Devil May Cry


Sin cursed as he landed on his side in the center of what appeared to be a Charonte feast. There had to be at least a hundred Charontes present... and they were all staring at him in silence as he lay on the cobblestone floor in front of them. There was no sound whatsoever except for the occasional whisper of a Charonte wing.

The room reminded him of a medieval great hall with arched rafters and exposed beams. The stone walls gave the place an eerie hill that didn't seem to faze the half-naked Charonte who were eating everything from roasted pig, to cows, to things he couldn't even begin to identify.

"Is he for us to eat?" one of the young male Charonte asked an older one.

Before Sin could stand or respond, Apollymi appeared on the other side of the main banquet table beside the adult male Charonte the boy had spoken to.

Her silver eyes swirled violently as she stared at him. "Tear his worthless Sumerian hide to shreds."

"Sumerian?" the adult male snarled.

Sin cursed. Yeah-his being Sumerian to this group would go over like an Ozzy Osbourne/Marilyn Manson duet at the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting. He might as well be wearing a shirt that said "Kibbles and Bits", with a heavy emphasis on the "bits" part.

Sin pushed himself to his feet in expectation of the death that was about to run him over. "Look. Can't we all just get along?"

"Ekeira danyaha," a female spat, which was the obscene version of "screw you" in Charonte.

Suddenly a male Charonte came at his back. Sin caught the demon and flipped him to the ground. But before he could punch him, another demon bit Sin in the shoulder. Hissing in pain, he head-butted the demon, knocking him back. Sin's shoulder was ripped open as the demon fell away.

A woman ran at Sin then. He picked her up and tossed her at the next two men who were coming for him. "Where's a damn can of Raid when you need it," he growled as another demon caught him from behind.

He dropped all of his weight, which didn't do a damn thing, since the demon was so strong. Changing strategies, Sin kicked his legs back against the demon's knees. The demon shrieked in pain before he released Sin. He swung around and caught the demon a blow to the rib cage.


Sin staggered back as the demons actually obeyed the order. He saw Kat standing to his right, staring in horror at what had happened.

"Do not interfere in this," Apollymi snarled.

Kat shook her head. "I won't let him die. Not like this and not without an explanation."

"Explanation?" Apollymi pushed past the male demon before her to approach her granddaughter. "I went to his pantheon and asked them to help me hide your father so that my pantheon wouldn't kill him. Do you know what they did?"

"They laughed," Sin said, remembering the tales of that event clearly in his mind.

Apollymi turned on him with her nostrils flared. He was amazed she didn't use her powers to splinter him against the far wall. Obviously a quick death wasn't what she had in mind-she wanted long-term pain. "My son suffered as no one should ever suffer and I want to return that to you... tenfold."

He could understand that. Hell, he could even respect her sentiment, but it didn't change the fact that he was innocent in this. "I didn't turn you away, Apollymi. I wasn't there that day. I swear, I would have helped you had I known. By the time I heard about it, it was too late."


"It's not a lie," he said calmly as another demon inched closer to him. He swallowed as he remembered his own bitter childhood. He'd been one of triplets. Within an hour of his birth, it'd been foretold that he and his brothers would cause the end of their pantheon.

The sad thing was, the prophecy had been correct. But it hadn't been what his father had feared. It'd been the jealousy and hatred of his own family that had ultimately killed them. Their own actions had caused Sin to be the weak link that had allowed Artemis in so that the Greek gods could turn the Sumerians against one another and defeat them.

His pantheon had fallen only after he'd ceased to be a god, and his surviving brother had gone into hiding.

And when Sin spoke, his voice was thick with that grief. "My father killed my own brother over prophecy and he damn near killed me. I would never have allowed another child to suffer for such stupidity. That is not in me."

Kat frowned at his words as she saw the pain on her grandmother's face and heard the sincere emotion in Sin's voice. He really meant what he said.

"And how do I know you're not lying to me now?" Apollymi demanded.

"Because I've lost my children, too, and I know the ache that lives inside the heart that no amount of solace or alcohol will squelch. I know what it's like to have the powers of a god and to not be able to hold the one thing that means the most to me. And if you think for one minute that I would ever serve that to another being, even Artemis, who I'd like to torture for eternity, then go ahead and call down your army on me. I would deserve whatever death they give."

Kat swallowed as she saw the utter agony in his eyes as he spoke of his children and their loss. This was a man who felt that tragedy to the depth of his soul. It was enough to bring tears to her eyes, and it made her heart soften toward him. No one should hurt like that.

Apollymi stood as still as a statue. Her gaze was haunted and her skin was pale.

Sin backed the approaching demon up with nothing more than an angry glare before he spoke again. "I consider Acheron one of my very few friends, Apollymi. I would never have seen such a decent man hurt for any reason."

Still Apollymi didn't speak, but she did finally move. She came down from the dais with a regal grace. She moved to stand just before Sin. Without a word, she reached out and touched his bleeding arm and shoulder, which were instantly healed.

When she finally spoke again, her voice was only a whisper, but it held enough power to be heard plainly by all. "My son has few friends and even fewer who know him for what he is. So long as you protect him, you live. Sumerian or not. But if you prove false in anything you've said here today, I will bring a wrath down on you so severe that you will spend eternity trying to dig out your own brains to alleviate the pain of it."

He glanced past her to Kat. "Now I know where you get your gift for imagery."

Kat stifled a smile. Only Sin and her father would be able to find humor at a moment like this.

Apollymi ignored Sin's comment. "Katra." She spoke without looking at her. "He is your guest in my world. Take him from here and make sure he doesn't wander into those who would kill him."

"But I thought we could eat him," the little boy Charonte whined.

Apollymi turned a gentle look to the child. "Another day, Parriton."

Parriton pouted as Kat came forward to take Sin. "Can I just have a little bite of him, akra?"

Kat laughed at his eagerness. "Another day, Parriton, I promise."

The boy gave an exaggerated sigh before he went back to his steak.

Kat paused before Sin and held her hand out to him. She half-expected him to refuse, but instead he wrapped his large hand around hers so that she could flash him back to her house. A strange thrill went though her at the sensation of his touch. There was an indescribable power that was innate to him. An inner peace.

At least until they were back in her living room.

He released her hand and gave her a droll look. "Wow," he said, his tone flat. "That was fun. Anyplace else you want to take me while we're here? Maybe there's a darker corner of hell than that hall of flesh-hungry demons, huh?"

Kat smiled at his sarcasm. "There is the Daimon hall. I'm sure Stryker would love to lay fangs on you."

He scoffed at her threat. "Stryker's a pussy. I'd have him wetting his pants three seconds after seeing me."

His bravado only amused her more. "Yeah, right. I heard he kicked your ass last time you met." Not true, but she felt the need to tease him.


"No," she taunted, moving closer to him with her hands on her hips, "serious shit. It's all over the Dark-Hunter bbs how he mopped the floor with you and then laughed while you bled."

"Says who?"

Kat froze as she realized she'd unknowingly walked right up to him during their mock fight. Now they were so close that she could feel his breath on her face.

He was tall and sexy. There was no denying it. And those eyes...

She could see to eternity in those sharp, golden eyes that were fringed with thick, dark lashes. What's more, she was suddenly enticed with the texture of his skin. There was something electrifying about a man's jawline. Something edible. And it beckoned her to want to touch him.

Sin stood completely still as his gaze focused on her parted lips. Kat had a beautiful mouth that complemented her pale features, and a sudden burst of desire pierced him, She really was beautiful all over. Her skin was so smooth and pale. Her eyes bright and intelligent.

The more he got to know her, the less like her mother Kat appeared.

And it'd been a long time since he'd been around a woman who dared to stand up to him, never mind openly taunt him. A long time since he'd felt such heat in his loins.

Before he knew what he was doing, he dipped his head down to kiss her.

Kat shivered at the sensation of his lips on hers. She'd never had a real kiss before. Between her mother and her grandmother, Kat had been guarded and watched to the point that no man had ever really been alone with her.

At least not for long.

She'd always wondered what a tender kiss would feel like. And she had to say that Sin's didn't disappoint. His lips were soft and demanding, his body hard against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer to her. Oh, it was heaven all right. Wonderful and warm. Hypnotizing. Oh yeah, she could stay here for a while.

Until he was suddenly ripped out of her arms and thrown against the far wall. Sin cursed as he was held six feet above the floor.

"Keep your lips and other body parts to yourself or you'll be headless."

Kat laughed at the sound of her grandmother's booming voice in the room an instant before Sin was slammed to the floor so hard, she could hear his bones rattle.

He let out a disgusted sigh. "I swear I'm getting my powers back if for no other reason than to-"

"Sh," Kat said, interrupting him. "Be careful, she can hear you."

He rolled himself over and leaned his head back to look at Kat from the floor. She didn't know how such a pose could be sexy, but somehow he managed it. "How do you have a social life?"

"I don't."

"Yeah," he said as he rose to his feet. "I imagine Ash is even tougher on you than they are."

Sadness filled her at the mention of the father she would give anything to know. But the truth was, her mother had kept them apart and while it hurt Kat, she understood the reason and complied even though the daughter in her didn't want to. Honestly, their separation was the thing she regretted most in life. "Not really. My father doesn't know about me."

Sin was stunned by the news. If he knew anything about Acheron, it was that the man would be furious to learn he had a grown daughter no one had told him about. "How the hell have you kept that from him? He knows everything."

Kat shrugged. "Most everything. He can't see those who are closest to him, and since I share a genetic link, I'm a ghost to his vision. My mother hid me from him first and then my grandmother joined in once she realized that giving him the knowledge of me would only hurt him more... and it would give my mother another tool to use against him. Believe me, it's much better for everyone if he never learns I exist."

That made sense, but still it wasn't right. Personally, he'd kill anyone who would keep such a thing from him. "And none of you thought about how wrong you were?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ash will die if he ever learns he has a child that he has never seen, especially since you're grown."

"That's why he can never know and why you have to stop referring to Artemis as my mother. As far as anyone is concerned, I, like all the other handmaidens, was a foundling that Artemis raised."

Sin shook his head. Damn, with the exception of losing a child, he couldn't imagine anything worse than to have a child he didn't know about. Acheron deserved so much better than this. "You three have really done a number on him. Does anyone else know?"

"Just you, Simi, and us. And I'm depending on you to not say anything."

"Don't worry about me. I don't want to be the messenger he kills in anger." He gave her a devilish smile as he relished an image of Ash blasting Artemis into oblivion. "You know, there is a bright side to this. Sooner or later he's going to find out about you, and when he does he'll kill Artemis for me. I just hope I'm there to see it."

She gave him a peeved look that somehow managed to make his groin jerk. "Very funny. He would never hurt her."

"Yeah, I know. Damn it to hell," he said in a low tone. "Bastard is still in love with her. There's something seriously wrong with him."

"No," she said softly. "He's not in love with her anymore. I would know it if he was. I'm not sure if he was ever anything more than infatuated by her. But he understands her and it's not in his nature to hurt anyone if he can help it."

Sin snorted in disagreement. He'd seen Ash break loose on a few people over the centuries, which was one of the reasons Sin didn't push the Atlantean god too far. And those were for minor encroachments. Sin couldn't imagine how much fury Ash would unleash over something this major. "You don't know him as well as you think you do."

"And what makes you the expert?"

"Let's just say I understand betrayal. And having been where he is, I know the explosion to come. Trust me. 'Duck' won't quite cover it."

She tensed at his warning. "Artemis didn't betray you."

"Who said I was talking about her?"

Kat paused as she tried to read him, but Sin was anything but an open book. Even his emotions were hidden from her. Normally she could tell what anyone near her was feeling, and though she got twinges from him, it was nothing like what she normally felt. It was baffling and strange to be so clueless. "Who betrayed you then?"

He folded his arms over his chest. "That's the thing about betrayal. You don't really want to talk about it, especially not with strangers who are related to your worst enemy." He looked around the room before he spoke again. "So where does all this leave us anyway? You plan on keeping me here until after the gallu unleash the Dimme or what?"

That seemed to be the question of the day. She truly wasn't sure what she should do with him. "You're not lying about the Dimme, are you?"

He pulled his shirt off, over his head, to show her a body that was riddled with scarred muscles. Some of the scars appeared to be claw marks, while others were clearly from bite wounds and burns. "Do I look like I'm joking?"

No. He looked more battle scarred than an ancient warrior. A tremor of sympathy went through her. It was obvious he'd been fighting a long time to keep humanity safe.

And he'd been doing it for the most part alone. No one at his back.

That hurt her most of all. No one should face such a nightmare alone. "What can I do to help?"

He cocked a brow at her question as if he couldn't believe her offer, before he put his shirt back on. But that look was quickly replaced with one that was hard and bitter. "Send me back to my place and stay out of my way."

Kat shook her head. How could she have forgotten the fact that he was a prehistoric macho god? "This is where I should probably remind you of a certain Greek blood hound who has your name and calling card. Remember him? Deimon isn't exactly into making friends or showing mercy. But one thing he has to do is listen to me."

"And why is that?"

She gave him an amused grin. "Because I once kicked his butt so well that he remembers it to this day." She approached him with a determined stride. "You need someone at your back."

His look was cold and frightening. "No offense, but the last time I was dumb enough to let someone stand there, they stabbed me in it. I like to think I learn from my lessons."

"Not everyone is treacherous."

"My experience says otherwise, and given your genetic link to someone who did me seriously wrong, I think you'll forgive me if I don't put you on the list of trusted friends."

He was right about that, but she was nothing like her mother. "I'm my father's daughter, too."

"Yeah, and by your own admission you've had a lot less contact with him than with your mother. So I think you'll understand if I side with caution on this one."

She couldn't blame him for his suspicion. How could she when she didn't trust her mother, either?

His look sharpened. "I need to get out of here, Kat. I can't do my job while I'm stuck in a nether realm".

"And I can't let you out of here until I know what your plans are."

He let out a disgusted breath. "To stop the annihilation of mankind and the earth. It's a simple plan really, but an important one. Can I go now?"

Part of her was amused, but the other part wanted to choke him for his obstinacy and secrecy. "Why do you need the Tablet of Destiny?"

He closed the distance between them so that he could stare down at her with those golden eyes snapping fire at her. "Let me out of here, Katra. Now."

"I can't."

"Then I hope you can live with the death of humanity on your conscience." He indicated her sofa with his thumb. "I just sit myself over here until it's over. You got any good DVDs I can watch? It'll help drown out the screams for mercy. Especially from the kids. Those are always the hardest to ignore."

His words cut her on the most fundamental level of her humanity. The last thing she could stand was the thought of a child suffering. He was hitting below the belt and it hurt. "Damn you."

His features turned to stone. "You're too late. Your mother already did that."

Kat looked away as she struggled with what she should do. She couldn't keep him if what he said was true, but then how long could he last with Demon on his tail? He didn't have his god powers and Demon was a fierce SOB.

"Do you understand what you're up against?"

He gave her a duh-stare. "If something as pathetic as a Greek Dolophonos can take me down in a fight, I deserve to die."

"What will happen to mankind then?"

"Guess they're screwed, huh?"

How could he be so cocky and lackadaisical? He knew what he was up against. Did he really think he could win without someone fighting beside him?

She couldn't stand the thought of him going down in a fight without someone else there who knew how to combat the gallu. Mankind needed more than a single defender. "Teach me to fight the Dimme."

Sin couldn't have been more stunned had she stripped her clothes off and jumped him. "Sorry? I know I didn't hear what I think I did."

She didn't back down. "Teach me to fight them and the gallu."

He laughed at the mere thought of her going up against them and their cruelty. Yes, she was tall and not too thin, but she was no match for the strength of the gallu, never mind the Dimme. They'd eat her alive. Literally. "You don't have any Sumerian blood in you."

"There are ways to get around that."

He took a step back from her as one of them flashed in his mind. "Does bloodsucking run in your family?"

"No, but if we take a blood bond, I would have your strength and Sumerian blood."

That wasn't all it would give her, and he knew it. "And it would give you power over me. So screw you."

She took a step toward him, her green eyes pleading. "Sin..."

"Katra..." he mocked. "I will not allow you or anyone else to deplete me any more than what's already been done. Ever."

"Then let me train by your side. Show me-"

"All my best moves so that you can kill me?" What? Was she insane? "Fuck you."

She growled at him, "Do you not trust anyone?"

"Did we not already cover this? Hell no. Never. Why should I?"

"Because no one can stand alone all the time."

Sin scoffed. She actually looked like she believed the crap she was spewing, but he was anything but green and gullible. "And there you're wrong. I've been alone my whole life and I like it that way."

Still she wouldn't relent. She pursued him even across the room as he sought to put space between them. "Trust me, Sin. I only want to help."

"You want me to trust you?" He stopped so suddenly that she actually ran into him. The softness of her body made him flinch, but he wasn't about to let his libido interfere with his logic. He set her back on her feet, away from him, and gave her a hard stare. He knew one way to put a stop to her bullshit. "Fine. I'll trust you on one condition only. Tell me how to kill you."

Her eyes widened in confusion. "Excuse me?"

Sin smiled, knowing he had her now. She'd never give him the source of her powers. "All gods have a secret that can render them powerless and subject them to execution. What's yours?"

Now he saw the suspicion in her eyes. Good, she wasn't a trusting fool. "How do I know you won't kill me?"

"Yeah," he said, his voice thick, "it's not so easy to trust, is it?"

Still, she didn't back completely down. He had to admire her for that. "You have the Tablet of Destiny. That can render me powerless."

"But that doesn't show your trust, does it? Tell me how to kill you without it."

Kat stopped dead as she seriously considered the consequences of answering him. Given his hatred of her mother, it would be all kinds of stupid to give him that kind of power. He could kill her, any time, any place.

She remembered all the things that had been posted on the Dark-Hunter boards about him. He was without compassion or even sanity. But then a man such as that wouldn't be scarred from battling demons to help mankind.

Such a man wouldn't have come to her rescue. No, he wasn't the monster other people had painted him. But he wasn't a saint, either.

Trusting him could cost her her life. Not trusting him could destroy the world.

Was there really a choice here?

Don't do it...

It was terrifying even to contemplate, but she really had no other option. One of them was going to have to open up, and it dang sure wasn't him.

"I tell you the answer and you'll train me?" she asked point-blank.

"Yeah, what the hell?"

She took a deep breath for courage before she spoke again. "Very well. My powers are derived from the sun and the moon. The longer I go without one or the other, the weaker I become. It's why I can't stay here with my grandmother for too long or I'll be sick. If I were confined here without exposure to the sky, it would kill me."

Sin stared at her incredulously. He couldn't believe she'd told him that. Was she insane? "Do you know what you've just done?"

"Yes. I trusted you."

Yeah... She was nuts. No doubt about it. What kind of fool let loose something this important? "You know how much I hate your mother."

"And I know what you think of my father."

"Who doesn't even know you live."

"There is that," she conceded. "But I want to help you do the right thing, and if that means giving you power over me, then I'll do it."

She really was insane. He couldn't get past that. What kind of being would be so damn stupid and trusting? And for what? To help a race that didn't even know she existed? "I can destroy you now."

"Yes," she said, her eyes burning with intensity. "You can. But I'm trusting that you won't."

Sin shook his head in disbelief. No one had ever trusted him like this... not even his wife. Gods just didn't relinquish that kind of control to anyone under any circumstance. "You're not right, are you?"

"Could be. Other people have definitely thought so, and right now my inner monologue is going wild with worse insults than that."

He lifted his hand to touch her cheek. Her skin was as soft as silk against his fingertips. She was so delicate and yet he sensed within her a core made of steel. "Do you understand the danger you're going to face?"

"Seeing how my arm was broken earlier by one of them and your body is pretty torn up, I have a real good idea. But I've never been one to back down from anything. You need help and I intend to give it whether you want it or not."

Someone by his side. To fight. What a novel concept. No one had ever made such an offer before and he still wasn't sure if he should accept. But he had given her his word and he wasn't the kind of person to break an oath.

Still he was doubtful of her. "How do I know you won't take what I teach you and use it against me?"

She made a rude sound at him. "Hello? You have the knowledge to kill me. I think in this I'm the one who's most likely to get screwed."

He nodded in agreement before he dropped his hand from her face. "All right then. I need to get out of here. Back to my place so that we can prepare."


In a blink of an eye, they were back in his penthouse in Las Vegas. He looked around for Artemis, but she, along with her Dolophonos, was gone. Kish was still standing by the sofa as a life-sized statue.

Kat arched a brow as she saw Kish's frozen form for the first time. "Friend or foe?"

"Depends on the time and day." He snapped his fingers and Kish returned to his normal self.

Shaking his head, Kish frowned. "Did you freeze me again?"

Sin shrugged. "You were annoying me."

"I hate it when you do that." Kish did a double take as he realized Kat was standing beside him, watching him with a curious glimmer in her eye. Confusion marked his brow before he turned back to Sin. "You and Artemis made up? Damn, how long was I frozen?"

Kat laughed. "I'm not Artemis."

"I made a mistake," Sin said, not wanting to go into it.

"And you admit it?" Kish held his hands up. "Don't blast me, boss. I'm going to check on the casino. None of this is my business. None of it. Kish wants to live, so he's leaving. 'Bye." He barely opened the door before he rushed through it, out of their sight.

Kat gave Sin an amused smirk. "Interesting help. Is he your Squire?"

Sin shook his head before he picked his coat up and draped it over the back of a bar stool. "I'm not a Dark-Hunter. I don't do Squires."

"Interesting choice of words."

He gave her a droll stare. "Ha ha."

She moved to stand beside him so that she had him trapped between her and the bar. "So why are you considered a Dark-Hunter then?"

"Acheron's idea. He thought adding me to the payroll was the least he could do given what Artemis had done to me."

"But you don't hunt Daimons."

"No. Acheron knew from the beginning that the gallu were out there. So the two of us have been keeping them under control."

Kat frowned at that. "Ash helps?"

"Why are you surprised?"

"I thought you said no one outside your pantheon could kill them."

"Yeah, well, your father's a little different from others. I'm sure you know that."

Kat couldn't agree more. There was a lot about her dad that was odd, to say the least. "Then what makes you think I can't do it?"

"You're not a Chthonian. If you were, you wouldn't have a weakness."

Kat arched a brow. The Chthonians were god-killers. Rather like a check and balance system provided by nature. They alone had the power to destroy anything indestructible. The only problem was no one knew how to destroy them. The only person who could kill a Chthonian was another Chthonian. "Is that their secret?"

"Not really. Most ancient gods know that one. It's why they're so afraid of Chthonian justice."

True. They alone made the ancient gods sit up and listen. Unfortunately for Sin at the time her mother's pantheon was attacking his, the Chthonians were turning on one another and there had been no one there to protect his pantheon.

Kat glanced out the tall windows to her left where she had a spectacular view of the Vegas strip. "So why are you out here in the desert anyway?"

"Logistical management. My father put the Dimme and gallu out here because at the time the population in America was scarce and he thought it would be a good way to control them. Unfortunately, he lacked the vision to see nuclear development in the twentieth century. With Nevada's testing, it began to shake out the gallu and free them dozens at a time. As they go free, I hunt them and their victims."

Kat took his hand in hers so that she could study all the scars that marred its beauty. She remembered when she was a young woman and her mother had summoned her to her bedroom.

"Help me, Katra. We have to take his powers from him or he'll kill me."

Kat flinched at the memory. Sin had been unconscious at the time. Too young and gullible, she'd done what her mother had requested.

And she had ruined the man before her.

He'd kill her if he ever learned that truth.

"What happened to your father?" she asked.

Sin stroked her fingers with his thumb before he pulled away from her. "Infighting and out-fighting. What's the old saying? 'Beware Greeks bearing gifts'? Apollo and your mother came in as friends to spread lies. They systematically turned each of us against the other until there was no trust left. Not that I'd ever had much to begin with. After I was drained and degodded, I tried to warn the others, but they didn't think it could happen to them. I was a fool after all and deserved what happened. They were all smarter than I was. Or so they thought."

"And yet here you are while they're all gone."

He nodded. "Survival is the best revenge. Me and the cock-roach."

"And the gallu?"

He laughed at that. "Probably. It would serve me right to have to fight those bastards for the rest of eternity."

Kat smiled at his humor. He really was a smart, funny ex-god. There was something about him that was absolutely infectious, and it made her giddy just to be around him. It wasn't often that she liked someone so readily. But even in spite of everything she'd heard about him, she wanted to believe in him.

It made no sense.

And yet all she wanted to do was reach out and touch him. To kiss him again and see what would have happened had Apollymi not blasted them apart.

Instinctively she took a step toward him. And she would have probably made a move had a strange shiver not gone down her spine. It was a tingle she knew all too well.


Born of the cursed Apollite race that was forced to die painfully at the tender age of twenty-seven, Daimons could only survive if they began feeding on human souls. It was why they had to be hunted and killed. As soon as a soul was taken, it would begin to die in the foreign body. The only way to save that soul and send it to its proper place was to kill the Daimon before the soul died.

Now one of the Daimons was nearby.

A knock sounded on the door. It made her blood run cold. There was a Daimon outside. She knew it.

She tried to stop Sin as he went to answer the knock, but he didn't listen. He swung the door open, and sure enough, there was a tall blond Daimon standing there in a black suit.

Manifesting a knife in her hand, she ran for him.
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