Dragon Actually

Page 7

He reached the entrance and stepped in. She stopped dead in her tracks and waited.

Fearghus didn’t say anything. He wanted to see her reaction. She didn’t speak for several moments. Then, “I’m freezing me tits off. Where are the books?”

Fearghus blinked. “‘I’m freezing me tits off,’” he mimicked back to her.

Annwyl shrugged. “I’ve been with my troops for over two years now,” she muttered as if that explained everything.

Fearghus motioned to a corner of the room. “The books are over there.” He watched her clamber over gold, jewels, and the other riches he’d claimed over many, many years. She reached the books and examined them closely.

“So do you like to read or are you desperately bored?”

“No. I’m not bored at all. I’m actually enjoying myself quite a bit. It’s nice and quiet here.” She grabbed two books. “And I love to read. To learn. I should have been a scholar.”

“Why aren’t you?”

She shrugged as she walked back over the riches as if she stepped on old stones. “My father had other plans for me. He thought I’d make a fine noble’s bride.”

Fearghus couldn’t stop the laugh that burst from his snout. Annwyl glared at him. “Well thank you very much!”

“I mean no offense. I simply don’t see you worrying about the supplies for the kitchens or whether you’ll breed a son to carry on the family line.”

“Really? And what do you see for me?”

“Exactly what you’re doing now. Protecting your people from a tyrant.”

She smiled and he felt pride for causing it. She began to head back toward where she slept.



“Wouldn’t you like some clothes?”

“You have clothes?” He motioned to several chests buried in a corner. She handed the two books to him and descended on the wooden boxes. She dug through the clothes quickly. She ignored the beautiful and richly made gowns, tossing them aside like a wench’s bar dress. But when she discovered a chest filled with men’s clothes, she began to take several articles for herself. Several pairs of breeches, shirts, and leather boots that she held up against her rather sizable feet to make sure they would fit.

Once she had what she needed, she took her new clothes and books, and headed out of the cave.

“Well, come on then,” she barked lightly at him.

And, like some idiot human, he followed her back to her room. Once there she dropped the clothes and books on her bed and the fur covering to her feet.

Fearghus tried his best not to watch her naked body. But he sadly failed in the attempt. He couldn’t help himself. She was beautiful and strong. A fierce warrior with the scars to show it. He desperately wanted to lick every one of those marks.

She pulled on a pair of breeches that were the right length for her, but a little big. When she turned around, showing her beautiful large br**sts, he barely bit back his groan in time. She ripped one of the shirts into long, wide strips, her chest moving seductively in time with her actions. When done, she used the strips to wrap around her br**sts, binding them in place. She pulled another plain shirt on over her head, pulled on the boots and stood before the dragon.

“Well? What do you think?”

I think you’re the most amazing female I’ve ever met. And I would like to f**k you all night long. Bend over.

“What do I think about what?”

She sighed. “Typical male.”

* * *

Annwyl sat on her bed and rubbed her eyes. Her side ached. Her body cold. But she finally had clothes.

“What’s wrong?” She looked up long enough to see the dragon settle down in the chamber, watching her. She found him doing that often.

“Just thinking about my men.”

“You are truly worried about them?”

Annwyl nodded. She closed her eyes again and rubbed her palms against them. It helped to relieve the ache that started in her head when she fell to the floor. “They are all good, strong men. But my brother’s troops . . .”

“Outnumber you?”

“Aye. Even with the help from the other kingdoms, my brother still has more troops. More supplies. More everything.” She lowered her hands. “And we have. . . .” She turned her eyes to the dragon and stopped.

Then she smiled.

If Fearghus were human, he would have run from the room simply from the expression on her beautiful face. He knew what she was thinking. So he decided to end this now. “No.”

“I haven’t asked you anything yet.”

“But you’re going to, and the answer is no.”

She released a frustrated little growl. “Why?”

“I don’t involve myself in the petty problems of men.”

“But I’m a woman.” She smiled again, and he would have laughed if he weren’t so annoyed.

“That you are. And the answer is still no.”

She pushed herself off the bed. “We could help each other.”

“Wouldn’t you rather just take all my gold and jewels, kill me in my sleep, and be done with it?”

She dismissed the riches he offered with a wave of her hand. “Gold I have. I need your power, dragon.”

“No.” He watched her walk around the cave floor, impressed with how quickly her body was healing. She already appeared stronger, which only seemed to make her more determined.

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