Dreams Made Flesh

Page 64

His temper strained at the leash. “So far, whoever is playing this game has used nothing but words. Once the announcement of our intended marriage is made—”

“The game may turn physical. I’m aware of that.”

“I can take care of myself.”

“But you don’t think I can. Not having my full strength physically doesn’t make me weak.”

But you’re not as strong as you used to be—and we don’t really know how strong you are. “I’m aware of that.”

When she squirmed, he tightened his hold, thinking she was trying to move away from him. But she only freed her left hand from the folds of the cape and held it up.

“What does this ring mean, Daemon?”

“My promise to honor, cherish, and protect.”

“Besides that.”

He studied her face, trying to discern what she wanted him to say.

“Partnership,” Jaenelle said quietly. “You went to Hayll and played out a vicious game to distract Dorothea and Hekatah because that’s what I needed you to do. And it cost you. Don’t think I’m not aware of how much it cost you, Prince.”

“That was different.” Remembering the emotional cruelty he’d inflicted on his family in order to keep them from physical harm made his chest tighten, made it hard to breathe.

“Yes, it was different,” Jaenelle said. “This isn’t about serving in a court. This isn’t about saving a Realm from being shattered by war. This is personal. Someone is going after you. And whether you like it or not, you are not going to play out this game alone.”

Jaenelle would protect anyone she loved, no matter the price. If he refused to let her help, she would go off on her own to find whoever was playing games with his life. At least if they stayed together, he could protect her while she was trying to protect him.

“All right, partner,” he said. “What did you have in mind?”

She frowned. “I’m not sure yet. But we’ll think of some way to find the source of the rumors being spread about you.” Then she looked at him through her lashes. “So, who’s going to tell Mrs. Beale she’s got a month to plan a wedding feast?”

Hell’s fire. Mrs. Beale was a marvelous cook. She also had what he considered an unnatural relationship with her meat cleaver. Since he’d inherited SaDiablo Hall, he had gained a finer appreciation of why his father had stayed away from anything to do with the kitchen unless cornered. The woman was downright scary at times.

The fact that she and Beale, the Hall’s butler, were happily married was something he tried not to think about because it made him wonder things about Beale he’d rather not wonder.

“If we both went to Amdarh, we could just write her a note,” Jaenelle said.

He looked at Jaenelle. She looked at him.

“Good idea,” he said.

That settled, she snuggled against him and slept for the rest of the journey.


*High Lord?*

Ladvarian’s suppressed excitement made Saetan’s nerves twang, but he continued warming a glass of yarbarah as if he had no concerns. “Lord Ladvarian. What brings you to the Keep?”

*There’s something you should know. But it’s a secret.*

Comfortably settled in a window seat, Saetan watched as twilight faded the colors in the small garden beyond the room Draca had given him to use as a study.

The daughter of his soul and the son of his blood had married yesterday. He’d told Ladvarian he was delighted, and he was. But in the privacy of his own heart, he could acknowledge a nip of hurt that he hadn’t been asked to witness that bond. A father’s wish to share the important moments in his children’s lives.

And yet, he understood the reason behind this secret wedding. It didn’t matter that Jaenelle was no longer the Queen of Ebon Askavi. Her decision to take a husband would create ripples throughout Kaeleer. Even if the guest list was contained to the Blood who had made up the First and Second Circles of the Dark Court, it would take weeks to plan the celebration that would follow the simple ceremony. For two people who wanted, or needed, to make a formal commitment to each other now, waiting in order to plan a party would have been intolerable.

Especially for Daemon. Because Daemon Sadi’s loyalty began and ended with Jaenelle Angelline. The fact that someone was trying to give Jaenelle a reason to break all ties with him indicated the Blood in Dhemlan still didn’t realize the kind of man they were dealing with. And that frightened him. The only thing restraining the power and temper of a Black-Jeweled Warlord Prince was a woman whose own power was, as yet, undetermined. If the rumors spreading through Amdarh and, by now, through the other courts in Dhemlan, provoked Daemon into striking out indiscriminately, there was no one, including himself, strong enough to stop him.

The bloodbath could be horrific.

So it was prudent of Jaenelle to marry Daemon in a way that required little fuss to give him the assurance that he wouldn’t lose her.

Saetan scrubbed his hands over his face and sighed. With things balanced so precariously right now and so dependent on Daemon’s state of mind, he just wished he had the answer to the question the coven, the boyos, and even Lucivar had been asking over the past few months.

If the kindred had truly succeeded in holding onto Jaenelle so that she would heal and come back to all of them, why had she come back different?



Lektra dropped her cup, oblivious of the tea seeping into the white tablecloth as she twisted around to stare at the two women seated at the next table in the dining house.

“I—I beg your pardon,” Lektra stammered. “I didn’t mean to overhear your conversation, but . . . Daemon Sadi is getting married?”

The woman Lektra recognized as the Priestess in Zhara’s First Circle nodded. “Lady Angelline and Prince Sadi came to Lady Zhara’s court this morning and announced they were going to marry in a month.”

“But I . . . I thought Lady Angelline was an invalid.” Lektra gripped the back of her chair so the other women wouldn’t see her hands shaking.

Looking puzzled, the Priestess shook her head. “I don’t know where you heard that, but she’s not an invalid, although she looks like she’s still recovering from her injuries.” She paused. “There were some disturbing rumors about Prince Sadi’s fidelity, but he was very solicitous with his Lady, doing and saying everything one would expect of an ardent lover.”

“Perhaps doing and saying it too well?” the Priestess’s companion asked.

The Priestess gave her friend a sharp look. “He was concerned for her well-being—as he should be.”

Lektra forced herself to smile and turn away just as a waiter hurried to her table to vanish the soiled tablecloth, replace it with a clean one, and bring her another cup of tea. As much as she wanted to hear about her unfaithful lover’s performance while he’d been visiting Zhara’s court, it wouldn’t do to make anyone wonder about her interest.

She picked at the meal she’d ordered, no longer taking pleasure in the food, too aware of the women at the other table. Finally, feeling too ill to continue pretending, she paid for her meal and hurried out of the dining house, wanting nothing more than the sanctuary of her own home.


“What’s wrong with that bitch?” Lektra snarled as she paced her sitting room. “Doesn’t she have any pride? She must have heard that he’s been unfaithful to her. She should have severed whatever ties still hold him to her.”

Roxie, curled in one corner of the sofa, selected another chocolate from the large box on the table. “Have you seen her?” She made a disgusted sound. “Even if he was unfaithful and having sex with six other women every day, she wouldn’t let Daemon go if he’s still willing to service her. What other man would want her?”

“But he’s going to marry her!” Lektra’s hands clenched. “He’s supposed to want me. He’s supposed to love me.” How dare he disappoint her when she was counting on having the strongest, most beautiful man in the Realm as her lover? How could he even think of staying with Jaenelle when she loved him so desperately?

Roxie frowned. “Maybe we can give him a reason to walk away from her.”

Or maybe it’s time to take a more direct approach to the problem. “I’m going out,” Lektra said, hurrying toward the door. Her Summer-sky Jewels were strong enough for what she had in mind. And with luck, there would be some tragic news for people to discuss over dinner tonight.


Wrapping one arm around Jaenelle, Daemon tucked her closer to his right side as the horse-drawn cab headed out of the shopping district.

Jaenelle said, “We could—”




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