Double Time

Page 50

Four songs and two encores later, the lights went down for the last time. The second Trey stepped off the stage, Reagan pounced on him. He was always sexy, but watching him onstage had saturated her panties and reinforced her love for him. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted you this badly.”

“Oh yeah?” he murmured close to her throbbing ear. Even with the headphones the music had been loud.

She grabbed two fistfuls of his T-shirt and started walking backward, too fixated on Trey to even care if things were in her way. “I don’t even need foreplay.”

He chuckled and gave her a kiss on the temple. “I’m going to go take a shower in the dressing room before we head out.”

“Can I join you?”

“Next time. We have an appearance at a mall tomorrow, so we need to leave as soon as possible. Even before the equipment is packed up. I need to hurry.”

“So take a shower on the bus. Preferably after we spend a couple hours in the back bedroom. Unless Eric and Rebekah…”

“Rebekah is riding on the other bus tonight. She has to help tear down the sound equipment. That bedroom is all ours. Why don’t you go change the sheets on the bed?”

Reagan scowled. “Are you rejecting me?”

He laughed. “Not in a million years, baby. I just need to cool down a little.”

“I like you hot.”

“Do you like me having heat stroke? I need too cool off. I’m so overheated I’m nauseous.”

She wanted him desperately and it was as if he’d totally lost interest. “Fine, go take your shower.”

He kissed her gently and left her standing in the corridor outside the dressing room. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the closed door. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was avoiding her or hiding something from her. He probably just needed a moment to himself. And that’s all he was getting. A moment. If he wasn’t on the bus by the time she changed the sheets, she would drag his wet, naked body to the bus no matter how much he protested.

“Real classy, Reagan,” she said to herself as she shuffled toward the bus, not sure why she was off to change the sheets without his assistance. The guy already had her wrapped around his finger.

Chapter 13

Trey closed the dressing room door and leaned against it. He’d like to say he was surprised to see the gorgeous, naked man waiting for him, but he wasn’t. It’s the reason why he’d had to talk Reagan into going to the bus without him. Jake had alerted him to this situation right after the show when Trey had handed his guitar to him. If it had been a woman waiting for him in the dressing room, he would have brought Reagan in to make sure his past lover knew that he was serious, but since it was a guy… Well, Reagan didn’t need to know this man rocked Trey’s world every time he came to Topeka.

Trey had spent the hours Reagan had been learning about guitar technicians contacting his usual Topeka entourage and telling them not to come backstage. He’d even taken their names off the guest list. He wasn’t sure how Xavier had managed to get past security.

“Can’t do this tonight, Xavier,” Trey said.

Xavier pouted. “What are you talking about? We do this every time you come to town.”

“I’m in a relationship right now. Put your clothes on.” Trey stared at the floor, not wanting to look at Xavier’s lean body or admit that it turned him on.

“A relationship? What kind of a relationship?” Xavier asked.

Trey forced himself to look into Xavier’s dark eyes. “A serious one.”

Xavier chuckled. “You don’t do serious relationships, Trey. If you did, I wouldn’t be satisfied having you only a few nights a year.”

“Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Get dressed and leave so I don’t have to call security.”

“Now you’re threatening to call security? You don’t have to make up stories to get me to leave. If you’re no longer attracted to me, just say so.”

The problem was Trey was still attracted to him and knowing that he couldn’t have him made Trey want him even more. The man had the most luscious and sensual lips on the planet. Trey could almost feel them against the back of his shoulder and at his nape. And Xavier’s hands. His firm grip always stroked Trey to orgasm within minutes. Trey tried looking anywhere but at Xavier’s proud, rigid cock, but his eyes seemed to have a mind of their own. Trey wanted to be possessed by this man, not in the spiritual way that Reagan possessed him, but the physical way that she couldn’t.

Xavier approached slowly. He moved like a cat, his graceful limbs drawing him across the room in long, fluid strides. A long-distance runner, Xavier had a lean, athletic build that made Trey’s belly quiver. “Why do you lie to me, Trey Mills? I see the way you look at me. I know you want me.”

Trey shook his head. “I am in a relationship,” he said. “Reagan is… Reagan is… Reagan…” Xavier was standing so close that Trey could feel his body heat, smell the mix of aftershave, cocoa butter, and arousal on him. His dark skin looked so warm and smooth and inviting, especially the hard c**k situated inches from prodding Trey in the belly.

“A woman?” Xavier laughed. “And you are monogamous with her? This woman?”

Trey nodded.

“How long have you been together with her?”

Trey almost didn’t want to admit the truth. He’d only been with Reagan a short while and he was already craving some man-on-man action. It didn’t help that Xavier was one of his favorite lovers, and he usually looked forward to their times together. “Three days.”

Xavier cupped Trey’s face and ran his thumb over his cheek. “So new. How sweet. I will wait for you to return to me next time. I am a patient man, but also logical. A man who likes c**k as much as you do will never survive a monogamous relationship with a woman.”

“I really care about her,” Trey said. He did. Xavier was wrong. Trey would make it work with Reagan. He just needed someone to keep the naked men out of his dressing room and things would go much better. Out of sight, out of dirty mind.

“She’s a lucky woman. You should tell her I said that.”

Not in ten million years.

Trey slid around Xavier’s tall body and headed for the connecting bathroom. “I expect you to be gone by the time I’m done showering.”

Xavier groaned. “You test a man to his limits, Trey. That might be why I’m so in love with you.”

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