Devil May Cry


Kat exchanged a frown with Kish before she followed after Sin to the hallway where his elevator was located. Sin gave them an agitated glare as they shuffled him aside to get into the ornate paneled elevator with him.

"What?" Kat asked irritably, looking up at him.

His response was a low growl.

"I take it you know this guy, boss?" Kish asked.

Sin still didn't speak.

Kat didn't need her powers to feel the feral rage inside him to sense the killer he'd become at the mere mention of Kessar's name. She didn't know what past they had with each other, but it was obviously not a happy one. Apparently Kessar rated right up there with her mother in Sin's estimation.

Sin was ramrod stiff beside her and clutched the cane with a white-knuckled grip. His features were even sharper now. His eyes brittle. How he managed to look attractive like that she didn't know, but there was something about him and his anger that set her hormones panting.

Suddenly the Hinder song "Get Stoned" started going through her head. Totally inappropriate, especially at this moment in time. Still, she couldn't help wondering if anger really did make sex better.

Then again, she had no real idea of what sex felt like even calm.

They really need to let me out more.

Sin glanced down at her as if he could read her thoughts. Oh, that's good. Just what she needed-him inside her head, hearing the fact that she felt compelled by his angry looks. Groovy. Just groovy.

She might as well squeal like a thirteen-year-old while she was at it and tell him how hot he looked when ticked off. Her luck, he'd stay that way.

Diverting her gaze to the doors, she didn't speak or make any movements that might betray the line of her thoughts. How embarrassing would that be? Especially given the fact that the man hated her entire maternal lineage.

There were just some degradations a person didn't need. This was definitely one of them. So she tried to ignore him. Something that would have been a lot easier if his image weren't reflected in the steel of the doors. Damn, the man was good-looking, especially when he had that hard, determined look about him. He was all predator and all man.

It was a dangerous combination to her sanity.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Sin stepped out and walked in front of them-something amazing given the fact that he didn't like people at his back. I guess he trusts Kish to warn him if I move to the attack.

What a pleasant thought...

The casino was dark, with lights glowing from the slot machines and tables. Bells and electronic tones fought each other for supremacy while winners laughed and others shouted over low-playing music. The casino looked like total anarchy, and at the same time it was inviting and fun. She didn't know what it was about places like this, but they were hypnotic.

Oblivious to it all, Sin walked through the area with purpose, heading toward the gaming tables as if he knew instinctively where to find his enemy.

Kat looked left and right, trying to locale anyone who might be against them or anyone who might be one of those things that had attacked her in New York. She saw numerous humans who were incognizant of the fact that they were in the center of a war zone. Several tall, blond waitresses in short black dresses paused to look at her with malice. They were Apollites, but the one circulating with change was a Daimon female. That one actually curled her lip at Kat, baring a hint of fang.

She ignored the Daimon as she continued to search for the gallu demon.

All of a sudden, something went through her. It was like ice gliding down her spine. A sixth sense that warned her of evil. She paused as movement to her left caught her attention.

There were five men there-all in black suits and all devastatingly handsome. Their skin was dark and tanned, which given their Persian ancestry made sense. Three had black, curly hair cut in a shaggy style. One had straight black hair pulled back into a short ponytail. Their eyes were every bit as black as their hair. Like glimmering obsidian.

But the one leading them...

He stood out even more than they did. His hair was a dark caramel-colored blond with lighter blond streaks. His features were sharp and fine. Aristocratic. And even though it was dark inside the casino, he wore a pair of dark brown sunglasses that hid his eyes. It wasn't until he moved closer that she realized why.

His eye color was blood-red.

A sinister half smile curved his lips as Sin stopped in front of him.

There was something insidiously evil about Kessar even though he was beautiful. No doubt he'd been the kind of kid who had pulled wings off... well, most likely Charontes and then laughed while they cried.

"Well, well. Nana," he said in a voice that was almost jovial. "How long has it been?"

Sin ignored his question and quipped with his own. "Who the hell let you out?"

Kessar laughed low and evil, and like Sin, he chose not to answer the question. "The Dimme are stirring. I know you know it." He closed his eyes as if savoring something delectable. "I can hear their wings unfurling even as we speak. Feel the blood beginning to pump through their veins. My sisters will be hungry when they wake up. We shall have to make sure they have a smorgasbord."

Sin scanned the demons behind Kessar before he gave the demon a pointed stare. "And I know just what to feed them."

Kessar asked at him. "We're not a cannibalistic species, so you're out of luck there. Just consider this a friendly call to let you know you won't find what you're looking for... So don't waste your time. We found the Moon first and now it lives where you can't touch it. And when my sisters awaken, you shall join it in utter misery."

Sin's face went white as his features hardened. Kat could feel the concerned panic inside him swell. "What have you done with Zakar?"

Kessar ignored him as he focused that cold, lethal gaze on Kat. A slight frown darkened his brow before he moved to stand in front of her.

"What have we here?" he asked in a singsongy tone. "An Atlantean. I thought you were all dead."

"Surprise," Kat taunted.

He seemed to savor her rancor. He lifted his hand to trace the angle of her jaw with the back of one knuckle.

Sneering, Kat jerked her head away from his cold touch. She wanted to spit at him, but she was too dignified for such a thing.

Sin separated them with the cane, using it to force Kessar away from her.

Kessar looked down at the cane and his face paled a degree. "You can't use that in front of the humans. What will they say?"

Sin shrugged. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. It is, after all, Sin City."

"Hmmm." Kessar raised his hand and snapped his fingers over his shoulder. The demon with the ponytail moved forward. Kessar opened his hand and the demon laid a small box in his palm. Kessar then handed it to Sin. "In that case, here's a small token to remember me by."

Sin opened it. Kat turned away as she saw a severed finger with a ring attached to it. It was disgusting.

Hissing, Sin moved toward Kessar, but Damien pulled him back. "Not here, Sin, Not now."

"You bastard," Sin snarled from between clenched teeth. "You better watch your ass. I'm coming for it."

"Funny, that's what Zakar said, too. But he hasn't spoken in quite some time. All he does now is whimper and cry." He smiled coldly. "Just like you will."

Damien kept his grip on Sin. But Kat had had enough. She might be too dignified to spit, but at the end of the day, she was her father's daughter. Without warning, she walked up to Kessar and kneed him as hard as she could in the groin.

He doubled over instantly, groaning. Nice to know the demons were as susceptible to that tactic as a human. When the ponytail came forward she punched him so hard, he spun around. The others didn't so much as blink.

Kat pulled Kessar up by the hair so that she could whisper in his ear. "Never underestimate an Atlantean. We're not your average pantheon."

His face changed at that. Large veins protruded from his forehead before his eyes glowed. His mouth grew larger as the double-row of fangs appeared. He went to bite her, but Sin caught him by the throat.

Sin shoved him into Damien's arms. "Take out the trash, Damien. I don't want it stinking up my casino."

Kessar's face returned to normal so fast that it stunned Kat. He shoved Damien away from him. "Don't touch me, Daimon. You're not worthy."

Damien curled his lip. "Up yours, asshole. I don't want the Sumerian slime pit stench on me anyway. Take your girlfriends and get the hell out of our casino."

Kessar straightened his sleeves. "Oh, we're so going to come back here. In force."

Sin's features were hard and cold. "Looking forward to it."

"So am I." And with that, they turned and left, literally in a V formation.

"Wow," Kat said under her breath. "They remind me of geese with that action."

"Yeah, and much like geese, they usually shit all over your lawn." Damien pulled a small container of breath freshener from his pocket and started spraying it. "Too bad we don't have demon be-gone."

"Or do we?" Kat looked at the two of them. "What's the one thing the gallu hate most?"

"You would be looking at him," Sin said dryly.

"Yeah, but the next would be a Charonte. Right?"

Sin gave her a droll stare. "And in case you haven't noticed, they're not exactly in supply in this realm any longer. I believe your grandmother has cornered the market on them."

Kat laughed. "Not entirely. I know one in particular who likes to visit here and who would love to have a chance to go on a feeding frenzy, especially here in Vegas where there are lots of pretty sparklies for her to see."

Damien and Sin exchanged a frown.

"Who is this demon?" Damien asked. "And more important, is she attractive?"

"Oh, she's attractive all right. But I would advise against making a move on her. The last man who did, sadly, ended up dead." Kat pulled the cell phone off Damien's belt and dialed the one and only number that would ring a dainty pink Razr cell phone that was covered with white and pink sparkles.


Kat smiled at the light singsongy voice she knew and loved so well. "Simi? You got some free time?"

Simi made a disgusted sound on the other end. "Of course I do. You know akri on Olympus with that heifer-goddess I want to eat, but he won't let the Simi have no dinner. So why you calling me, little akra-kitty?"

"I'm in Vegas and I find myself in desperate need of a quality demon. Bring your barbecue sauce, hon." Kat smiled in triumph at Sin. "Lots of it."

"Ooo... buffet?"

"Yes, ma'am. As much as you want."

Simi let out an excited squeal. "The Simi is on her way. Lemme pack a few things and I'll be right there."

Kat hung up and handed the phone back to Damien. "One really hungry Charonte coming our way."

Sin nodded, but his face was still dark as he looked down at the box in his palm.

Kat put her hand on him to comfort him. "We'll find your brother, Sin."

His expression made her heart ache. "Yeah, but what exactly are we going to find?"

Her stomach shrank at the thought and she could feel the fury inside him growing. If not for her mother, Sin would have been able to protect his brother and keep him safe. He must be plotting new ways to torture Artemis even as they stood there, and Kat couldn't blame him for it one little bit.

Damien cleared his throat. "It's daylight right now, boss. But tonight we can help you search for him."

Sin shook his head. "You stay out of this. They'll cut through you like butter."

The look on Damien's face said he wasn't a bit afraid.

"What about Savitar?" Kat asked, thinking of someone they might be able to sway to their cause. "Or any of the Chthonians, for that matter? Won't they help?"

"They haven't yet. Since their civil war, all they want to do is guard their own territories and ignore the rest." Sin set the cane down on the floor.

Kat cocked her head, remembering the way Kessar had reacted to it. It alone had given the demon pause. "What is that you're holding? Demon kryptonite?"

"Sort of." He lifted the handle to show her a thin blade, which was exactly what she'd expected it to conceal. "It was created by Anu much like the Atlantean daggers that kill the Charonte. It's how we kept the gallu in line."

Ooo, she liked the sound of that. "You got any more of them?"

"No," he said with a sigh. "After all these centuries, they've become brittle. This is the last one I have, and since Anu isn't around to make any more..."

They were screwed. He didn't have to say the words her mind said them for him. "Would an Atlantean dagger work on them?"

"I don't know. You got one?"

"Not really. I was just thinking out loud. You weren't supposed to call my bluff."

"Sorry to spoil your thinking." Sin turned to Kish, who'd been unbelievably quiet through everything. "Uncover the mirrors throughout the casino. Make sure that we have mirror coating on all the entrances."

Kat frowned. "To keep out the Dark-Hunters?"

"To keep out the gallu. Mirrors show them for what they are. They won't go near one."

Damien snorted. "I like the idea of keeping the Dark-Hunters out better."

Kat gave him an arch look. "I'll bet you do. I'm surprised none of them have been in here cleaning house, so to speak."

"I'm not real friendly to them," Sin said. "The ones here know I own this place and they give it space. After all, unlike true Dark-Hunters, I'm not banned from hitting or killing them, and they know it."

She gave him a sarcastic doe-eyed, worshipful stare. She even folded her hands under her chin and spoke with a fake southern drawl. "You're just such a sweetie pie. I can't imagine why the other Dark-Hunters won't let you play their reindeer games. Shame on them all."

He ignored her except for a little eye rolling. "Damien, keep a watch out for any more gallu until Kish can get the mirrors in place."

"You got it."

Kish headed off toward the nearest wall.

Picking the cane up, Sin turned and headed back for the elevators so quickly that Kat had to practically run to catch up to him.

He didn't speak as he held the door for her. She was rather stunned at his uncharacteristic chivalry.


He inclined his head before he stepped back and let out a long breath. She could sense that he wanted to say something, but at the same time he didn't want to say it. He wouldn't even look her in the eye. There was something so incredibly boyish about his actions. It wasn't like him to be uncertain about anything, and she found it oddly endearing.

While the take-charge Sin was sex on a stick, this one was lovable. Adorable and sweet. A strange dichotomy for the man she was learning.

Alter a few seconds, he gave her a sheepish glance. "Do you have the powers to locate my brother?"

So that was what had bothered him. Sin had asked for her help. It was something she was sure he didn't do often. Heck, from what she'd seen, this could very well be the first time in his life he'd done it. "I wish. Sorry."

He cursed.

"But..." she said, hoping to cheer him, "my grandmother has the sfora. It might be able to locate him."

Sin frowned. "Sfora?"

"It's like a crystal ball. You ask it to show you things and it does. Usually."

There was no missing the relief in those gold eyes. "Would you try for me... please."

The way he added that word said that "please" might be a first for him, too. She had to admit, she liked this side of him. She could actually be friends with this man. "Yes."

Sin offered her a smile he didn't feel. All he could think of was Zakar out there alone. Of him suffering the gods only knew what at the hands of his enemies.

Who knew how long they'd had him. The very thought made Sin's stomach queasy.

How had his brother been captured?

Was Zakar even alive? But as soon as that thought went through Sin, he knew the answer. Of course Zakar was alive. The gallu lived for torture and bloodshed. To have an ancient god under their thumbs would be the bonus round of all time.

Damn them. Sin could barely breathe from the anger that thought ignited.

When Artemis had dumped him in the desert, Zakar had been the one to find him and restore his health. When no one else would come near, Zakar had nourished him back to health and taken him to safety.

And how had he repaid his brother?

He'd let the gallu take him.

Sin deserved to die for the betrayal. If only he could make it up to Zakar, but he knew better. Nothing could make up for torture and pain.

Disgusted with himself, he left the elevator as soon as the doors opened and returned to his penthouse. He leaned the cane against the bar and set the box down before he raked his hands through his hair. He wanted to scream out in frustration.

"Don't worry, Sin. We'll get them." Kat placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

He didn't know how that one touch could soothe him, but somehow it did. More than that, it sent an electric charge through his body that heated him instantly.

And even though his body reacted hungrily to her presence, his intelligence wasn't fooled. In spite of her kindness, there was only one reason for her to be with him right now. "Your mother sent you in to kill me last night, didn't she?"

Kat was shocked by his unexpected question. How had he figured that out? "Excuse me?"

He turned to level a menacing stare at her. "Don't lie to me, Kat. Artemis wants you to kill me. Admit it."

There was no need for dishonesty. Sin had been lied to enough and she wasn't about to continue that trend. "Yeah. She did."

He gave a bitter laugh before he pulled a dagger out of its hidden sheath at his waist.

She held her breath, expecting him to come for her, but he didn't. Instead, he handed it to her.

"If that's your intent then. Go for it. I'm not going to sit around, waiting for your attack when my back is turned. Be a man about it and let's get the fighting over with."

She didn't know why, but she was strangely amused by his demand that she man up and face him. It still didn't change the fact that she had no intention of killing him now.

Kat placed the dagger down on the bar. "I am not my mother, Sin. She doesn't control me."

That seemed to pacify him. At least for a few seconds. "And when I go to kill her? Where will you stand? At my back or in my way?"

She offered him a slight smile. "I don't think you will go after her."

His look was harsh and deadly. "You're going to bet her life on it?"

"Yes. Because you know her death would rupture the fabric of the earth and, unlike her, you're not that selfish." Any time a major god was killed, their powers were released back into the universe. If no one absorbed the powers, they could easily detonate like a nuclear bomb. Especially when the dying god was born of the sun or moon. Those gods had to be protected more than any other.

And since Artemis had absorbed Sin's powers on top of her own, it made her destruction twice as dangerous as that of any other god.

Sin's gaze narrowed. "Maybe I'll absorb her powers and replace her as she did me."

Kat still wasn't buying what he was trying to sell her. "If you knew how to do that, then you'd have done it before now."

Glancing away, he shook his head. "You trust way too easily."

"And you trust not at all."

His face grim, he moved away from her. "You're damned right."

Okay, she'd learned a trigger for the ex-god. Don't even tease about trust. He had issues there.

Wanting to restore the comradery they had almost found before it had veered off the road and careened down the hill where it exploded into flames, she sought to change the subject. "So are you going to show me how to fight those things so that the next time Kessar darkens your door I can make him limp and bleed?" Her words almost got a smile out of him.


"What about the sfora and finding my brother?"

"Hold that thought a second." Kat closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift. She saw her grandmother in her garden and though she wasn't weeping, Kat could feel Apollymi's sadness. Her grandmother wasn't up to receiving visitors just yet and that meant even her alone. She was still angry over Sin's last visit and aching over what had happened to Acheron.

Opening her eyes, Kat gave Sin a pointed stare. "Can we wait a bit? I don't think Grandma wants to see you or me just yet. Give her a little more time... another hour or two, and hopefully this time when we go she won't try to feed you to her demons. Is that okay?"

"Not really. But since I know better than to rush an angry goddess, I'll strive for an ounce of patience."

This was true. "Besides," she added. "We have Simi coming and I think it best we be here when she arrives."

"Yeah," he said with a low laugh. "I definitely don't want a hungry Charonte around my workers and clientele."

It was true. Simi could be a bit ferocious when left on her own. "So are we up for the training?"

He looked at her clothes. "We'll need to get you something else to wear. I don't think that's going to work for training."

Well, it worked for fighting, but she wasn't going to point that out and risk alienating him when she really needed to know how to kill those things that made her skin crawl.

Kat snapped her fingers and her jeans and shirt turned into black workout pants and a black tank top, complete with tennis shoes. "This work?"

"That'll work." He duplicated her gesture of snapping his fingers and his own clothes changed to black sweatpants and a white tank top that only emphasized the dark, sculpted muscles of his body.

Oh yeah, baby... She had to stop herself from sucking her breath in as desire tore through her. Good grief, he was yummy when barely dressed. And it made her wonder how much more yummy he might be naked.

Not to mention, his actions proved that he was a lot more powerful than the average Dark-Hunter. He might not have all his god powers, but he had enough to make him extremely formidable.

Wondering what he was going to show her, she followed him down the hallway to a large exercise room.

Ash groaned in his sleep as his dreams twisted through a hazy mist. He truly hated dreaming. He always had. They never made sense and this one was no more helpful or lucid than any other.

There were two women tormenting him that he didn't know. One was tall and blond. Strangely, she reminded him of Artemis. But it wasn't her. This woman had compassion and gentle eyes. She stood over him with a sad look on her face.

"One day we will know each other..."

Then the other stepped forward, but her face was completely hidden by the mist. Even so, he knew she was angry at him. Furious even as her eyes glared at him through the shadows. "Who do you think you are? I hate you! Get out. I don't ever want to see you again. I hope you get hit by a car in the parking lot. If I'm lucky, it'll even back up over you. Now go!"

The venom of the tone tore through him. What had he done to her? Why would she hate him? All women loved him. They coveted his presence.

But not this one.

She wanted to cut his head off.

Ash woke up in a cold sweat. It took him a minute to realize he was in Artemis's bed, safe from the scalding tongue of his tormentor. Wiping his brow, he sat up slowly, letting the white silk sheets pool around his waist.

Gods, how he hated to sleep. He'd never had a good dream in his entire existence. But at least these weren't focused on his past. They were from somewhere else...


He scowled at Artemis's shriek from the other room. It was followed by the sound of something breaking.

"I did my best."

"You're worthless!"

Ash didn't hear anything else, but he felt like someone had just slammed him against the floor. Every part of his body ached and he had to know why. Getting out of bed, he manifested his clothes on his body before he stalked across the floor and flung the large gold doors open with his thoughts.

Deimos had Artemis pinned to the floor by her throat. "You ever-"

He didn't get a chance to finish his threat before Ash picked him up and tossed him wide. Deimos hit the wall, then the floor. He sprang to his feet, braced for attack until he realized who he was facing.

His lips and nose bleeding, Deimos wiped at his face.

Ash gave him a cold, emotionless stare. "You should leave now. Really."

Deimos spat blood on the white marble floor. His gaze went to Artemis, who was now sitting where Deimos had left her. For once she wasn't looking arrogant. "If you want the bastard dead, Artemis, you should send your pet after him."

Normally Ash would have let such a comment pass without issue. But today it just struck him the wrong way. He threw his hands out and brought Deimos straight into his grip.

"I'm so in the mood to kick someone's ass for no good reason. Glad you dropped by." He kneed Deimos in the stomach, and just when he was going to punch him, Deimos vanished.

"Oh c'mon," Ash said out loud. "Was it something I said?"

As expected, Deimos stayed quiet. One word would have allowed Ash to follow him to his haven and finish it.


Still not appeased, he went to Artemis, who hadn't moved from her spot on the floor. How very strange for her. He clenched his teeth as he saw her throat was red from Deimos's attack and her cheeks were pinkened by anger.

"You all right?" he asked.

"Like you care," she spat in a snit. "You'd just as soon hurt me, too."

He bit back a sarcastic comment of agreement as he saw the pain in her eyes. Even though they'd had a less than idyllic relationship, it wasn't in him to kick her when she was down and hurting. He'd been hurt enough in his life to never want to deal that to someone else.

He sat down beside her on the floor and pulled his knees up to his chest. "So what happened?"

Her sullen pout would have made a toddler proud. "Nothing."

He drew a ragged breath as he saw where this was heading. She wanted to talk, but she was going to make him drag every word out. Lovely. Just how he wanted to spend his time here. Then again, given what she normally did to pass time with him, this was an improvement. "C'mon, Artie. I know better. You sent Deimos after Sin, didn't you?"

Her pout increased before she sniffed. "What choice did I have? You wouldn't do anything."

Would she never grow up? Just once, he'd like to deal with an adult... "I can't while I'm here. You know that. You refused to give me a break to go talk to him."

"You wouldn't do anything even if you weren't here."

Probably true.

She sniffed again and gave him a sideways glare. "No one cares what happens to me."

"Don't, Artemis," he said between clenched teeth. "I don't play that pity game and you know it. If you want Daddy to baby you, he's in the big hall up the hill."

The anger returned to her eyes. "Why do you stay with me if you feel that way?"

Funny, he asked himself that every day. "You know why."

She sidestepped his comment. "You hate me, don't you?"

Sometimes. No, most times. But he felt her current vulnerability and for some reason he could never fathom, he had a need to soothe her. Yeah, he was one sick sonofabitch. "No, Artie, I don't."

"You're lying," she accused. "Don't you think I know the difference?" A single tear slid down her cheek as she stared at him. "You used to hold me like I mattered to you."

She was right, and the sad thing was, back then she'd mattered to him more than his own life. But that had been eleven thousand years ago and many, many things had changed between them. "You used to not beat me, too. Remember?"

Artemis shook her head. "You changed even before that. You were angry at me before you died."

Ash so didn't want to deal with this. His past had been painful enough the first time around. The last thing he wanted to do was relive it in any shape, form, or fashion.

Getting up, he headed back to the bedroom, but Artemis followed him.

"What happened to you?" she asked.

He laughed at the stupidity of that question before he turned around to face her again. She truly looked clueless. "How could you forget? It was the day you told me I was nothing more than a booty call for you. Oh wait... What were the exact words you used? 'If you ever tell anyone about us, I'll have you flayed in my temple until you're bleeding all over my floor.' That was kind of a buzz kill, huh? And then when you fulfilled that promise even when I hadn't breathed a word of us to anyone, it destroyed whatever part of me cared for you, Artemis."

"I apologized for the beating."

Ash winced at her words. Words. Mere words she thought could erase the pain and humiliation he'd suffered because of her. He could still feel the sting of the lash against his naked flesh.

Even now he heard his sister's shrill cry that afternoon when his human father had confronted him over his absence. "Father, stop! He's innocent. He was with Artemis. Tell him, Acheron! For the sake of the gods, tell him the truth so he'll stop this beating."

His human father had knocked him to the ground. He then kicked him onto his hack and pressed his foot to Ash's throat to the point where bile had risen to choke him. "What lies have you told her, maggot?"

Ash had tried to push the foot away, but his father had only pressed it even harder against his windpipe. Speaking had been all but impossible. "Nothing, p-p-please..."

"Blasphemer." His father had stepped back then and left Ash to strangle as he tried so desperately to breathe through his bruised esophagus. "Strip him and drag him to Artemis's temple. Let the goddess witness his punishment and if he really was with her, then I'm sure she'll come to his defense." He'd turned a smug look at Ryssa. "Beat him at the altar until Artemis shows herself."

The humiliation of that day still stung him to the core of his soul. The people who'd cheered for the executioner to strike him harder. The priests who'd slapped him while the executioner had beat him.

The water that had been thrown in his face to revive him whenever he'd passed out from the pain...

Every bit of it was still fresh in his memory.

And Artemis had shown herself all right. But no one other than Ash had seen her there. She'd watched his beating with relish. "I told you what would happen if you betrayed me." Then she'd moved to the beefy executioner who was beating Ash and whispered for him to hit even harder, to make the lashes more severe.

Ash had only been twenty years old at the time.

When it was finally over, and then only because the executioner's arm had gone out, Ash had been left to hang for three days in her temple. No food, no water. No comfort. Naked and bleeding. Aching. Alone. And while he'd hung there, people had come up to spit on him and curse him. They'd pulled his hair and hit him.

Told him he was worth nothing and deserved nothing but what he'd received.

When the priests had finally cut him down, his head had been shaved and they had branded the back of his skull with the bow symbol of Artemis.

Then he'd been dragged in chains behind a horse back to the palace. The ground had reopened his wounds and added even more. By the time he was back in his room, he'd been unable to even speak for the pain. He'd lain on the cold stone floor for days, weeping for the fact that the woman he'd loved so dearly had forsaken him when he'd done nothing wrong. He'd guarded her name to the bitter end.

And she thought a mere apology would ease all of that ... The bitch was crazy.

To this day, Artemis wouldn't tell anyone anything about their relationship. Not that anyone with a brain hadn't guessed it at this point. It'd only been what? Eleven thousand years of her sneaking him into her temple. Eleven thousand years of her abusing him.

They all knew, but none of them let on. It was a stupid game they all played, and for what? For Artemis's vanity.

"Hold me, Acheron," she said with a tremor in her voice.

"Hold me like you used to."

It was all he could do not to shove her away. But that would be cruel, and in spite of what he might wish, he wasn't as cruel as she was.

Instead, he pulled her against him even though his insides cringed.

She sighed dreamily before she wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled against him.

Ash hated her tenderness most of all. It reminded him too much of the dream he'd once had. A dream of her taking his hand in public. Of her smiling at him openly.

As a human, he'd been dumb enough to think that she would cherish him. At least acknowledge his presence.

But instead, he was and had always been her dirty secret. Before his death at the hands of her own brother, Ash hadn't even been allowed to speak her name in public. Never to touch or look at her or walk past her temple. Only in private had she ever acknowledged him.

He'd been so desperate for even that modicum of kindness that he'd accepted it.

"I love you, Acheron."

He ground his teeth at words she didn't even understand.

Love ... yeah. If this was love, he could definitely do without it.

She kissed his lips before she pulled away with a smile. "You always taste like sunshine."

And she always tasted of cold darkness. He let out a tired breath. "Feeling better?"

Rubbing his chest, she nodded. "You look tired, my Acheron.

Go back to bed. I´ll join you shortly."

Yee-flippin'-haw, he thought sarcastically. He couldn't wait for that. It rated right up there with an acid enema. "Where are you going?"

She stood up. "I have something to take care of. But I´ll be right back. Trust me."

Like he had a choice?

"Take your time." If he were lucky, he might actually have a whole grope-free hour.

It was really sad when that was the best thing an all-powerful, immortal god could look forward to.

Artemis smiled at him, before she vanished.

She took herself to the Underworld where the Dolophoni made their home in the darkest part of Hades' domain.

It didn't take her long to find Deimos. He stood before a large bureau of weapons, examining the blade of a small hand axe.

"What are you doing?" she asked, wondering what thought was in his mind.

He looked up at her question. "Testing the blade."

"Shouldn't you be finding Sin?"

He set the blade down but didn't look at her as he brushed his hand over other weapons. "Depends. Is your daughter going to keep getting in my way?"

Her stomach shrank at his words. "Excuse me?"

He turned toward her with a cold, sinister look. "Your daughter. You know, the tall blonde with a body made for sin who has your eyes and her father's powers. You didn't really think I was so stupid that I never knew, did you?"

Artemis couldn't speak. She was only grateful Acheron wasn't here to hear that. He'd kill her.

Deimos narrowed his gaze. "That is why you called me in to kill Sin, isn't it? He learned the truth and now he must die."

She refused to give him anything he could use against her. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you don't." His tone was mocking. He closed the distance between them.

Artemis backed up until she was pressed against the wall.

Deimos gave her a twisted smirk. "So does that mean I have your permission to kill Katra if she gets in the way?"
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