Dragon Actually

Page 95


“We’re waiting for you two downstairs.” She smiled as Rhiannon stirred awake next to him. “I think we have a plan.”

Chapter 11

Bercelak, in his finest dragon armor, led a still-human Rhiannon to stand before her mother, while Queen Addiena watched them in smug silence. As always, her dragon guards hovered close, watching the pair with wary eyes.

A collar around her neck, and cuffs around her wrists and ankles, with a silver chain running through the loop on each and clasped firmly in his claw, kept her in complete control.

Bercelak bowed low before the queen, resisting his urge to look at Rhiannon. The family had decided that any eye contact between the lovers would be a bad idea. They said the couple’s feelings for each other showed too brightly to hide from Addiena.

“My Queen. I present to you, Princess Rhiannon.”

“Ahhhh,” the queen sighed out while staring coldly at her own daughter. “I knew you’d be the right one for her, Bercelak. Look how she’s finally learned her place.”

“No female comes to my bed, Majesty, without learning that I am master.”

Rhiannon’s head dipped even lower and he knew she was doing her best to hold in the laughter. Mad bitch, he thought with a hidden smile.

“Good. Good.” She walked closer to the pair. “I knew you’d never disappoint me, Battle Lord.”

The queen slithered closer—and it was a “slither,” Bercelak noted—causing Rhiannon’s body to tense up.

“We have much to discuss, you and I, Bercelak.”

“Of course, my Queen. But first, as tradition dictates, I’ve brought my father with me to meet my intended mate’s . . . kin.” Gods, he’d almost said “victim.”

At his words, Addiena’s head snapped up and her eyes found Ailean immediately. Human, the older dragon wore a lush, blue cape that covered him from head to toe and matched his hair color.

Once the old bitch saw him, she couldn’t turn away. She was mesmerized by him and Bercelak realized then that his father had been right . . . all of this had very little to do with him and Rhiannon and everything to do with the love one dragon had for another.

He understood that feeling. He had it for Rhiannon. The only difference . . . Rhiannon returned that love. Ailean had love only for Bercelak’s mother, which was why Addiena hated them all.

Rhiannon peeked up from under her hair and watched her mother walk around them to face Ailean.


With a small bow of his head, “My Queen.”

“Now, now, Ailean. Is that title necessary between old friends? I’ll always be Addiena to you, yes?”

Unable to help herself, Rhiannon rolled her eyes and Bercelak gave a sharp tug on her chain to remind her that at the moment she was all contriteness and submission. It wasn’t easy, though. Especially when all she really wanted to do was punch her mother in the face.

“You know, Addiena, I had to take this opportunity to see you again. It’s been so long.”

Her mother practically melted at Ailean’s words and Rhiannon’s heart went out to her long-dead father. She could only hope he had or would meet his true life mate in the next world since clearly he hadn’t in this one.

“I’ve missed seeing you, Addiena,” Ailean continued. His voice was like the sweetest honey. Low and deep, making anyone listening think about f**king. Lots and lots of f**king. “Gods, you’re still so beautiful. But . . .”

“But? But what?” And Rhiannon could hear the desperation in her mother’s voice.

“Would you shift for me? Would you show me your human form once again? I did always love looking at you as human.”

Rhiannon didn’t turn around, but she felt the flames heralding her mother’s shift. Now she was as human as Rhiannon, shocking her daughter. It may have been centuries since last the bitch shifted to human.

The guards, clearly also concerned by this sudden event, moved closer to their queen.

“I thought you’d come to see me much sooner than this, Ailean.”

“I know. But with fifteen offspring to raise, I lacked time. My mate needed me.”

Addiena snarled and suddenly her mother moved in Rhiannon’s line of sight. Gods, the old bitch was beautiful as human. Perhaps even more beautiful than Shalin . . . and how that must have nettled her mother no end.

“Ah, yes. Your mate,” she sneered. “How is dear Shalin?”

“She is well. And very happy.”

Addiena’s eyes narrowed dangerously and Rhiannon knew they were quickly running out of time. “Is she?”

“Aye.” Ailean stepped in front of the queen. His big hands reached out and gently caressed her face, her neck, and although her mother did her best to keep her growing anger hot, apparently she couldn’t ignore how those hands stroking her made her feel.

Rhiannon watched silently as Ailean kissed her mother’s forehead, her cheeks, her nose while he slowly stepped forward. Lost to the feel of him, Addiena didn’t even pay attention to where he led her.

“You know, Addiena, Shalin always regretted how the two of you ended your friendship.”

Friendship? What bloody friendship? Damn! And things were just getting interesting!

“That was her choice, Ailean. How was I to know she wanted you for herself?”

“That no longer matters, my dearest. But she did send you a gift.”

Leaning her head back so that Ailean could kiss her throat, “Gift? What gift?” she moaned.

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