in handy. You could have warned me. I think a good dose of Velda and Inez is exactly what you need.

He gave an exaggerated groan just to hear the sound of her laughter. After so many years of pain, it was a miracle to hear the amusement in her voice, to feel the lightness in her heart. She was slowly coming to terms with what she had become, slowly accepting that she might not be the evil creature she had been led to believe.

I am uncertain what I did this rising to deserve such punishment.

Flashing his most charming smile at the two women, Nicolae bowed low over Velda's hand, skimmed Inez's knuckles with brief, old world courtesy. Both women fluttered their eyelashes and giggled like schoolgirls. "What can I do for you?"

Stop with the voice! Do you want to give them heart attacks?

Destiny was really laughing now. She sounded so carefree, he felt a strong burst of emotion.

The women introduced themselves and patted the chair waiting between them, gushing over his name, his foreign accent and wonderful manners.

"What brings you to our neighborhood, Nicolae?" Velda asked curiously. "We saw you with our dear Mary Ann," Inez added.

"I have come courting," he announced, devilishly sharing the conversation with Destiny. "The beautiful woman you were speaking with the other evening. Destiny. I am doing my best to make her my wife, but she is attempting to resist my charm. I do not suppose either of you would have any suggestions to further my cause?" he added hopefully.

The women made cooing noises and Destiny hissed at him. Nicolae settled back to enjoy himself. Turning the tables on Destiny was no easy task, and he was determined to make the most of the opportunity.

Go attend to your business, little one, and leave me to mine. I think these women might have invaluable insight into the female psyche.

"I think that's so romantic," Inez burst out, clasping her hands. "Don't you think so, Sister? Romance is just about gone from today's society. But romance is what you need to court her."

Velda clucked, shaking her head in disapproval. "We have to be practical in this day and age." She leaned close to Nicolae, pinned him with a sharp gaze. "You can't get by on good looks and manners, young man; you need substance. What kind of a job do you have?"

Destiny's laughter heated his blood and robbed his lungs of air. It was not only musical, but also held a latent sensuality that whispered promises of hot, silken nights.

Sheesh! Do you have a vivid imagination! Keep your mind on the business at hand, Nicolae. Tell them you hunt vampires and see if they think you're a safe bet as husband material.

Nicolae smirked. A predatory, smug, superior smirk guaranteed to set Destiny's teeth on edge. "I am in law enforcement, a special branch, but I am also independently wealthy, so she would never want for anything." His long fingers stroked his jaw, drawing attention to the singular masculine beauty of his face. "I have searched the world for her. I know we are meant to be together."

The two sisters exchanged a long look as if well pleased with his answer. It was Velda who took charge while Inez sighed over the sheer romance of true love finding a way. "Why is the girl dragging her heels? You're an attractive man."

"Oh, my, yes," Inez agreed, earning a fierce scowl from her sister. "Well, he is," she defended indignantly. She patted Nicolae's thigh. "You are, dear, just the type of beau I had in my heyday." She leaned close. "I was a wild thing, you know," she whispered in confidence.

He removed her hand by simply raising it to his lips. "Thank you, Inez. That is a true compliment coming from a woman such as yourself. I would be grateful for direction with my wayward bride."

What BS you're shoveling, Nicolae. You should be ashamed of yourself.

There was her laughter again, winding his body tighter and tighter until he was afraid Inez was going to have something to grab hold of if he wasn't careful. He shifted his position in the chair. The sound of Destiny's happy voice was a powerful aphrodisiac.

"Flowers," Velda said firmly. "You must find out her favorite flower and give her as many as you can afford."

"Don't forget chocolates. No woman can refuse a man with chocolates," Inez added. "And you can do so much with chocolate, all warm and melting - "

"Pay Inez no mind," Velda said. "But it is important you court Destiny properly, let her know you have strictly honorable intentions. Sweep her off her feet. Take her to a dance. There's nothing like a man holding a woman close to him and dancing with her." She raised an eyebrow, pinning him like an insect with her steely stare. "You do know how to dance? Not that rot the young kids do today, but dancing like a real man. There's nothing sexier than a good waltz or tango."

"It is a large part of my education," Nicolae assured her. "You have made some wonderful suggestions. I will follow them to the letter."

"And report back immediately," Inez reminded him. "Isn't that right, Sister? We need a report to know how it is going."

"Absolutely," Velda agreed. "Oh, look, there's Martin. Have you noticed he's been looking a bit down lately, so unlike him. Poor dear must be working too hard." She stood up, waving so violently, Nicolae was afraid she might fall over. "Martin! Martin! There's a good boy, do come over and talk with us."

"It's that project of his. He and Tim work night and day on it even though they have regular jobs," Inez said. "Those boys work much too hard."

Nicolae watched the man approach, noting the pale skin and dark circles under his eyes. This was the man who had so viciously attacked the priest. Nicolae scanned Martin's memories and found no remembrance of the assault. Only the recollection of sitting on his bed holding the wooden box from the church and turning it over and over in his hands in complete bewilderment. Nicolae could find no malice within the young man, only a heavy sorrow and utter confusion.

Exactly what John Paul was feeling, Destiny pointed out.

Can you find the blankness of the mark of the vampire?

Nicolae was an ancient, far stronger than Destiny, one well versed in the arts of the undead. He was certain he would detect the presence of a vampire had the creature touched Martin in some way, but there was no evidence of such a violation. Nicolae stood up, drawing instant attention, holding out his hand as Velda introduced him to the young man.

Martin did his best to be polite in spite of his distraction. Nicolae could see he was naturally a friendly and outgoing person. His affection for Velda and Inez was obvious, as was their affection for the young man they had seen grow to adulthood.

"I have heard such good things about you, Martin. You are an advocate for the elderly and have a new project you are working on with Tim Salvadore. Father Mulligan tells me it is a wonderful opportunity to provide independent living in a safe environment for people on limited means. He believes you to be quite brilliant. The two of you must be great friends." Deliberately Nicolae used the priest's name, kept his voice soft and friendly and engaging. He knew the power of such a weapon. Few could resist the invitation to talk.

Martin's shoulders sagged. "Father Mulligan's a great man. I've known him all my life." He lifted his head and looked directly at Nicolae, anguish plain in his eyes. "Did he also tell you someone assaulted him? Struck him over the head repeatedly and stole the box of money for the poor right out of his hands?"

Velda gasped. Inez shrieked. Both women crossed themselves, lifted a silver crucifix each wore and in perfect synchronization kissed the cross. "That can't be, Martin," Velda protested. "No one would hurt Father Mulligan."

"There's never any money in the poor box, is there, Sister?" Inez added, wringing her hands. "What is this world coming to that someone would attack a priest in God's own house?"

"Maybe Inez and I will have to move to your community after all, Martin," Velda said. "If things have gotten so bad in this neighborhood that a thief would harm Father Mulligan, no one is safe."

"Is the poor man going to be all right?" Inez asked. "Sister dear, we must make some of our famous chicken soup and take it to him immediately." She tapped Nicolae's arm. "No one can make such perfect chicken soup as dear Velda. Of course I have to remind her what she's doing or she wanders off on one of her research projects. Velda hunts for proof that vampires and werewolves exist."

That snapped Nicolae to attention. He had been watching Martin closely for any reaction, barely registering the conversation flowing around him. His dark gaze found Velda, settled there thoughtfully.

Velda patted her hair and smiled at him. "An old hobby of mine. I dabble a bit in magic spells, but I'm not very good at casting. Inez is much more accurate than I am. Martin, dear, do sit down. You look like you could use some feeding up. I'll make a double batch of my soup and give some to you. We'll have you fixed up in no time."

Martin, still partially under the thrall of Nicolae's voice, slumped heavily into the chair Nicolae had occupied, frowning up at him. "He thinks I did it. Father Mulligan thinks I bashed him over the head and took the poor box." The confession came out in a rush, ended on a choked sob.

Velda and Inez instantly turned their attention to him, patting and stroking his hair soothingly and making clucking noises. "Father Mulligan must have suffered a concussion. He knows you would never do such a thing, Marty. I'll go talk to him at once," Velda said supportively.

"Oh, yes, Sister, we must go at once," Inez echoed. "Father must be hurt badly to accuse poor Marty of such a thing."

Martin Wright stared at his hands. "What if I did do it? Father Mulligan would never lie to me, and Tim said I came home covered in blood that night. He said I had the church box in my hands and I wouldn't talk to him. That I just sat there, staring at the box." He looked up at Velda, tears shimmering in his eyes. "I don't remember. Could I have attacked Father? I've never hurt anyone in my life."

"Martin." Nicolae hunkered down so he was eye-to-eye with the man. Distress was emanating from Wright in thick waves. "What do you remember about that day before the assault on Father Mulligan. Where did you go? Who were you with? What did you do? Do you remember anything at all?"

"I did all the usual things. I went to work, I met Tim for lunch. We discussed the project like we normally do. He had his astronomy class, so I went down to the project site to talk to the contractor. I was there a long time. I remember thinking I wanted to show Father Mulligan the plans again because I was worried about a series of steps and a ramp leading to the gardens from the west side. I was afraid some of the residents might have a difficult time maneuvering them. The contractor insisted that the slope wasn't that steep, but Father Mulligan knows a great deal about the hardships of people using walkers or canes because he talks with the elderly on a daily basis. I wanted a second opinion."

"Oh, Sister!" Inez caught at Velda. "He did go to see Father Mulligan that night. You are right. There is something going on in the neighborhood."

Velda nodded grimly. "Something evil is afoot. We should activate the neighborhood watch immediately."

Nicolae winced inwardly. He had visions of little old ladies with shocking hair marching up and down the streets with magic potions and garlic wreaths. "Martin, before you went to the church to see Father Mulligan, do you recall going anywhere else? Did you stop to speak to anyone, even casually, or eat dinner? Did you drop by the neighborhood bar?"

Martin frowned, rubbed his temples. "I must have. I left the work site just after six o'clock. Father Mulligan was assaulted much later than that. He always goes to the church around eight-thirty or nine, I wouldn't have tried to catch him before that."

When did you discover Father Mulligan?

Nicolae asked Destiny.

It was close to ten, between nine-thirty and ten.

Nicolae turned once more to Martin. The sisters were fussing over him, leaving Martin somewhere between amusement and tears at their staunch support of him.

"Sister, you must make him a talisman," Inez insisted. "Something to ward off evil. Martin, Velda can give you a powerful totem to wear around your neck."

"Do you think vampires are involved?" Nicolae asked Velda with a straight face.

Velda glared at him. "Mock me, I don't mind. I've lived with the knowledge of the supernatural world for years and the unbelievers who insist on making light of it. I know my duty."

"Velda," Martin interrupted. "It had to have been me. Tim wouldn't lie, and neither would Father Mulligan. Tim says it isn't the first time I've acted oddly and not remembered. I promised him I'd go for a checkup at the clinic."

"Velda." Nicolae's voice was impossibly gentle, completely compelling. "I am so sorry you misunderstood me. I have no idea if vampires exist or not and I would never make fun or mock you. I was asking your opinion."

Velda blushed a bright shade of scarlet. "I thought..." She trailed off, her hands fluttering helplessly. "I'm so used to someone making fun of my beliefs, I jumped to conclusions."

"I think Martin should go to the clinic and I think we should do a little investigation into this matter. I do not mind looking into it for you. After all, I am in law enforcement. Father Mulligan prefers to keep this as quiet as possible. He believes something happened to you that night, Martin. He doesn't want the police brought in. He is a personal friend and I am here to help out. And, of course, Destiny asked me to help."

"That sweet girl," Inez said. "Sister dear, isn't she a sweet girl?"

Velda's attention was on Nicolae. "Yes, I believe you've been sent here to help us." She continued to stare at him, her eyes glazing, her expression becoming dreamy and faraway. Her gnarled fingers, clearly damaged by arthritis, moved in a complicated pattern before his eyes.

Nicolae felt his breath slam out of his lungs. Destiny's heart skipped a beat, then began to pound far too hard. Nicolae lifted his hand toward Velda, palm out.

No! Don't stop her. You can't stop her. Let her "see" you.

It was the sheer desperation in Destiny's voice that stopped Nicolae from preventing the reading Velda was so obviously capable of. Her talent was deep and well hidden and thinning with age, but it was there nevertheless.

Velda gasped aloud, staggered backward and shook her head as if clearing her vision. At once her trembling hand went to the silver crucifix around her neck. "I'm not well, Sister. Take me inside." Her voice shook and she avoided looking at Nicolae.

"Look at me, Velda." It was a command and the woman turned to face him, looking her age for the first time. She seemed to have diminished in size and was frail and sunken in. "You know you will never have anything to fear from me. I have come to this place to help you and your friends. You believe that."

Velda nodded solemnly. "Yes, I know," she murmured.

She knew too much. Nicolae suddenly realized that nothing was what it appeared to be in this quiet neighborhood. The ground shifted and rolled beneath his feet.

Destiny! Come to me now.

The command was made by an ancient in full power; it was a compulsion impossible to resist. He didn't even think about the repercussions of bending her to his will. He couldn't think about it. There was a strand of evil woven into the very fabric of the neighborhood, and he needed to find its root. The preservation of his race could very well be at stake.

Nicolae released Velda from his enthrallment and watched as Inez helped her sister into their home, leaving him alone with Martin.

"She looked ill," Martin said with genuine concern. "Do you think we should call Dr. Arnold? He supervises the clinic, and I know he'd make a house call for Velda or Inez. They're sort of an institution here."

"I think she just needed to rest." Nicolae's glittering gaze moved broodingly over the man sprawled out in his chair. "Where did you have dinner that night, Martin? You never said."

Martin frowned and rubbed his head as if it pained him. "I always go to the bar. I must have gone there. I knew Tim wasn't going to be home, and I always go to the bar for company when he has classes. I don't remember. How could I lose an entire night?"

"We will figure it out, Martin," Nicolae assured him, using a soothing voice. At once, some of the anxiety eased from the man's face. "It will be easy enough to ask at the bar if you were seen that night. Everyone knows you."

"Tim is upset. He doesn't know what to think or believe, and I can't reassure him," Martin said wistfully.

"Velda and Inez seem to know what they're talking about when they give advice, Martin, and so does Mary Ann. Maybe you should talk it over with someone you trust and see what they have to say."

He could feel the surge of power as Destiny flew swiftly through the night sky toward him.


Martin pushed himself up out of the chair and thrust out his hand toward Nicolae. "I was feeling pretty hopeless until I talked with you. Thanks, man. I think you're right. I saw Mary Ann going in the direction of her office. Maybe I'll go hash this out with her."

You summoned me?

The words were bit out. Destiny wasn't happy with the way he had drawn her to him. Or the fact that he could draw her. his blood ran in her body, yet he was the one who commanded her.

"Excellent idea, Martin." Nicolae lifted a hand in farewell and sauntered around the corner out of sight. He knew exactly where she waited for him, seething and determined to pick a fight.

Destiny glared at him when Nicolae appeared next to her, shimmering into solid form on the highest rooftop above the neighborhood. "Would you like to explain your arrogant behavior to me?"

Her eyes were smoky green, with turbulence swirling in their depths. She looked wild and unpredictable. Her body was poised and ready to fight, coiled like a spring, yet as still and as watchful as a tigress. The wind was ruffling her hair like the touch of fingers and her mouth was... tempting. His gaze dropped to her full lower lip. Its slight pout didn't mean she was sulking. It meant trouble for someone.

His entire being reacted to the sight of that pouty lower lip. His arousal was swift and hard, accompanied by a punishing ache that wouldn't quite leave him even when he was away from her.

Destiny was furious. Not just furious. She was frustrated and restless and strung tighter than a bow. Anger roiled in the pit of her stomach, mixed with an age-old excitement she couldn't contain. It was a reaction to the way he was looking at her, his hooded gaze hot with desire and an intensity of need and hunger he didn't bother to try to hide.

"Was my behavior arrogant?" His gaze never lifted from her mouth.

The power of his voice sizzled in her stomach, throbbed lower. She recognized need for what it was, and it frightened her that she could be so caught up in the force of his power. His voice stroked her skin like a velvet glove, making her intensely aware of every inch of her skin.

"Are we going to talk about this?" Her own voice sounded husky, strangled, as if she couldn't catch her breath. "You used your power against me. That's entirely unacceptable." She had to look away from him. Up close he was stealing her very reason, putting erotic ideas in her mind that should never have been there. Destiny closed her eyes and inhaled, hoping the cool, crisp air would clear her head.

"Is that what you think I did? Used my power against you? When has anything I have ever done been against you? I have lived for you for more years than I care to consider, Destiny. You have to meet me somewhere, if not halfway then at least make a few concessions, take a few steps toward me."

She inhaled his scent. The beckoning call of male to female. Her breath exploded out of her. "Nicolae." His name came out an aching whisper. "I have tried. I swear to you, I have tried."

He reached for her, unable to prevent himself when there was raw pain etched into her face and such urgent need in her eyes. "Come here to me. Nothing can be done until we resolve what is between us." His hands settled around her, gathered her into the shelter of his body, and he took to the air.

She knew she should protest. Wherever he was taking her was a place in which they would be alone. She couldn't afford to be alone with him and the temptation he represented. Her hand was already splayed over his chest, feeling the heat of his skin through his thin silk shirt. She reached around his neck to loosen the mass of his long, thick hair so that strands blew around her face and over her arms.

Nicolae felt the shiver that ran through Destiny as he took them far out away from the city to one of the larger underground chambers he had found in his explorations of the area. His lips skimmed her throat, lingered for a moment over her frantically beating pulse, feathered up her neck to press against her ear.

"We need a private place to speak on this matter. I do not altogether trust what is happening within the neighborhood. Anything could be listening to us."

He placed her on her feet, waving his hand so that flames leapt to life in the carved urn he had left behind days earlier. Golden light flickered and danced on the walls of the cave, illuminating gems buried in the rock so that the chamber seemed to sparkle. A ring of boulders captured a pool of shimmering water that bubbled up from the ground and fizzed like a Jacuzzi.

Destiny moved away from the sheer potency of his larger, masculine frame. "What happened back there with Velda? Is she like me?"

Her eyes were begging him to give her the right answer. Nicolae touched her mind very gently as she shared with him that first dangerous memory. The little girl with a mass of ringlets falling around her shoulders and eyes too big for her face smiling up at a handsome man. The stranger bent down to her level, speaking softly, and her smile widened. She nodded her head several times, took his hand and walked him back to a small house. A woman stood on the porch, frowning a little as she watched her daughter speaking animatedly to a tall, rather beautiful man who slowly took on the form of a monster. His perfect skin became gray. His thick dark hair grew white and hung in strings. The slash of his mouth revealed jagged teeth stained black with blood, and long, sharp talons bit into the child's arm.

Immediately, Nicolae realized he was looking at the vampire through the eyes of the child Destiny had once been. "How could a child of six recognize a vampire? How could she know that one even existed? A child is innocent of such things."

"I drew him to my family. You can't say different. Velda is in her seventies. In all this time, why hasn't she drawn a vampire to her or her family? And what of Mary Ann? She is also psychic. We've destroyed several vampires in this area, yet none of them were drawn to these women."

Nicolae could feel the tears burning behind her eyes, although she held her chin up and her blue-green gaze was as steady as ever. "A better question might be why are all the vampires congregating here? That disturbs me immensely. Three women with varying psychic talents are here together. Is that really a coincidence? And Father Mulligan knows about our people, and he just happens to be here too. In this city of so many, we just happen to meet him and become involved in his life. Does that not disturb you? And we have two men, John Paul and Martin, behaving in a manner totally out of character for either one of them. I examined Martin. He has no darkness in him at all. He is incapable of harming another human being, yet he must have assaulted the priest. Or someone pretending to be him did so. How could one person play the part of John Paul, a large, muscular man, as well as Martin Wright, a slender, much shorter man?"

"A vampire could. He could assume any shape, any role," Destiny pointed out.

"And play the part well enough to fool Father Mulligan?" Nicolae's eyebrow shot up. "A man of the church? A man of such wisdom?"

"Of course, a vampire could fool Father Mulligan. I could do it. I could take your shape and make anyone believe I was you." She shrugged her shoulders with casual disdain. "Well, almost anyone. Maybe not Vikirnoff."

There was a small silence while Nicolae watched her closely with his unblinking stare. He saw the moment she understood what he was getting at. A vampire could fool any human. There was no way that she, an innocent child of six, could have recognized the monster who'd destroyed her family.

"I see what you're saying, Nicolae, and I know you're right. In my head I know you're right. I tell myself to stop placing the blame for my parents' deaths on my shoulders, but my heart doesn't listen."

"At least you are hearing me," he said quietly. "It was not a vampire that entered the church. No vampire would do so, nor would one of their ghouls. They are unclean and would not dare to enter a sanctified place."

"I know that." He had trapped her very neatly into admitting to herself that she was not unclean, for she had entered the church. She wanted that truth to sink into her heart and soul and live there, freeing her from the weight of guilt and self-hatred. She lived. It mattered little that her life had been a form of hell. She was alive, and the vampire who had murdered her family and countless others was dead at her hand.

Nicolae's face was hidden by the shadows recess of the cave, but she could see his eyes. Hungry. Intense. Needful. Burning with desire. He robbed her of every protest. Robbed her even of self-preservation. She tasted his desire in her mouth. It spread through her bloodstream and pooled into molten liquid, pulsing and throbbing for release. Her body felt strange, not her own. Heavy and aching.

Nicolae's gaze locked on hers. He could smell her beckoning scent. He could read the confusion in her eyes. It didn't matter how much his body was screaming at him. His heart was melting, even as his body craved hers with an obsession he couldn't overcome. "You have not fed, Destiny. Why is that?" His voice was a whisper of sound in the confines of their underground chamber. A husky invitation that nearly brought her to her knees.

Destiny went weak at the sound of his voice. She watched his fingers slip the buttons of his shirt loose. Watched in complete fascination as he tossed the silk aside to reveal his powerful chest. His muscles were subtle, but well defined. She couldn't tear her gaze from the wide expanse of skin. The breadth of his shoulders. The thickness of his chest. His narrow waist. The strength in his arms.

"I can't breathe." She lifted her gaze to his face. "I can't breathe, Nicolae."

Destiny looked so fragile, so vulnerable, so lost. Nicolae stepped toward her and caught her face in his hands. He bent his head to hers, taking possession of her mouth, breathing for her, sharing his air. Sharing his strength.

At once the fire raged. Deep. Hot. Elemental. It flashed between them, in them, burning from the inside out. She simply surrendered to his dominance, her tongue dueling with his, a wild tango of mating. Of its own accord, her body went soft and pliant, molding itself to his, her breasts pressed tight to his chest. Her hands moved over him almost helplessly, as though moved by a compulsion to feel his skin beneath her fingers. The kiss went on and on. Neither could get enough; each wanted to crawl into the other's soul, into the other's skin, into the other's body.

It was sheer possession. A wild branding. Lust and love rising up swift and fast, intertwining, spinning out of control to create a firestorm, turbulent and white-hot. A soft sound escaped her throat, a keening mixture of fear and need. When he heard, Nicolae reluctantly began to exert his control, pulling back slightly to allow her to escape.

Her arms circled his neck and brought him back to her hungry mouth. He had been alone so many centuries, searching, waiting, needing her. She had been cut off from the world. Yearning for him. Clinging to him. Pushing him away at the same time to protect him. To save him. Her mouth was wild, fanning the heat up another notch. There was no saving either of them. She was helpless under the onslaught of his mouth, needing to be closer, demanding to be closer.

I am not going to be able to stop. There was a plea for mercy in his voice. His hunger for her consumed him. He fed on the honey of her mouth, taking rather than asking, a dominant male in the full grip of passion, yet there was a tenderness in the way he held her that only added to his appeal.

Don't stop, then. "Never stop." She whispered the words into his mouth. "I don't want you to stop." And she didn't. She was beyond being afraid. She was terrified. But that was nothing to her in the firestorm of her need. It consumed her, this obsession for him. Her body burned and throbbed and pulsed for his. Pleaded for his. And when he was kissing her, there was nothing else in her mind. No monsters. No deaths. No guilt or memories of wailing victims. There was only pure feeling. There was only Nicolae.

His hands slipped from her face to follow the smooth line of her neck. "Are you afraid of me, Destiny?" His teeth tugged at her lower lip, the one he found so intriguing, so impossible to resist. "I feel your heart slamming so hard." His hand lay over her heart, fingers splayed wide so that her breast ached and her heart pounded into the very center of his palm, as if he were holding it. "I do not want you to fear me, or to fear our joining. Coming together in love is a beautiful thing, not an act of despicable violence, but something unbelievably wondrous. Do you trust me enough to join your body with mine?"

Before she could answer, his mouth took hers again, his hunger ravenous. His hands slid lower, cupped the weight of her breasts, his thumbs caressing her nipples into hard peaks right through the material of her shirt. Destiny gasped as the sensations plunged her body into a volcano of need. Her legs threatened to give out. Her clothes were too tight, too heavy on her body. "Nicolae." Raw sensual hunger was in her voice. She opened her eyes to look at him, to search his dark gaze.

Passion stamped an erotic sensuality into the perfection of his masculine features. He was no boy, but a dangerous, powerful being, yet she saw his vulnerability.

"Say yes to me, Destiny. Let me make you mine." She was drowning in need. In hunger. In what had to be love. If it wasn't love, why were tears shimmering in her eyes and clogging her throat? Why was she fighting to save him? "You know what will happen. You know, Nicolae. You'll want to take my blood, and I would let you. I would never be able to find the strength to stop you." She whispered the words while his hands slid over her ribcage to find her waist. His hands tugged at the hem of her shirt, his knuckles skimming bare flesh. She burned and pulsed and waited for his rejection. It was the only answer for them. His enduring strength.
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