Double Time

Page 38

Brian’s gaze followed Reagan’s to the bathroom door. His face twisted as if he were in pain and he groaned. “The doctor said I can’t f**k Myrna for six weeks. I’m going to die.”

Trey wasn’t sure how Brian could even think about Myrna in a sexual capacity after watching her give birth. If Trey ever decided to have kids, he would insist his woman have a C-section. Just the memory of natural childbirth had Trey a bit woozy.

“When do we get to lose the seat belts?” Reagan asked.

“They’ll announce it,” Brian said. He lifted his phone to give it a look of longing before tucking it back in his pocket.

“So how did you meet your wife?” Reagan asked. She sure knew how to earn brownie points with Brian.

Brian grinned. “She saw me fall off a table in a hotel bar and still thought I was hot enough to take up to her room.”

“And then she pushed him away for months,” Trey added. At the time Trey had been torn between wanting Brian to be happy by winning Myrna’s affection and wanting him to give up on her so he might have a fighting chance. The thing was, besides the two times that he and Brian had gone all the way in high school, they’d never been intimate again. Not for Trey’s lack of trying. It was as if Brian had checked homosexual experience off his life’s to-do list and never really thought about it again. Trey, on the other hand, had been hung up on the experience for over ten years. He was lucky that Brian had patience. He had to know that Trey still wanted him, and Brian never intentionally hurt him. Instead Brian seemed content for Trey to outgrow his infatuation. Maybe it would have been easier if Brian had just shredded Trey’s heart and left him to wallow in despair for a few months instead of that constant ignore-the-situation-and-it-will-go-away stance he’d taken. Trey didn’t blame Brian though. He knew how important their friendship was to him. It was as equally important to Trey. If Brian had treated him any differently, their friendship might have dissolved as well, and that might have hurt their music. Trey supposed that waiting it out had worked eventually. Maybe. His heart still fluttered every time he looked at Brian. He still thought about how connected he’d felt to the man the first time they’d made love, and how that connection had somehow lasted for twelve years.

He glanced at Reagan and found her watching him closely. Had he been staring at Brian with open longing? Shit. If he wasn’t careful, she’d figure out that he was interested in men. He smiled at her and she offered him an answering smile. The connection he’d forged with her the night before returned to the forefront of his mind. He wondered if he’d carry a torch for her forever the same way he carried a torch for the first man he’d ever felt that connection with. The idea scared him, yet if she embraced it, instead of ignoring it, maybe they could build something substantial. Trey didn’t know if he could handle another one-sided love affair. There was one significance difference in this relationship. Reagan was interested in him. He had to trust her intentions.

“We’re now at cruising altitude,” the pilot said over the intercom. “Feel free to move about the cabin. Help yourself to anything in the galley.”

Reagan removed her seat belt and slid onto Trey’s lap. “Do you count as something in the galley?” she asked. “I’d like to help myself to you.”

“Technically I’m not in the galley, but you can still help yourself.”

Reagan stole a kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck. “I’m so lucky,” she whispered in his ear.

His hand slid up her shirt to slide over the bare skin of her side.

Brian sighed. “Don’t mind me.”

“In the good old days I would have asked you to join us. Now you’re all married and boring,” Trey said, peering around Reagan to see if his taunt had wiped the scowl from Brian’s handsome face.

“What I wouldn’t give for a time machine,” Reagan said.

Brian smirked and shook his head. “Go on. Have fun. I’ll sit here and mope a while longer.”

Reagan unfastened Trey’s seat belt and climbed to her feet. She leaned over him and spoke into his ear, not quietly enough to exclude Brian, so Trey could only conclude that she was trying to tease Brian out of his funk. “I’ll go into the bathroom. You come join me in a couple of minutes so no one will suspect anything.”

“Yeah, okay. Good plan,” he said with a chuckle.

He watched her walk down the wide aisle and close herself in the bathroom.

“She’s cute,” Brian said. “Kind of a tomboy, but I can see why you like her.”

“Does it bother you?” Trey asked.

“Does what bother me?”

“That I have a steady girlfriend.”

“It’s a little sudden, but of course it doesn’t bother me. I’m happy for you. I hope it works out. You deserve the love of a good woman.”

Trey wasn’t sure why that made him a little sad. He wanted Brian to like Reagan. He also wanted Brian to be insanely jealous and tell him he wasn’t allowed to love anyone but him. He knew it was f**ked up to still feel that way, but at least he no longer wanted to feel that way. That was progress, wasn’t it?

“I’ll try not to make her scream too loud.”

Brian chuckled. “Fuck her brains out. You know I wouldn’t consider your misery if our positions were reversed.”

Positions reversed? Trey pictured himself dragging Brian into the bathroom. Shoving him against the wall. Taking everything he wanted from him. Trey bit his lip and rose from his seat, hoping Brian didn’t notice how hard he was all of a sudden. Of course, Brian would probably think he was hard for Reagan, not him. Trey’s desire was as f**ked up as his feelings were. He had a lot of work to do.

He retrieved a strip of condoms from a box in the paper sack he’d brought onboard and headed for the bathroom. He knocked and then opened the door. Entirely naked, Reagan reached into the corridor and jerked him into the small bathroom before securing the door behind him. The lavatory was a bit larger than a standard airplane bathroom, but not by much. Trey pressed her against the wall behind the door and claimed her mouth with a deep, seeking kiss. He needed that senseless, disconnected release he was accustomed to. He didn’t give her time to draw him out of his shell this time. He squeezed her br**sts and then released his belt and the fly of his jeans. He tore his mouth away from hers long enough tear a condom open with his teeth.

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