Date Me

Page 13

Cam says, in a voice that is almost identical to Dawson’s minus the sweetness, “Don’t be mad at him.”

“He’s texting me from a girl’s bed!”

“Yeah, a bed that he’s in alone.”

“No offense, Cam, but Riley told me about you. How you didn't think Dawson should have a girlfriend. I get it. You're a player. You want to have fun and not be tied down.”

He laughs. “Actually, I'd love to be tied down.” I hear him yell out to whoever is at the party. "Anyone got any rope? I want to be tied up."

“I said tied down.”

“Close enough,” he says with another laugh.

“It’s been great talking to you. Tell your brother when he sobers up not to bother calling me.”

“And you need to cool your panties. He didn't hook up with anyone. In fact, he sucks as a wingman now.”

“What do you mean?”

“He won't shut up about you. It’s hard to pick up girls when one of us is all panty whipped and talking about his amazingly hot girlfriend. So I did what I had to do. Got him drunk. Put him to bed.”

I let out an audible sigh and get tears of relief in my eyes. “He's really alone?”

“Yes. He’s crazy about you. I’m not gonna let him screw that up. At least not until I meet you. I gotta go. Just got a taker on the rope.”

Riley lets out a loud laugh then says to me, “You okay?”

“Do you think Cam’s telling the truth and not just covering for him?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then, yes, I’m okay. Thanks, Riley.”

Aiden looks at me expectantly.

“His brother said he’s a bad wingman. That he kept talking about me in front of the girls. So he got him drunk and put him to bed.”

Aiden crosses his arms in front of his broad chest and stiffens up his jaw. “Well, that’s great.”

“I’m going to bed now,” I say as I climb in my window. Once inside, I stick my head back out. “Thanks for following me. Checking on me. Trying to make me feel better. I appreciate it, Aiden.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

I give him a sassy grin. “You just did. But yes. Ask away.”

“What you said today in French. Do you think true love is bullshit or do you believe in it?”

I look up at the almost full moon shining over his head and sigh. “I really want to believe in it.”

Aiden turns around and looks up at the moon. “The moon is really pretty tonight, isn’t it?” He turns back around and gives me the kind of smile that almost makes me believe it could be true. I think gods have that effect on people. They give them hope. “Don’t let my sister go crazy shopping tomorrow.”

I laugh. “I won’t.”

“Night, Boots.”

Saturday, October 1st

It does feel good.


I’m on the train with all the girls. Ariela is funny. One minute she’s telling us how Riley drives her nuts, the next minute how crazy she is about him.

“I still can’t believe I’m dating a junior! I didn’t even date juniors when I was a freshman!”

She turns to me. “Why does Riley call you baby?”

“I don’t know. It’s like his nickname for me. He’s called me it pretty much since we met.”

“It makes me crazy. He doesn’t have a nickname for me.” Her pretty face pouts.

“He likes you a lot. It shouldn’t matter what he calls anyone else. I mean, you know his reputation, right?”

“Well sure, he’s a player. Why do you think I’m making him wait for sex?”

Maggie deadpans, “Cuz you want it to be special.” Annie says it at the exact same time, only she says it in her dreamy way.

We all laugh. Katie says, “Do you think I should do it with Dallas?”

Annie goes, “It’s way too soon.” Then she turns to Maggie and says, “Sorry, but I think it is.”

“We almost did last night.”

“You did?” Annie screeches. “Why?”

“Cuz it feels good,” Maggie replies.

Annie looks at her like she’s crazy.

Peyton high fives Maggie and says, “It does feel good.”

Maggie, Peyton, and Ariela go on to discuss which sexual positions are their favorites while Annie is shaking her head. I’m laughing at them when I get a text from Dawson.

Dawson: I don’t even know what to say. I’m being a chicken and texting you. I’m sorry. I swore to you that I wouldn’t cheat and then . . .

My heart is back in my throat again. Did Cam lie to me? Is Dawson confessing?

Me: And then . . . what?

Dawson: I read what I texted you last night.

Me: You were drunk and in a girl’s bed. I cried.

Dawson: I’m so sorry, Keatie. I don’t even remember what happened.

Me: Somehow that doesn’t make me feel better.

Dawson: Are we broke up? I looked at facebook and you didn’t change your status.

Me: You must remember something. Flirting. Kissing. That’s usually how it starts.

Dawson: But I don’t. I didn’t kiss anyone. And I was telling them all about you. About how amazing you are.

Me: Is that a Johnson brother rule? If you don’t remember it, it didn’t happen.

Dawson: I don’t know what happened.

Me: But you think you did something? Why do you think that?

Dawson: My texts last night. And I just woke up. In a girl’s bed.

Me: You alone in that bed?

Dawson: Yes.

Me: Have you talked to your brother yet?

Dawson: No.

Me: I talked to him last night.

Dawson: Oh. Shit. Why?

Me: Because I got your texts and was very upset. I told Riley. Riley called Cam.

Dawson: Fuck. You hate me now, don’t you? I’m so sorry, Keatie, really. I would never do that to you on purpose. Like Cam kept giving me shots and we were playing pool and he was flirting with this one chick. I was giving him shit about just wanting to hook up. I was telling them how amazing a relationship can be. He told me I was a bad wingman and to shut the fuck up. Playing pool is the last thing I remember.

Me: It’s hard to trust someone who gets so drunk they can’t remember what they did or who they may have been with. Because you know eventually they will screw up. Cam told me you didn’t hook up with anyone. That he got you drunk and then put you to bed. But he’s your brother. He would lie for you. So I’m not sure what to think.

Dawson: Thank God. I was sitting here thinking I’d lost you.

Me: Maybe you already have, Dawson. I’m not sure what to believe at this point. You told me you missed your brother. I stupidly assumed you went there to hang out with him. Not just to party. I’m on the train going to shop. You and Cam have fun this weekend.

Dawson: You’re mad.

Me: Tell you what. Tonight, I’ll party. Go to a club. Meet up with a bunch of guys I don’t know. Then I’ll text you about how I’m so drunk. In some guy’s bed. And how I can’t find my shoes. We’ll see how that makes you feel. And if you trust me after.

Dawson: </3

I know I’m kind of being a bitch right now. But I can’t just let him get away with it. He’s a big boy. He could have said no to the shots. So I’m not texting him back for a little while.

Screw him. I’m going to enjoy shopping with my friends.

I text Riley.

Me: Do you really think Camden told me the truth? I was relieved to hear it last night. But now I’m kind of upset again and don’t know what to believe. Dawson texted me. He doesn’t remember and assumes he hooked up with someone based on the texts he sent me. Says the last thing he remembers is Camden “making” him do shots and them playing pool. Please don’t lie for them to protect my feelings. I really like Dawson. You know that I do. But I’d rather know the truth.

Riley: Cam might be a jerk, but he’s not a liar.

Me: It’s his brother.

Riley: Yeah, but you have to understand him. If Dawson got drunk and hooked up, Cam would be proud of him. He might have lied to you, but he wouldn’t have lied to me. He had no reason to. He doesn’t know how close we are.

Me: Just so you know, I love you. I don’t care what happens with your brother, I’ll always love you. And Dallas. Speaking of Dallas. Katie told me she attacked him last night!

Riley: I love you too :) and he fended her off. Barely. LOL. Do you think it’s weird or cool that he’s still a virgin?

Me: It’s kinda cool, really. That he has done a lot but wanted to wait to do it with someone special. Was your first time with someone special?

Riley: Ha. No. Hamptons. Summer before 8th grade. I was drunk. She was horny and, thankfully, much older than me. Our parents were out of town. Cam threw a big party. All I really remember is her long dark hair kept getting in my mouth. And I felt like I was going to puke.

Me: That’s pretty young.

Riley: Yeah, probably. That and my getting kicked out freshman year are part of why they’ve tried to shelter Braxton a little more. Why they won’t let him come to the beach when they aren’t there. He’s trying to talk them into letting him be with us all next summer.

Me: I can’t wait to meet him Homecoming weekend.

Riley: He can’t wait to come here Homecoming weekend. Thinks he’s going to hook up with someone. LOL. He’s a little shit. But funny as hell.

Me: So . . . I shouldn’t be mad at Dawson?

Riley: I’d be mad, but I don’t think you should break up with him.

Me: Okay, thanks.

Riley: You gonna help Ariela find a boner-worthy dress?

Me: You are so bad. You know she’s purposefully making you wait.

Riley: I know. But it’s fun. We had fun last night. Just making out is really fun. I think I tend to skip it because I want to get to the good stuff. But kissing is good stuff. At least it is with her.

Me: You’re getting all mushy.

An Eastbrooke girl.


I interrupt the girls’ conversation, which has moved on to what kind of dresses they hope to find. “I got a car and driver for us, so that we wouldn’t have to worry about getting cabs, our luggage, or packages. Do you want to go to the loft now or should we start shopping?”

“Shopping!” everyone yells.

At the first dress shop, I’m helping Annie look for a pretty pink dress for the dance.

“How are you and Ace? You haven’t really said anything.”

“I’m feeling a little guilty myself . . .”

“No! You had sex with him? I thought you were going to wait!”

“Oh, no. I just mean I let him, like . . .” She hems and haws, then kicks her foot into the ground. “I let him put his hand down my pants.”

“Oh, really? And?”

“I really liked it. I think that’s why I feel guilty. He also asked me out.”

“He did?! Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Do you think he only asked me because I let him?”

“Did you do anything else to him? Like more than you’ve done before?”

“No, why?”

“He asked you out because he likes you, not because you let him touch you. I’m so happy for you. Are you happy? I can’t believe you, of all people, haven’t put this on Facebook yet!”

“I know, weird, huh?”

“You can see why sometimes I want to keep things private, can’t you?”

I spot a gorgeous pink dress that is perfect for Annie. It’s got a sleeveless pink lace top, pink ribbon waist, and a flirty pleated skirt.

“Oh, look at this one! You have to try this on!”

“Yeah, I do. I love it. It’s sexy, but not too revealing.”

I flip it around. “But look at the back!” The back has a large triangular-shaped cutout that is sexy, but not blatant.

She hops up and down and claps. “I love that.” She grabs it from my hand and runs to the dressing room.

I follow her back as Maggie walks out in a simple black gown.

“Oh, Maggie, I like that one,” Ariela says.

I look at it critically as she asks, “What do you think, Keatyn?”


“Yes, honestly. I want to look amazing.”

“I’d say the top doesn’t fit you properly. It’s too loose. I think you would be constantly pulling it up. And the way it’s gathered here,” I point to her hip, “makes your hips look bigger than they are. It doesn’t flatter your hot body. I also think I’d like to see you in something besides black with your skin tone.”

“How about this one?” Peyton asks, holding out a strapless tiered dress in a deep navy blue.

“I like that one better! Try it on!”

Annie comes out in her pink dress. She’s already twirling and clearly in love with it. “I’m getting this. Do you think I should get this?” She grabs the skirt and twirls again. “I feel beautiful. For the first time in my life, I actually feel beautiful.”

“Then you should definitely get it,” Ariela says, walking out in another dress.

“Speaking of beautiful. That dress is like a dream,” Peyton says to Ariela, who is wearing a soft coral strapless gown with a thick band of silver beading sparkling at the waist.

Ariela looks good in anything she puts on, but this dress just isn’t her style. And based on the way she is looking at it in the mirror—shoulders shrugged and nose scrunched up—tells me she doesn’t like it either. “I don’t think this one is me. Do you want to try it on?”

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