Double Time

Page 27

Trey lifted his hands to her br**sts, rubbing his thumbs over her ni**les.

“You mean he’s not going to leave as soon as he blows his load?” Ethan said.

“Nope. I’ll still be here in the morning,” Trey said. “Have fun at work.”

He heard Ethan say something that sounded a lot like, “Lying bastard,” under his breath before he slammed the door.

“I’m really sorry he’s like that,” Reagan said. “I don’t know why he’s so protective.”

Trey knew, but he wasn’t about to tell Reagan that her roommate was still in love with her. Despite the reduced flow of blood to his brain at the moment, he wasn’t a total idiot.

Reagan lifted her hips until Trey fell free of her body and then flopped down on the bed beside him. “What a mood killer! God, I could strangle him right now.”

Trey didn’t think it would be too hard to get her back in the mood. He rolled on top of her and cradled her face between both hands. “Forget about him,” Trey murmured and kissed her lips. His hands moved in perfect unison as he caressed her br**sts, her sides, her hips. His mouth moved to suckle her jaw, her throat, her earlobe. When her tension faded and her body relaxed again, he took his c**k in his hand and directed it inside her. He dug his toes into the mattress and possessed her with those hard, deep, slow thrusts he’d been promising her all day. Her hands explored his back and butt as he drove himself into her.

“Look at me, Trey,” she whispered.

He shook his head. He never looked his lovers in the eye when he was joined with them.

“Trey,” she said more firmly. “Look at me.”

He lifted his head to glare at her. She smiled gently, her steady gaze locking with his. He couldn’t look away. Didn’t want to look away. He saw her. Not as just a body to sate his lust or a personality to amuse him, but all of her. Reagan. The pleasure in his groin intensified. He didn’t understand it at first. Why his heart was pounding so hard. Why he wanted to do more than f**k her. He wanted to possess her. Why he couldn’t look away from her eyes. Why he felt so alive and excited and afraid all at once. That emotional connect that he never allowed himself to feel? He felt it. He felt it in Reagan. With Reagan. And for some reason he liked it.

He buried his hands in her hair and tilted her head back, still staring into her eyes. He allowed himself to become immersed in her. Not just his body, but his heart, his soul, his thoughts and emotions. She awakened something within him. Something he’d been denying himself for far too long.

“Why do I feel this way?” he whispered. He hadn’t meant to, but once he’d said it, he hoped she could give him an answer, because he was at a total loss.

“What way?”

He wasn’t sure how to explain it to her. “Like… like this is important.”

“That it means something?”

He nodded slightly and continued to stare down at her, waiting for her to elucidate him.

“I don’t know, Trey, maybe you’re in love with me.”

He would have laughed at how preposterous that teasing statement was, if it hadn’t hit so close to his suspicions. “Maybe,” he whispered and closed his eyes so the emotions didn’t overwhelm him and he could enjoy the pleasure her body offered.

Trey knew he couldn’t fall in love with someone in one day. It wasn’t possible. Yes, it had been that way with Brian, but he’d been young and impressionable. They’d been friends for years before his feelings had changed with one stolen kiss. Trey was older now. Wiser. He couldn’t actually be in love with her already, but he did feel something. Something was a hell of a lot more than the nothing he usually felt.

Trey moved faster within her, seeking release so he could finish this and return to that uninvolved state he felt after having sex with someone. He was now quite sure that he wasn’t ready to get involved with anyone. Especially not with a woman who made him feel this much this quickly. And definitely not so soon after giving up on Brian. He wasn’t ready for another emotional attachment yet. He had to get away before she broke his heart. He’d never given anyone but Brian that power over him before.

“What’s wrong?” Reagan whispered. Her lips brushed his jaw.

“Nothing,” he lied.

“Something’s wrong. You’ve lost your rhythm.”

He hadn’t even noticed. Not only did she make him feel too much, but she obliterated his concentration. “Sorry.” He’d never apologized in the bedroom in his life. What in the hell was wrong with him?

“Maybe if you’d stop fighting it.”

He paused and stared down at her. “Fighting what?”

“The connection between us.”

“I’m not fighting anything.”

She smiled slightly. “If you say so.”

She planted both hands on his chest and pushed at him until he pulled out with a grimace. She rolled him onto his back. “Let yourself feel it, Trey. Feel me.”

She stroked his chest with both palms.

“I want to be close to you,” she said. “Will you let me? Even if it means I’ll get my heart broken later, it’s worth it.”

“I won’t hurt—”

“Shh,” she murmured, her lips moving to his chest to suckle kisses across his skin. “No words, Trey, just feel.”

Just feel. She made it sound so easy. He felt her touch, the warmth of her body, the tickle of her bangs as they trailed down his belly. He felt affection for her—a bubbly warmth in his chest. Beneath her touch, he felt desire and need. When she moved to straddle his hips and directed him back into her warmth, he felt blinding pleasure. And more. He’d experienced the same thing as he stared into her eyes the first time their bodies had joined. He eased his eyes open a crack and found that she was staring at him as she rose and fell over his body. He closed his eyes again, his heart thudding like mad in his chest. She gently brushed her fingertips over his quivering belly as she rode him with a slow, steady rhythm. It scared the hell out of him to know she was looking for an emotional connection, not a quick and easy release. He was sure a lot of his lovers had wanted the same, but he’d never even considered it before. Before now.

He took her ass in both palms and massaged its cheeks as she rose and fell over him. Her motions became more sensual as she churned above him. His thoughts scattered as nothing but pleasure mattered.

“Trey,” she gasped.

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