Death's Servant

Chapter Eight

I wander our nation's capital for two days with no luck. Considering how jaded I've felt since discovering the supernatural world really does exist, I'm strangely disappointed our judicial system and governing body is not overrun by power hungry, undead creatures of the night. It would be convenient if we could blame our country's current problems on another species with a nefarious agenda.

Scouring the city in my wolf form late at night might not be the safest way to conduct a search, but it's the only way I can think to accurately trace a vampire in this overwhelming soup of exhaust, exotic foods, and depressing stench of under-washed bodies. Searching as a wolf also helps me keep on the lookout for Raine's master vamp should he still be out for my blood. Nothing beats a werewolf's nose as an early warning detection system for danger.

I trot across the National Mall, the large expanse of real estate between the Capital building and the Washington monument. Sparse trees and a moonless night offer the cover I need to explore the area undetected. Yesterday, I caught a hint of a vampire scent at the newly opened World War II Memorial and wanted to come back today to investigate further-the appearance of an animal control van last night deterred me from following the lingering vampire trail onto the streets.

Creeping along the ground, my jaw open to catch all the night's scents, I come across the same intriguing scent from yesterday, only this time it's fresher. Once I single out the trail from all the crisscrossing human odors, I follow it away from the new memorial.

The scent mingles tightly with a human male, and both meander along the edge of the mall, in the direction of the Smithsonian Castle.

Small side gardens dot the sidewalk along Jefferson Drive, each one designed to pull in the visitor to walk through the display. The pair stopped at each garden, lingering over every signpost dedicated to a person, cause, or battle. It's almost like the pair are sightseeing-in the dark.

A vampire sightseeing at night in our nation's capital?

I heard the really old ones could tolerate the sun a little, so depending on their aversion level, I guess it makes sense-albeit an odd sense, but whatever.

After an hour of tracking, I hit pay dirt. The trail leads to a dark corner of a small empty park, sculpted trees and manicured bushes hiding the vampire and her companion. A light breeze changes course, bringing the smell of sex and blood.

Could the man with this vampire be in danger? Is it forced blood taking like Raine and her pack have endured? Will the bloodsucker drain him dry and leave his corpse hidden in the bushes?

Unsure what to do, I slink forward on my belly, creeping quietly through the well-tended beds to get a view of what's going on. A small stone table bracketed by two curved benches appears. A woman sits on the table, her long flowing skirt rucked up to her hips, the edges of the fabric trailing toward the ground. The human man I scented earlier kneels between her thighs.

The pungent aroma of aroused female saturates the humid air, the musky scent laced with the subtle undertones of vampire. The woman must be the creature I've been tracking.

She's a slight woman with ample curves, full breasts exposed over her bra cups. One arm supports her on the table's surface while her free hand fondles one pert nipple. Two long strands of thin chain hang between her breasts, some type of large bead on each end. The teardrop-shaped beads sway with each moan of pleasure and gasp of breath.

The vampire's fingers tweak and tease one engorged peak while the man works between her legs. Her head lolls back, her long hair drifting past the edge of the stone surface. "I'm going to come, baby." The woman's pleasure rips through her body, igniting tiny convulsions as she swallows her groans behind closed lips.

"So controlled, Dria," the man says as he stands and shoves down his pants with both hands. "I like to hear you scream."

These two are not new lovers, nor is this a passing man the vampire has picked up to seduce and abuse. I should stealthily back away and leave them to their privacy. But I'm drawn to the two lovers, excited by their chemistry.

The vampire angles her torso up, a look for pure desire on her face. "Then you'll have to try harder, won't you, dear?"

A slow chuckle bubbles from his throat, squashed the moment he plunges into her. "I'm always up for a challenge."

Her companion proceeds to fuck her thoroughly, drawing out her build up and playing her body like a fine instrument. Within minutes she's squirming and biting her lip to hold in her responses.

The vampire's lover leans over her reclined body and nuzzles her neck. His mouth latches onto her skin and she bucks, a loud moan escaping. He slides one hand down her supporting arm and lifts it from the table, easing her slowly to lie down. The added leverage allows him to drive deeper into her waiting body and she can't hold back her pleasure any longer.

Soft moans and groans pepper the night, interspersed with the couple's jagged breathing. I've never seen anything so hot in my life, but then again, I don't normally watch live couples doing it, either. The occasional porn, yes, but spying on real people? Nope, that's a new low even for me.

She may be the all-powerful vampire, but there's no doubt their powers over each other during this sizzling encounter are equal.

A stab of jealousy pricks my heart. What they have is what I wanted with Lori-what I'd hoped to build with Raine. Both situations are hopeless now.

The man rises to resume his original standing position between her thighs, driving himself into her depths, a look of ecstasy twisting his features.

"Again, Dria. Bite me again. I want you to come a second time."

The pale skin of the vampire glows faintly in the dark, almost luminescent in contrast to the couple's dark clothing and her lover's tanned skin. Long unbound hair cascades down her slender back as she leans in, reaching toward her partner's neck. In a delicate kiss full of tenderness, she places her lips on his sweaty skin.

Pleasure spills across the man's visage, and his steadily pumping hips lose their rhythm, amping up to a frantic speed devoid of finesse.

"Yes!" the man shouts, his release upon him. Shudders ripple over his body as he continues to thrust. "Damn, that's fucking incredible."

The figure of the vampire convulses in pleasure and the two wrap their arms around each other, holding on to one another as their passion subsides.

"We have company, dear," the vampire says as she turns and looks directly at my hiding place. "Come on out, wolfy."

Panic seizes me and I run, bolting from the bushes into the night. The tinkling laughter of the vampire chases me, like a burn of shame down my spine.

What possessed me to stay and watch when their acts were obviously consensual and the man was not being harmed? Well, how was I to know she wasn't going to kill him, unless I stayed?

I run the three miles back to my jeep at East Potomac Park, never once stopping, worried I might be seen. As first contact goes, I could have done better. She knows someone is trailing her now and might worry I mean to harm her.

Damn. Running was pretty stupid.

No matter how embarrassed I am over being turned on while watching the two of them, the hard fact doesn't change that I need her. I need a vampire's help if I'm going to save Raine's pack. Recognizing her scent, I should be able to find where they are staying during the day and approach them like a normal person, rather than a pervert who watches them having smoking hot sex in a public park.

I sleep in my car. Again. At daybreak I hit the streets, doing a circle of the mall in human form and working my way outward to find the couple's scent. Now that I know exactly what I'm looking for I don't have to be in wolf form to follow it.

It takes about seven hours, but I finally track them to a hotel on E Street. With only the name "Dria" to go by, I don't think I can walk up and ask for a room number. The sun hasn't set, so I'm hoping that means the vampire will be in their room. I check into the hotel and shower, changing into clean clothes. I set the rest out to be laundered and head down to the hotel bar. It's located near the bank of elevators and will give me ample chance to intercept them when they leave for the evening-assuming they hadn't check out.

Damn, this plan has a lot of holes. What the hell am I going to say to her? Please save my werewolf friend and her pack from an evil vampire?

"I've always found the truth is the best place to start."

Startled out of my thoughts, I look up to see a gorgeous redhead in her mid twenties. She's dressed in a tight fitting pair of dark jeans and a low-cut black sleeveless blouse. A thin silver chain dangles down her neck, two gleaming drops of red, like blood, suspended from their ends-I recognize the necklace from last night.

A knowing smile curves her full lips. "Do you have a name, wolfman, or should I just call you 'Peeping-Tom'?"

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